ActionScript 3.0 :: Instance Names - Get The Values That The User Will Enter Into Matrix By A Loop

Aug 23, 2010

i have a simple matrix form that consist of 3*3 textfields. my problem is how to get the values that the user will enter into it by a loop, i mean not using a long way such:


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Making Panels/windows So The User Can Enter Numerical Values Then Submit Them Via A Button?

Apr 25, 2011

I'm currently underway in designing the UI for my game's level editor, I'm not using Flash's build in UI components instead I'm doing it from scratch using OOP.I want to have buttons, drop down menus, panels/windows that contain text fields and buttons.

At the moment I have the buttons down whenever one is created it is added to a static class's static array, and given a unique id number dependent on how many buttons have been created and added to the array so far.I figured this would be good as whenever a button is created I could apply an Event Listener looking for a MouseEvent.CLICK. Then just using the event.currentTarget.getID(), to find out what button has been pressed.

I'm about to start making panels/windows so the user can enter numerical values then submit them via a button, which will also close the window. I was thinking about doing more of the same and having static classes for each input type which lists all instances of that type of object.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Loop Through Children And Add Them Instance Names?

Jan 14, 2010

how could I make a simple loop which loops through the childrens of specific movie clip and add each of them instance name lets say "iname", since I have movie clip in which childrens are not added by code.

And if I'm sure I could acces those childrens then by code like iname.x = 100?

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Actionscript 3.0 :: For Loop Iterating Instance Names?

May 10, 2010

I have a few MCs named fruit1, fruit2, fruit3, all instanced off a MC...I would like to loop to shorten my code and just loop through and stop all of them at once... My Code:

for (var i:Number=1; i<=7;i++){

I get an 1120: Access of undefined property fruit.I want the result of my loop to do:


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Loop Through Childrens And Add Them Instance Names?

Jan 14, 2010

how could I make a simple loop which loops through the childrens of specific movie clip and add each of them instance name lets say "iname", since I have movie clip in which childrens are not added by code.

P.S.: And if I'm sure I could acces those childrens then by code like iname.x = 100?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Refer To Instance Names Inside A For Loop?

Jun 3, 2010

I have several movie clips labeled thumb0, thumb1, thumb2, etc.
How do I refer to these instance names inside a for loop? I want to do something like:
//DISPLAY THE THUMBNAILSfor(var thumbCount:int = 0; thumbCount < loadedThumbs.length; thumbCount++) {     ["thumb" + thumbCount].visible = true;

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Array Instance Names - Call In A For Loop?

Jan 3, 2006

I have 35 textboxes with the names "t1" to "t35". How would I call these names in a for loop? I have tried this with no luck:


I know I'm doing something wrong with the ("t"+i) but I dont know how how to combine a string and number like that.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Instance Names And Variable Names: It Goes Deeper

Mar 20, 2011

I started a thread about a reference to a symbol House, in the output window, which was: House_1. A lot of people said some useful things about that. All day I've been thinking about it, and I came to the conclusion that I don't understand things, at a very basic level.

Consider:I make a movieclip which I give the Symbol name Drawer. (I don't export it for AcitonScript.)On the stage I manually place two instances of this Symbol. The first one I give the Instance Name drawer (in the properties panel). The second one I leave nameless.Now if I trace the names of both these clips, by


the output window gives me


Now I know that the so-called "instance name" which I gave in the Properties Panel (drawer) is, in reality, a variable name which Flash gives my first instance behind the scenes. And instance2 is a name that Flash gives my second instance. What exactly the nature of that name is, I do not know.My point is: both names (drawer and instance2) are the .name property of these movieclips. Otherwise I could not have traced them through asking for the .name property, in the above. Yet only the first of these two can be manipulated:

drawer.x can be set;
instance2.x can (as we know) not be set.

But...why? What is the real difference between these two kinds of names? How can they both be the .name property of their underlying movieclip, yet be of such a different nature? What IS the nature of the instance2 name? If it's a String, how come the .name property of one movieclip can be a variable name, while the .name property of another (but identical) movieclip is a String?

I've searched every bit of web page on the net I could find. But it looks as if nobody addresses this issue. We all just work with it - but it makes no bloody sense. A name property = a name property, you'd think. Whether Flash set it or I set it should not make a difference. The x property of a clip, for example, does not change in nature according to who set it - me or Flash.So, again, just to emphasize the problem: how can a property (the name property) of a movieclip change in NATURE depending on who set it? After it's been set, shouldn't the name property of a clip be of exactly the same nature as the name property of another clip?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Creating A Matrix Of Squares With A For Loop?

