ActionScript 3.0 :: Values In Variable After User Contact Inside MovieClip

May 19, 2011

I want to know if I have variables inside amovie clip that get some values after user contact and I want to use this values in other frames in the main timeline.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Send Variable Values Inside A Movieclip?

Feb 17, 2009

how to send variable values inside a movieclip, to the main scope (main timeline)?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Changing Variable Values Inside Of An Array?

Aug 28, 2011

I am trying to create a dialogue system for a game that references lines of dialogue to be displayed from an array.Example:

var myArray:Array = new Array("My name is David.","I am a noob at actionscript.");

This all works fine, but what I really want to do is have the name "David" be a variable so that the user can change. The issue is that the array seems to convert any string variables into their string value so when they are referenced they only appear as the initial value of the variable.

var myName:String = "Empty";
var myArray:Array = new Array("My name is "+myName+".","I am a noob at actionscript.");
//user does something to change the variable myName


Output: My name is Empty.,I am a noob at actionscript.When what I want is for it to say: My name is Jones.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Trace() A Variable Nested Inside Another Clip That Is Created At Run Time By The User?

Dec 21, 2009

on my stage i have 24 instance MC Page created at runtime (when cliked the button execute 24 instance MC Page from the library). Each of those MC Page create an xml  with infos (not important), this variable_XML created is nested inside each MC Page.. From my stage i want to call each XML from each MC Page  for make 1 unic  big xml, then send it to the server.
So from the main stage i created a button that call each xml of each MC Page (there is a definit number of Page only 24, no more, no less). So when the 24 instances of the MC Page are created I push there instance name inside an Array "Page_Array". Now in my function exportxml i use get ChildByName(Page_array[number]) for find them then i can apply my method to the according MCPage.. Until here no problem, trace( work. but when i try to get my variable inside the MC Page : trace(dispObject.my_variableXML), it doesnt work..
here is my function (only 1 page for this example ):
function exportxml(evt:MouseEvent):void {    dispObject=getChildByName(Page_Array[0]);    trace(; //trace  Page1      trace(dispObject.my_variableXML);// here it dont trace the variableXML
normally if i trace(Page1.my_variableXML); , it should trace "my_varableXML"  no ??

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Movieclip Inside Movieclip Variable Not Defined

May 17, 2011

I am brand new to AS3 and just about muddled through with AS2. I have a problem which should have a simple solution but everything I try gives errors.I had a load of buttons on the main timline which worked fine. I have moved a load of them into another movieclip called flyoutMenu. Now none work and I get the error:Error #1065: Variable about is not defined.This is the code stripped down to one button:[code]

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Passing Values In A Variable In A Movieclip To Objects On Main Frame?

Jul 11, 2010

im trying this every which way.creating global variables etc.I have a movie clip with a text area (lets call it txttest)there is text inside it which i want to send from this movieclip on the main frame to a text area (lets call that one txttestB) on the main frame. Whatever i try i get undefined in the text area on the main frame.I have tried this...

_global.selectedcompany = txttest.text;
_root.txttestB.text = _global.selectedcompany;

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Input Text Area Values For Contact Form

Oct 9, 2009

I have a Input text area set up for a contact form. I want the area to display "Email", and for the alpha to be 50%. When you click on the text field to put in your email address, I want the original value to be removed and for the alpha to reset to 100%. I've been able to accomplish this fine so far using the code below; the problem is that I only want the value to become blank again if the user hasn't entered in information yet (this way if the user wants to come back and change something, it won't all be deleted when the text area is clicked on). I tried using an "if" statement, but Flash seems to just ignore it and perform the function either way.

Here is the code that I came up with:
email.text = "email";
email._alpha = 50;
email.onSetFocus = function() {
email.text = "";
email._alpha = 100;
[Code] .....

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How To Pass Variable From Inside MovieClip Into Another One

Sep 29, 2011

I am creating a quiz and I set one quiz block with questions into a movieclip. When the person answers the correct answer I want it to add to a counter and pass that value onto the next movieclip. So movieclip one is added to the stage it does something then adds a counter. Then moves to the next frame and movieclip2 is added to the stage. It does something and add to the same counter variable from movieclip1. And so on and so on until no more movieclips.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Creating A Variable Inside A MovieClip?

