ActionScript 3.0 :: Picking And Removing Specific Numbers From An Array?

Mar 15, 2011

I have 16 instances of the same movie clip. The movie clip is made up of 16 frames, each with the picture of a face on it. I want it to work such that when I click my button, each face only appears once, so that all 16 different faces are on the screen. I have been trying to use an array containing the numbers 1-16, and removing them as they are randomly selected. However, with the splice function, I can't pick and choose which number is removed.

How to I pick a random number from an array of 16 numbers, and then remove that specific number from the array so it can't be selected again?

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I just want to basically tell the code to remove a specific item, let's say "23". But since the array is constantly changing length, I can't use splice.I also can't have any gaps, such as "12,,1,4,11". It must return "12,1,4,11".And on a related note, can I then check if this array has the same content of numbers as another array (and do I have to put them both in numeric order before it can perform the check, or doesn't it matter that they're not in the same order, as long as they have the same contents)?

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Jul 14, 2010

what do i really want is:

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Actionscript 3.0 :: Random Form With Specific Numbers With No Repeating?

Jul 14, 2010

what do i really want is:

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Mar 9, 2010

I have a sell function for my towers that when you select them and click the "Sell button" it removes the turret from the screen and stops it from firing. This all works fine.

But my problem comes when i have placed two of the same tower types on the screen at once. What happens is that it deletes everything and not just one tower like i want.

Ive thought about how i could do this and so far i have been unsuccessful in doing this.

deal with deleting a specific movie clip from the stage.

The code in question with dealing with making the Turrets is Below.

function makeTurret(xValue:int,yValue:int):void{
var turret:Turret = new Turret();
turret.x = xValue+12.5;


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Jul 14, 2010

if i have numbers of frames 31,64,97,134,175...(between each of that frames i have motion tween, so it isnt 1,2,3,4...).i want that it goes random in the array of numbers but with no repeating (if i passed 64,175,134 i shure dont want to go on 175 again or something similar), and when that array is finished(all the frames are passed) i want from flash to go on exc. frame 205.

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// Create Arrayvar marks:Array =["100","76","80","54","23"];// Button Functionenter_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onClick); function


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myArray = newArray();
num = randRange(1, 4);
for (var i = 0; i<6; i++) {
addon = randRange(1, 5);


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[code]I have information coming in from an XML page. One of the childnodes is an ID. The numbers of the IDs go from 29 to 40. I'm trying to have 6 numbers randomly grabbed from the list, so I made a function to find a random number between a given "Low" and "High" numbers, then another to continuously add 1 if it's already one of the other numbers(I'm pretty sure the method of that part, I could have taken a short cut.)Where it says to trace the two numbers near the top of the find5RandomNumbers function, they trace 29 and 40. But near the bottom where it's told to trace all 6 items, they come back as "NaN."[code]

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What should I do so I end up with an array of random numbers like

[2, 6, 4, 9, 0, 3, 7, 8, 1, 5]
[3, 5, 8, 1, 9, 0, 6, 7, 2, 4]
I'm thinking like starting with an ordered array


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Mar 31, 2007

How do I add array values that are numbers when loaded dynamically via sql?Example script doesn't calculate. Instead it just adds as though the elements of ycor array are string based. So ycor[0] = 2 and ycor[1] = 3 added equals 23 not 5. Of course these elements are being dynamically set via mysql db that generates a xml table. I've left out file locations and passwords for obvious reasons. Why are the elements being treated as strings?

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theXML.ignoreWhite = true;[code].....

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Removing A Value From An Array?

Apr 10, 2010

It's a simple self-checkout grocery thing and I want to list the items the user is "buying" after typing in the appropriate code, but I can't get it to stay at nine lines only in the dynamic text field. I was told to use array.shift() to get rid of the first value in the two arrays so that I have an easy way by keeping the arrays at nine values, but it doesn't seem to work right.. It'll get rid of the first value, but only once and it'll add a blank value and then continue happily adding to the length of the array. Google has failed me so far so I suspect it's something else in my code.[code]

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Removing Value From Array?

Mar 28, 2005

The as dictionary tells me I can use array.splice to remove an element from an array like so


var myPets_array:Array = new Array("cat", "dog", "bird", "fish");
trace( myPets_array.splice(1) ); // dog,bird,fish
trace( myPets_array ); // cat

Which is all fine an dandy, but what if I want to use a value instead of the index number?


var myPets_array:Array = new Array("cat", "dog", "bird", "fish");
trace( myPets_array.splice("cat") ); // dog,bird,fish


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IDE :: Removing Duplicate Value In An Array?

Oct 26, 2009

I have an array containing single alphabet in every index and some of them in the array are duplicates. I'm trying to pick an alphabet and if there is an alphabet in that array, I want it remove from the array.

so lets say if i have 3 "a" in the array, I want all 3 to be remove. But my function only remove one alphabet. How do i make it remove all 3?

Also another question is, if i reach the end of the array how to i remove it? if i use splice it doesnt seem that it will remove the last item in the array.

my code is very simple

for (var i:int = 0; i<alphabetArrayLength; i++) {
if (singleAlphabet_arr[i] == alphabetPicked) {
answer = singleAlphabet_arr.splice(i,1);

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Removing With An Array?

Jan 2, 2011

the button is added in Land():

function land():void
if(ship.xVel==0 && ship.yVel==0 && rocks.x>50 && rocks.x<350 && rocks.y>311 && rocks.y<319)


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Removing Value From Array

Mar 28, 2005

The as dictionary tells me I can use array.splice to remove an element from an array like so


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