ActionScript 2.0 :: Format User Input Text With Punctuation?

Jan 12, 2005

I'm fairly new to Flash (over the last few months I have followed Actionscripting in books and online tutorials and can do basics by essentially following the recipes, but am having considerably more problems putting it all together for my own program).

I am trying to create a program for my students that will take their text input in fields like author,title, publisher, date, place of publication, etc. and output bibliography citations in the proper format (complete with punctuation). What is the best way to handle the text formatting to add punctuation and make the citation entries? Your text tutorial on color and other properties is very good, as well as the input text that returns the words, but how do I go one more step to add my punctuation to the user's input?

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I am trying to create a program for my students that will take their text input in fields like author, title, publisher, date, place of publication, etc. and output bibliography citations in the proper format (complete with punctuation). What is the best way to handle the text formatting to add punctuation and make the citation entries? Your text tutorial on color and other properties is very good, as well as the input text that returns the words, but how do I go one more step to add my punctuation to the user's input?

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function selectText() {
startSelect = Selection.getBeginIndex();[code].........

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submit_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK,check Answer);


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I have a problem with the input text. I have a empty input text box on the frame one. Its name is "w". Then i m waiting for user input to that box. When the user input a text, i want him to click the button (called "manage_s") which will take him to the frame 2 and show the result of his input. (basically its quering the server).


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anyways ill leave you with the code :

btn: a button i created
maq: an empty string that stores the value of the input text
GPA.text: name of the input text
V3: is just a dynamic text to let me know if the condition is met or not

function checker(Event:MouseEvent):void


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Nov 17, 2009

I have a text input box inside a movieclip. I want to detect when the user clicks inside and open up a modal window with the full form. I use the following line of code:

this.addEventListener(FocusEvent.FOCUS_IN, _onFocus);

And it works fine, but just the first time. When I close my modal window without entering any information and click on the input form again, nothing happens. The listener is there, but nothing happens. My guess is because the focus is already there. Should I be using another listener? MouseEvent.CLICK is not what I'm looking for because I only want the window to fire when inside the textbox is clicked, not the whole thing...

I also tried
stage.focus = null;
and it also doesn't work.

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Real-time User Generated Input Text Field

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Checking Contents Of Text Fields - User Input?

Jun 18, 2011

I am just trying to check the contents of text field that the user can enter text into.
Here's the code:
btn_check.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, checkAnswer);
function checkAnswer(evt:MouseEvent):void {
if (answer.text=="48%") {
} else {
messageBox.text="INCORRECT. TRY AGAIN.";

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Jump In To The Next Input Text Box After The User Types 3 Charactors?

May 21, 2010

I've got 4 input text fields (ab0, ab1, ab2 and ab3). How do I write the code to jump in to the next input text box after the user types 3 charactors?

_root.ab0.onChanged = function() {if(_root.ab0.text.length==3){Selection.setFocus("_root.ab1")}}

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Isolate Words Entered By User Into 'Input Text'

Nov 22, 2009

I'm trying to isolate words entered by the user into an "Input Text" (command). In a function that executes every time a key is pressed, I set a string, "newTxt", to the text entered.[code]This works fine; I'm able to check the string "newTxt". However, this checks the entire command rather than one word. When I replace line 2 with:[code]it freezes. In theory, it should add every letter until it reaches a space or ends, right? Could anyone find my mistake? Also, how would I go about checking for the second word (after a space)?

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