Aug 5, 2009

I need to create a variable inside a MoveClip. The easiest way to do this is to click on a movieclip in the editor and just enter the actionscript on a frame, but because i'm doing this with dynamically created movieclips i need to do it with actionscript.
PS: I'm doing it for sorting purposes in a slideshow.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Load Outside Variable Inside Movieclip?

Apr 18, 2004

I have a movie clip that needs to load an outside Variable and I know how to do it if the Variable is in the main time line.

Main TimeLine:
timedelay = 5;
timedelay = _root.timedelay

What I can not figure out is how to load a variable in a movie clip that is on the Instance of itself (not in the movie clip).

I am fine if I only use one instance of the movie clip at a time on the stage since I can set the Variable on the Main TimeLine into the movieclip (using .root), but this would not work correctly if I want two instances of a movieclip with differenct variables.

Right now I am having to make duplicate copies of a movie clip with different Variable names. I was hoping there would be some way where I could only use one movie clip and give it different variables.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Variable Access From Inside A Movieclip?

Feb 25, 2009

In as2 it was possible to access variables created on the _root level from inside a movieclip. Like: _root.myVar =newVar.

How do I accomplish the same in as3.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Get A Variable That Has A Movieclip's Name Stored Inside It?

Aug 13, 2010

I have a simple question about Variables in AS2, i have a feeling the solution is pretty simple. What i exactly need is a variable that has a movieclip's name stored inside it. I created a variable called cardType and stored the moviecip's name inside it. Now when i declare the Tween you see below and assign it to the variable cardType (which should be replaced with the movieclip's name), it does not work.

PHP Code:

var CardType;
CardType = LondonQuestions_mc.redCard_mc;
new Tween(cardType, "_alpha", Strong.easeOut, 0, 100, 2.5, true); 

View 7 Replies

ActionScript 2.0 :: Loading Outside Variable Inside Movieclip?

Apr 18, 2004

I have a movie clip that needs to load an outside Variable and I know how to do it if the Variable is in the main time line.

Main TimeLine:
timedelay = 5;


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Calling A Variable From Inside A Movieclip In Flash CS4?

Nov 14, 2011

I am trying to trace a variable string from inside a movieclip which is inside another movieclip on the main timeline using:


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Set Up To Reference Variable / Object Name Inside Another Movieclip

Mar 23, 2011

i'm referencing variable names and object names dynamically such as:[code]i have 5 balls (insert joke here) which get all the same functions etc so i wanted a way to avoid making 5x functions to handle each one of the balls. Now one function can handle all 5, etc.what i can't figure out is how to use this same set up to reference a variable or object name inside another movieclip. if i have another movieclip named "myParent" for example, i thought i could refer to it with:[code]but this doesn't work.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Passing A Variable To A Button Inside A Movieclip?

Dec 23, 2009

I have list that is generated from a database that when click it calls a seperate movieclip in the library called comments and loads data from the database in it. I the movieclip i have buttons that I am trying to pass the data to but it doesnt seem to be working.

here is my actionscript:

getReleaseInfo_Result = function (releasesID,track1url,track2url,track3url,track4ur l) {
_root.container.attachMovie("comments", "comments", 100);
_root.container.comments._x = 325;


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Flash :: Check And Reset Variable On Main Timeline From Inside A Movieclip?

Feb 11, 2010

I'm converting an old AS2 file into AS3 (and trying to learn AS3 at the same time).A movie clip contains a number of different animated sequences and buttons within the application trigger these different sequences.The buttons are functional only when an animation has completed playing.

In AS2, I achieved this with a var called _root.animating which was initially set to "false" and switched to true when the animation played and switched back to false at the end of the anim sequence. The buttons checked this var when clicked. Here is some of the AS2.[code]...

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Contact Form Inside Clip

Aug 16, 2007

I'm using a flash/php contact form which works fine except i've got it in a movie clip and now it's not working?? Here is a link to the fla.. [URL]

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Contact Form - Displaying Names Inside Fields

May 12, 2011

I have here a nice contact form. The only problem I got is that I would like to have the field names (name, e-mail, telephone), displayed inside the right field, (so when the user clicks inside, the text would disappear automatically) in stead of displaying the names next to the fields. My first tough was to write inside each field, in flash the field names, and it was ok for the first look. But the user needs to delete first the field names like "name" from the input box, in order to enter his own. How could I make these field names automatically dissapear when the user clicks inside a text box?

The code:
stop();send_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, submit);
function submit(e:MouseEvent):void{var variables:URLVariables = new URLVariables();
variables.fromname = name_txt.text;
variables.fromtel = tel_txt.text;variables.fromemail = email_txt.text;
variables.frommessage = message_txt.text;
[Code] .....