Mar 14, 2008

I want to create a bunch of squares appear in a grid-like fashion but not row by row. I'd like more of a diagonal effect.

Here's the code I have so far:


So this sort of works in the sense of it creates a vertical row and a horizontal row. But I need it to actually kind of 'wipe' diagonally across the page.

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Flex :: Enter Default Values Into FieldContainer?

Feb 21, 2011

I am using a Field Container to enter a new Contact information, and I would like to populate some of the fields with values.

I can do this for normal fields like Phone and LastName, but ti does not work for lookup fields like ReportsTo and Account.

This is th code I am using:-

var acc:DynamicEntity = new itemClass("Contact");
acc.LastName="Nieddu Srl"
acc.ReportsTo ="0012000000RsJYb"

Is there any way to populate a lookup field with a default value when the field container is called?

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Professional :: Enter The User's Screen?

Apr 20, 2010

I have an animation of a ball that I want to enter the user's screen (browser window). Basically,it would be off-screen for a few seconds, and then enter from the left, and stopping in the middle.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Allows The User To Enter Stuff?

Aug 31, 2009

I have a free text which allows the user to enter stuff. But that text box needs to be a 24bit hex string ONLY.How do I restrict this so that it only allows 24bit hex strings.



I've thought about creating a regular expression to parse the whole string then return a message. But what would be even better is if the thing worked at run time so that the user can never enter an invalid string.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Validation - User Cannot Enter Same Number Again

Nov 27, 2009

The code that I have is meant to validate that the user doesnt enter the same number more then once (e.g. 12,2,3,4,5,12), and that they dont enter numbers out of the range 1 to 49 (e.g. 12,4,32,34,66,17). What code do I need to add do that they HAVE TO enter 6 numbers? So they cannot just enter say one number and press the 'submitButton' and it will work. Also with my code as soon as the 'submitButton' is pressed it just goes to frame 12, without doing the validation.

ActionScript Code:
submitButton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, numbersChosen);
function numbersChosen(e:MouseEvent):void {
var index:int = -1;
var num:int=0;
var numbersChosen:Array = new Array ();
[Code] .....

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Prevent User Enter 2 Same Answers

Jun 30, 2004

my question is to count how many correct answer the user will enter. if the user enter the same correct answer twice,the 2 same answers will not be count and the other 2 answer will be check whether correct or wrong. If the next 2 answer is correct markk will be add. Take note that i have 5 answers for this question but the user only has to enter 4 of the answers only.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: TextField Where A User Write Their Name And Hit The Enter Key

Feb 14, 2008

So i want a simpel textfield where a user write their name and hit the enter key. After hit of the enterkey, the textfield removes and another one is set, with the word Hi + the name. My code:


I know my if sentece is not in a function, and it will be outputtet incorrect in the output panel. But its just to give a feeling on what i was triyng to do.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Enter Frame Event Goes To Every Instance Why

Apr 24, 2009

i created couple instances of movieclip with some simple animation inside, want it to animate when mouse is over, and animate backwards when mouse is out.[code]it works better, only one instance move, but if i move mouse over second instance before first one finish moving back to the first frame (and remove listener), again both instances animate together, like they are using the same timeline.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Loop With Varying Values Depending On Where Are In The Loop?

Jul 20, 2009

I have need of loops / nested loops that pick different figures depending on where you are in the loop. The whole function needs to run through 'ml' times. 'ml' is a dynamic figure. Loop 1 = While the loop is within the first 12 iterations, 'exconemp' must equal 100. For iterations 13 - 24, 'exconemp' must equal 102.5, for 25 - 36 it will be 105.06, for 37 - 48 it will be 107.69. This needs to change every 12th iteration until it has reached 'ml'. The calculation takes the value of the previous 'exconemp' and then multiplies that by 0.025.

Loop 2 = While the loop is within the first 120 iterations, 'abc' must equal 0.015 and any further iterations must use 0.01. This must also work in a way to figure out whether 'ml' is higher or lower than 120 and work accordingly. My main issue is this - how do I get the loops to run through as this: While the iteration is < 12, do this, THEN take the final figure (12th iteration) and start on 13 - 24, do this THEN etc etc. How do I produce a THEN statement? I can get the code to pick up the final values, but not change along the way.


