ActionScript 3.0 :: Placing And Duplicating Projectile Bullets

Feb 6, 2009

Need to make it so when you hit <control> it will place the bullet but if you hit <control> again it will duplicate it instead of moving the bullet from where it was before. I am trying to find a code that I can look at for research but there arent any AS 3.0 scripts or fla files to DL. The bullet does not need to move or anything, just places the bullet.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Duplicating Movieclips & Placing Them With Equal Spacing?

Nov 10, 2005

how to duplicate a MovieClip 10 times using 'duplicateMovieClip'& place each instance of the new clip with equal spacing when the frame starts.. instance name of my MC on stage i.e. to b duplicated is bt_mc & it is the y position i.e is to b changed.

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Actionscript 3 :: Get My Projectile To Arc And Go Back Down?

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Actionscript 3 :: Move Projectile In An Arc To Mouse X,y?

Dec 23, 2011

I'm creating a game where you have a cannon at the left edge of the screen. I want to be able to fire a cannonball from the cannon in an arc so that it intersects where the mouse pointer is on the screen.

I've seen a few examples that move a projectile in an arc from point a to point b, but what I need is for the cannonball to first move along the axis of the cannon itself, it's no good if the ball leaves the end of the cannon at a different angle to which the cannon is pointing.

The only force acting on the ball will be gravity and it's starting velocity.

Also to complicate matters, I need the cannons angle to change according to how far away the mouse pointer is from the end of the cannon, so if the pointer is far away than the cannon will point upwards say at an angle of 45 degrees, but if the pointer is very close to the end of the cannon then the cannon will point directly at the pointer, this I've more or less already got working by just getting the distance between them and then dividing it by a number and subtracting it from the rotation value of the cannon, but it's a bit of a rough way of doing it.

EDIT Using the code below I've managed to the line in the screen shot below. But as you can see it's not the trajectory I need, I need something more like the red line I've put in.

And here's how I've implemented the code (probably wrongly)

public class GameTurretLine2
var rt:Object = null;


Also for some strange reason, the line created by the code flips, from how it is in the screen shot to an indented code (y flipped) just by moving the mouse a tiny amount, so as you move the mouse the line jumps everywhere.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Create A Tracer On Projectile

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I have a flash 8 movie that uses actionscript to create a projectile, kind of like a ball being fired from a canon. I want to create a line that follows and draws the path of the projectile.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: 360-Degree Projectile Firing?

Sep 15, 2010

This is my first week of learning Flash and ActionScript, and because I don't have a good ActionScript book yet, I've been reading several basic Flash game programming tutorials online and doing my best to understand and learn the syntax and methods. After successfully creating "my" first Flash game (a space-shooter from the great tutorial on this website), I decided to set a high bar for myself and try to make a top-down shooter which I can expand on as I learn more.

My problem is that I simply cannot get Flash to recognize my "bullet" movie clip symbol in the library, place it by my character's gun with correct rotation, and finally shoot it off into the distance. The gun is part of the same .png as the character is in, so it is part of the same symbol ("player").

Below is the code I am working on for the shooting code:

Shooting Code: (Applied to my "Player" movie clip symbol's "Actions")


In my Flash scene, I have a "Crosshairs" movie clip symbol which I have successfully gotten to replace the hidden standard mouse cursor, a "player" movie clip who can move around the scene while always facing the crosshair, and a "bullet2" movie clip in my library. Both the player and bullet MC's have identifiers of the same name applied to them.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: 3D Projectile Game - HitTest Point

Mar 4, 2011

I have a 3d projectile game I'm working on. I want to check if the projectile moving down the z axis hits wall on two sides. The walls are set up like this:
leftWall = new wall();
leftWall.x = 10;
leftWall.y = 360;
leftWall.z = 230;
leftWall.rotationY = -95;
How to do collision detection in this 3d space?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Fast Projectile Motion Without Increasing Frame Rate

Oct 9, 2011

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//initial code
bullet1.x = bullet1.x + (cur_speed_x / 10);
bullet1.y = bullet1.y - (cur_speed_y / 10);
cur_speed_y = cur_speed_y - g / 50;
[Code] .....
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Mar 8, 2010

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So far I have this:


private var bullets:Array;
public function createBullets() {
bullets = new Array();


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MX Shooting Bullets In Any Direction?