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Not Working Contact Form Inside Another Movie (loadMovie)

Jan 24, 2007

I have a working contact form (.swf) that doesnt work inside another movie. Alone it works, but when I call it in main movie with loadMovie it doesn't.


I used files from Kirupa's tutorials, made by claudio and senocular.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Button Inside MovieClip Inside MovieClip Doesn't Dispatch Event

Jan 25, 2012

I have a Button that is inside MovieClip1 which is inside MovieClip2; yet when i click the Button it doesn't dispatch Event.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Php Contact Form - Unable To Receive The Contact Email

Sep 26, 2008

the source files work perfectly when I upload them to my server - but when I insert the form into my flash website - I am unable to receive the contact email at all. The problem must be with the flash file becuase I have not altered the php (except to send to my email)

I am using Flash CS3 (but publishing for action script2) I have double checked all my input field sare named correctly with var_names that match the php code. The form fields have been created as a moviclip named "form" and the following action script attached:


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Math Power Function - Where Both X And Z Are User Input Values

Oct 30, 2008

I want to make a function like y= (1 - x^z), where both x and z are user input values. How is that possible?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Use Variable Values In Variable Name?

Aug 30, 2005

Is it possible?!Here is an example:

for (var i:Number = 1; i<nTest; i++) {
var test + i..


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Get Contact MovieClip To Recognize OnPress / OnRollOver?

Jan 21, 2010

So far I have created/hacked about some code for an infinite scrolling menu bar, and am trying to create the rollover and release actions for each menu title. After researching it seemed best that the buttons were made from movies clips as apposed to the 'button' type, but I am not sure if this is the case. The problem I am having is that I am unable to get the Contact movie clip to recognise the onPress or an onRollOver and I am not sure why. The .fla file is available here and this is the code I tried to get it to work.

_root.scrolling_mc._root.menu_mc._root.contact_mc.onPress = function () {
if(contact_mc.hitTest(_xmouse, _ymouse, true) ) {
trace("Does this button work?!");

I also tried:
_root.scrolling_mc._root.menu_mc._root.contact_mc.onRollOver = function () {
trace("Does this button work?!");
I understand I am probably on the wrong tracks with the use of _root. but I need to somehow trigger the nested movieclips.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Instance Names - Get The Values That The User Will Enter Into Matrix By A Loop

Aug 23, 2010

i have a simple matrix form that consist of 3*3 textfields. my problem is how to get the values that the user will enter into it by a loop, i mean not using a long way such:


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Change The Speed Of A Moving Car Based On Values Input By User?

Mar 18, 2006

How can I change the speed of a moving car based on values input by user? Also, how can I make Flash calculate values of a function based on those input values?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Making Panels/windows So The User Can Enter Numerical Values Then Submit Them Via A Button?

Apr 25, 2011

I'm currently underway in designing the UI for my game's level editor, I'm not using Flash's build in UI components instead I'm doing it from scratch using OOP.I want to have buttons, drop down menus, panels/windows that contain text fields and buttons.

At the moment I have the buttons down whenever one is created it is added to a static class's static array, and given a unique id number dependent on how many buttons have been created and added to the array so far.I figured this would be good as whenever a button is created I could apply an Event Listener looking for a MouseEvent.CLICK. Then just using the event.currentTarget.getID(), to find out what button has been pressed.

I'm about to start making panels/windows so the user can enter numerical values then submit them via a button, which will also close the window. I was thinking about doing more of the same and having static classes for each input type which lists all instances of that type of object.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Develop An Image Gallery That Displays Images Based On Certain Values Chosen By The User

Nov 18, 2009

i need to develop an image gallery that displays images based on certain values chosen by the user. Imagine two sliders such as "gadgets" and "cars". The sliders provide values from 1 to 10. The flash movie then generates a gallery based on those provided weights. The user may want more gadgets than cars or all cars or more cars than gadgets etc. Im a tad lost as to where i should start here...XML? MYSQL? should i start swatting up on AS3?

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Php :: Pass Values By Reference Inside A For Each Construct?

Jan 12, 2011

How do I pass values by reference inside a for each construct in AS3? Basically, I want something equivalent to the following code in PHP:

foreach ($array as &$v) {
$v = $v + 1;

This would allow me to change all elements of the collection $array through a single loop.

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