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Allow User To Enter Value In Input Textbox Fields

May 10, 2010

I want the user to enter text in the input textbox field. Any text. There is no correct answer. My existing code below--leaving empty quotations--doesn't work.
on(release) {
if(InputBox.text = " "){
} else {

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Input Text Box - User Can Enter Only Number Between 0 To 255

Jul 31, 2009

i have input text box i want user can enter only number between 0 to 255. if tries to enter greater number thar 255 then it show previous one e.g user entert 64 and then 6, in that case only 64 shown in text box .

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ActionScript 3.0 :: The File And Check If The User Has Enter The Right Password?

Dec 16, 2011

i have a little projectim using flash pro cs 5 and the actionscript 3.0heres what im trying to do..a simple login / register screen for the front..i already got it a bit working with the login part.. (with planted IDs and Passwords)my problem is if a person registers or more than 3 person registers.. how can i store login names and password to a .txt file or .xml fileand if ever i got a way to store the data.. how am i going to make action script read the file and check if the user has enter the right password..

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Flex :: Keypress - Detect If User Presses Enter Key?

Sep 9, 2010

The secnario is simple if the user presses enter while in the password field, I would like to submit the login for for processing.How can I detect that event from with in the specific text box.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Disable User From Keying Enter Or , Or . Keys

Mar 12, 2004

does anyone know how to disable user from using keys like enter , and . or also zoom in ands out function

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Next Scene Will Appear In Movie When User Press Enter

Apr 4, 2008

I am making a presentation and I want when my movie stop. the user press ENTER and the movie go to and play my next scene (scene 3) like powerpoint. How I can make that?

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IDE :: Create An Input Text That Asks The User To Enter A Value

Feb 17, 2009

I tried to create a input text that asks the user to enter a value then i wanted that value to be compared with another var by an if statement but when it gets to that part it always goes to the else condition. I did check the values by making the flash view, they are the same but its still not running as i want it to.

anyways ill leave you with the code :

btn: a button i created
maq: an empty string that stores the value of the input text
GPA.text: name of the input text
V3: is just a dynamic text to let me know if the condition is met or not

function checker(Event:MouseEvent):void


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Disable User From Keying Enter Or , Or . Keys?

Mar 12, 2004

does anyone know how to disable user from using keys like enter , and . or also zoom in ands out function

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ActionScript 3.0 :: On Entering First Frame, Get Shared Object Values, Enter Into Variables

Apr 7, 2011

I am trying to create an AS3 Fla to score a quiz's results. The quiz is a separate swf that stores its results to a shared object ("G1"), and both the quiz swf and this new scoring swf would reside on the same website.
I've tried scripting the AS3 in the new scoring Fla but I keep getting error messages.
So far, here's what I have that doesn't work.

The goal is to open the scoring swf, populate some variables with the values from the SO, then (not yet tried in the script) apply some if/else conditions to show specific results based on scores.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Use Instance Names Such As '1-1'

Mar 17, 2010

I have a grid 8 columns, 3 rows.I used instance names such as 1-1, 1-2, 2-1, 2-2, ect to easily identify each cell. I can call the movieclips within them without a problem by doing this["1-1"].gotoAndPlay(1); but how do I go about calling them when I can't use "this"? "1-1".gotoAndPlay(1); does not work.

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IDE :: How To Replace Instance Names

Jan 26, 2009

In the first frame I have 60 buttons with each having a actionscript in it using the instance name "A1". What I need to know is how can I REPLACE the instance name from A1 to B1 in 60 buttons in my NEXT FREAME?

Is there an easy way to do it rather than typing one by one?? I used the "FIND AND REPLACE" option but it replaces A1 to B1 in both the frames. I need to alter the instance name only in the second frame. How can I do it?

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IDE :: Instance Names Given In The Editor?

Apr 26, 2009

I have two buttons, they're both movie clips, and have identical code except for their names. When I place one of each on the stage and give them instance names, they come up output:


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ActionScript 1/2 :: VAR Instead Of Instance Names?

Sep 14, 2010

How to write the following AS codes using VAR instead of instance names?

my_Input_Txt.onChanged = function() {  _root.my_Dyn_Txt5.text = my_Input_Txt.text;_root.my_Dyn_Txt6.text = my_Input_Txt.text;}; 
_root.my_Dyn_Txt5._visible = false_root.my_Dyn_Txt6._visible = false_root.MDT1._visible =


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