Jun 28, 2011

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How Add Bullets To Flash Text

Jan 11, 2007

How do I add a bullet to Flash text? I know that alt0149 isthe html code. In the Flash text box and before the first textcharacter, I tried pressing the ALT key and simultaneously typingin 0149. Nothing happened.A similar question was asked on this forum... the answer wago to the Character Map (where is that) or use dynamic text (Itried putting alt0149 in the dynamic text box ??? but it didn'tork).My work-around so far is to copy a similar bullet and add itto the text box. But there must be a quicker way.

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Bullets Only Shoot 1 Way?

Mar 4, 2012

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Getting Bullets To Work Properly?

Mar 19, 2005

I've got a mouse controlled person who fires circle bullets up towards oncoming enemies. but since i duplicated them, only the first bullet fired works as it is the only one that has the right instance name.What I mean is :The bullet is instanced bullet When it is duplicated to be fired, it changes to bullet1,bullet2 ect etc The hittest script on the enemies only reconize bullet, and therefore ignores all other shots except the first is there anyway of making it so it reconises all shots?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Firing The Multiple Bullets?

Jun 18, 2007

I have written the code below which restricts the number of bullets fired, but each bullet fired travels at a different speed to the last and when another bullet is fired the previous one disappears from the screen. Please can anyone give any guidance ?
import flash.display.MovieClip;import;import;import flashx.textLayout.formats.BackgroundColor;
var speed:Number;speed = 10;var shootLimiter:Number=0;


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IDE :: Textformat Tabstops And Bullets In Xml File?

Jan 4, 2008

According to the search there's never been a post that contains the word "tabstops" in the history of . I am honored to be the FIRST!Anyway, I am converting an application so that text content that was once trapped in the authoring environment will now reside in an external XML file.The problem i'm running into is that my "textformat tabstops" tags and bullets no longer work.In the content I had:

<textformat tabstops='[10]'><br><br><b><u>Blah blah blah</u></b><br> Blah blah blah<br> lah blah blah etc.</textformat>


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Adding Speed To Bullets?

Feb 6, 2009

I have finally got the movieclip to show up when i hit the ctrl key. but it just sits there because i have not yet added a speed. what would be the simplest way of doing this? what i want to move is a bullet.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Option For Creating Bullets?

May 7, 2009

I could create a movie clip for a bullet and create a new instance of one every time a bullet is fired. Then, I could have 100 little bullets all flying around checking collision detection...

There must be a better, more efficient way to do bullets. Anyone know of anything already out there?Otherwise, I could create a collision detection queue for the bullets, or predict where the bullet will fly (since it is usually always linear), but if the bullets become larger, the actual movie clip of the bullet may be wide enough to hit something, but the line the bullet is traveling does not necessarily hit that other object.

But is there a fast, efficient system or way of handling things already out there?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Moving Multiple Bullets?

Jan 31, 2010

I'm working on a simple top-down zombie shooter to teach me better AS3 practices. There's one player, can shoot multiple bullets, and a certain number of zombies on screen at once, that increment by one when all of the previous ones are dead.

So, I have everything working great except for one thing: even though I'm spawning multiple bullets, and they go in the correct direction at the right speed, only one moves at a time.

Here's the code for spawning bullets:

// shoot - check to see if the gun can shoot, then shoot it
private function shoot():void


I have a similarly structured pair of functions for the zombies, and they chase after the player just fine. If I trace a bullet's name when it collides with a zombie, it always returns 0. I've tried changing the number of bullets that can be spawned, but it remains the same.

