IDE :: Create An Input Text That Asks The User To Enter A Value
Feb 17, 2009
I tried to create a input text that asks the user to enter a value then i wanted that value to be compared with another var by an if statement but when it gets to that part it always goes to the else condition. I did check the values by making the flash view, they are the same but its still not running as i want it to.
anyways ill leave you with the code :
btn: a button i created
maq: an empty string that stores the value of the input text
GPA.text: name of the input text
V3: is just a dynamic text to let me know if the condition is met or not
function checker(Event:MouseEvent):void
i have input text box i want user can enter only number between 0 to 255. if tries to enter greater number thar 255 then it show previous one e.g user entert 64 and then 6, in that case only 64 shown in text box .
I am new at flash and am trying to create a input text box message that goes away when the user types. Here is an example of what I want to do: [URL] On the bottom right hand corner when you click on the input box, the message goes away. Is it possible to do this in flash?
I want the user to enter text in the input textbox field. Any text. There is no correct answer. My existing code below--leaving empty quotations--doesn't work. on(release) { if(InputBox.text = " "){ this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { gotoAndStop(3); }}
I'm very new to Flash, and I'm not a programmer, I have an Input text box named txtNe2 where a user will type an answer to a question. I want to evaluate the answer when the user pushes the Enter key and respond by sending the movie to either the "Ne2C" frame or the "Ne2I" frame (for the response to the correct or incorrect answer).
For an input field - i need to have some action when user enters something in the input field and hit ENTER.I am using this: but with this user can hit enter anywhere on the screen and get the action- i need to have it only when user selects the input field.
Code: myNewObject = new Object(); myNewObject.onKeyDown = function() {[code]...
I have created an input textbox and a dynamic textbox. My idea is to enter something into the input textbox, and on pressing ENTER key it would show up in the dynamic textbox. When I press ENTER, the text dissapears from the input txt, and nothing happens.
I have an input text box where users enter search words and whenever you hit enter it clears the contents.This is obvioulsy annoying as users would expect to hit enter after they have typed the word(s) and have the search performed, not have what they typed removed.How do I stop this?How do I assign the event listener I have on my submit button to the enter key as well?
So, I'm trying to call the function with the enter key. The function is to examine text inputted in an input text box then return "good job"(if the text was correct) or "try again" (if not) in a dynamic text box.
The problem I have is it returns "try again" as soon as I start typing. Anyway to resolve this?
Here is the code
ActionScript Code: txtyour.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, textHandler); function textHandler(event:KeyboardEvent):void{ if (event.keyCode == Keyboard.ENTER && txtyour.text == "your") {
When the user hits enter, their input is to be compared to an existing input, then stored if there is no match. The problem is, the file is storing the "enter" key as well, so the database input looks like this:
instead of just
Code: //user presses enter to enter their tag stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, checkTag); function checkTag(evt:KeyboardEvent):void {
I'm pretty new to AS 3. I've been tasked with converting an online calculator from AS2 to AS3 and am having trouble figuring out how to get one of the functions to work. There are several input fields, restricted to numbers, which are ordered by tabIndex. When you enter a value and hit the 'Enter' key, it deletes the numbers the user just typed and focuses in on the now blank text field. What I need it to do is focus on the text field, and instead of deleting the text, select it.
I have taken over an old project of a registration page after a short quiz and for some reason it is not possible to enter special characters in the text input field. example: @ but it is also not possible to enter a y or a capital W and some others. I have not found any thread or google infos on this problem and am short of reprogramming the whole thing in as3 which is very tedious because the whole site is still running as2 and we do not have time nor money to update.
I am making a little banner for my site that makes different offers based on geo location (zipcode). I have the code working pretty much except for a few elements I want.
1) I want the input box to say "Enter Zip Code" until the user clicks on the input box. Then it clears out and the user can enter their zip code. The text box at this point should only take in 5 digits and no more.
2) Instead of having to click on the button to submit the form I want the user to also have an option just press enter when they are on the input text field and it process the form.
I am using Flash CS5 with AS2
This is the code I have so far:
ActionScript Code:
Code: TraceOutputFileEnable=1 trace('this is the begining of the code'); var nameText:String = "Zip Code";
I want to create an input box which directs a user to a specific frame, based on what they enter.I'm making a text-based adventure game, in homage to the ones of old, and basically, if someone enters say the word, "light" into the box, I want it to take them to the frame labelled "light".I also want the input box to respond ONLY to enter key pressing.
i created an input text box that puts the users input into a global variable, but when i test it it gives me not only what i have typed in but all the html formatting for the font that my input text box has on it.I only want the text that i have typed in to go into the variable but the wackload of html is going in there too. ive tried a few different things, rewriting my code, recreating the text box, changing settings, dont know what im missing.
If I have an input text field on frame 1 and I enter text in it then I have a button that say sends me to frame 2. On frame 2 I have a button which sends me back to frame 1. Why when I got back to frame 1 is my text not shown?Why does an input text field go blank when leaving the frame? How can I make it so when i enter text on frame 1 and then go to frame 2 and then back to frame 1 the text i entered is still there?
I've created a form-like input to receive user input in the form of text in a frame. Now, I would like to pass that input into an external text file. I hope to get help to implement this. Let's assume that this app will be only used locally and not over the web.
I was wondering if anyone could please send me info user input text fields. I was wanting to set up a section in my flash site where the user
a) types in their name in first field b) second field they type in their email address c) third field they type in their email message and then hit a submitt button to make their message reach me!
I'm wondering if there is a way I can see if a user is typing into a input field.Like if they are typing into the field a variable = 1 And if they are not or the field is empty it is = 0
I have a problem with the input text. I have a empty input text box on the frame one. Its name is "w". Then i m waiting for user input to that box. When the user input a text, i want him to click the button (called "manage_s") which will take him to the frame 2 and show the result of his input. (basically its quering the server).
I'm fairly new to Flash (over the last few months I have followed Actionscripting in books and online tutorials and can do basics by essentially following the recipes, but am having considerably more problems putting it all together for my own program).
I am trying to create a program for my students that will take their text input in fields like author, title, publisher, date, place of publication, etc. and output bibliography citations in the proper format (complete with punctuation). What is the best way to handle the text formatting to add punctuation and make the citation entries? Your text tutorial on color and other properties is very good, as well as the input text that returns the words, but how do I go one more step to add my punctuation to the user's input?
I have a text input box inside a movieclip. I want to detect when the user clicks inside and open up a modal window with the full form. I use the following line of code:
And it works fine, but just the first time. When I close my modal window without entering any information and click on the input form again, nothing happens. The listener is there, but nothing happens. My guess is because the focus is already there. Should I be using another listener? MouseEvent.CLICK is not what I'm looking for because I only want the window to fire when inside the textbox is clicked, not the whole thing...
I also tried Code: stage.focus = null; and it also doesn't work.
I'm fairly new to Flash (over the last few months I have followed Actionscripting in books and online tutorials and can do basics by essentially following the recipes, but am having considerably more problems putting it all together for my own program).
I am trying to create a program for my students that will take their text input in fields like author,title, publisher, date, place of publication, etc. and output bibliography citations in the proper format (complete with punctuation). What is the best way to handle the text formatting to add punctuation and make the citation entries? Your text tutorial on color and other properties is very good, as well as the input text that returns the words, but how do I go one more step to add my punctuation to the user's input?
looking for a real-time user generated input text component like the one in this link:(not the whole functionality, simply the function that if you click on stage an input text field opens wherever you click with the ability to save/drag/delete it) URL...i have created a similar form for a client and im missing this part.