Also, the moveBullets function is called from gameLoop(), which is itself called from an event listener for ENTER_FRAME. The movePlayer and moveZombies functions I have are also called from gameLoop.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: How To Get Bullets To Work Properly

Mar 19, 2005

I've got a mouse controlled person who fires circle bullets up towards oncoming enemies. but since I duplicated them, only the first bullet fired works as it is the only one that has the right instance name. What I mean is: The bullet is instanced bullet. When it is duplicated to be fired, it changes to bullet1, bullet2 etc. The hittest script on the enemies only recognize bullet, and therefore ignores all other shots except the first. Is there anyway of making it so it recognizes all shots?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Gettining Bullets To Work Properly?

Oct 21, 2011

I've got a mouse controlled person who fires circle bullets up towards oncoming enemies. but since i duplicated them, only the first bullet fired works as it is the only one that has the right instance name.What I mean is :The bullet is instanced bullet When it is duplicated to be fired, it changes to bullet1,bullet2 ect etc The hittest script on the enemies only reconize bullet, and therefore ignores all other shots except the first is there anyway of making it so it reconises all shots?

View 4 Replies

ActionScript 3.0 :: Removing Bullets From Stage After Game Over

Apr 7, 2012

in my game enemy Planes shoot at my plane and everything is working fine enemy bullets are inside an array the problem is when my plane gets destroyed by enemy Planes ,the last bullets shot by the enemyPlanes still shows on the screen eventhough i called a removelistener function and added a game over screen enemy planes use timer which i have a listener for it how can i remove the last bullets that still shows on the screen?

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Flex :: RichText Doesn't Work With Bullets?

Jul 25, 2011

See the simple application created below. I have a RichTextEditor and a RichText component.The idea is to display whatever typed in the RichTextEditor in the RichText component. Everything else (I think) works except for Bullets! The conversion works as if bullets doesn't exists!

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<s:Application width="100%"


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Flash :: Bullets In List Following Mouse Movement?

Feb 1, 2012

I've been having a problem I've been working on for multiple hours now with no luck. I have movement bound to arrow keys and the user looks around via the mouse. When I shoot I want it to continue off in the direction it initially started, but what happens is if the user moves the mouse the bullets change directions with it.[code]...I think what is causing the problem is that when I push the bullets into the array they're all sharing the effects of the user moving the mouse instead of keeping their initial value.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Create Text Bullets In Flash?

Aug 26, 2011

I am trying to make text bullets in Flash CS 5.5, and I noticed there is no way to do that using the text options in Flash, so I decided, I would just make a small circle shape, and place it where I needed. However, even though I place the shape in front of the text I want it to be in front of, when I test the movie, for some reason this shape, gets moved down about 5 pixels or so. (or the text is moving) I am using classic text.

Is there any reason for this shifting around?

And/or is there a way to just create text bullets in Flash?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Swap The Players Bullets Upon Pressing 'x'

Aug 19, 2011

My problem is that I want to swap the players bullets upon pressing 'x'. I have implemented senoculars keyobject class and followed a tutorial from asgamers. this is the code...public function loop(e:Event) : void


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Put A Limit On How Many Bullets (which Is A MC) That Can Be On The Screen At One Time?

Mar 25, 2005

I know its possible to put a limit on how many bullets (which is a MC) that can be on the screen at one time. However, I've been playing with it for about an hour now and can't figure out the right AS. I am including the swf and the fla.

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Flash :: Make A Bulleted List In Custom Bullets?

Nov 20, 2009

Is there a way to make a bulleted list in flash with custom bullets? If so, can this be used from within a TextArea in Flex (mx.controls.TextArea) when setting htmlText?

For example:

The list above will render fine when set into a TextArea using htmlText (versus just setting the text property). The rendered text will have standard vanilla bullets. Is there a way to style these bullets with custom images, like you can in standard HTML/CSS?

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