ActionScript 3.0 :: Playback Component Move Forward One Frame
Jan 17, 2012
I am trying to get the f4v movie called myMovie.f4v to move forward one frame at a time every 10 seconds. I created a countdown that makes the movie play after x amount of seconds but I need to make the movie advance only one frame and the count again.
import flash.utils.Timer;
var flvPlayer:FLVPlayback = new FLVPlayback();
[Code] .....
I need to change this line to step the movie one frame forward kind of a play next frame.
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I just spent 2 hours scouring the web for the answer. All I'm seeing is a whole lot of "how do you do it" and a lot of "do a google search for it'. I found a tutorial for CS4 that looked promising yet when I tried it in CS5 the damned Preview attribute (or whatever) just sits there looking at me. You're supposed to be able to click on it and choose a frame. I click and double click and nothing happens.
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Apr 26, 2010
I am trying to create a small movie. Now I want to create an effect that once the mouse is in the right half of the movie - then movie should play forward. When the cursor moves to the left half of the movie then movie should play backwards. I have tried following some examples from online but I am kinda lost
This is what I have done so far:
- Create the animation named it "mc" of type Movie Clip
- Put it in the "main scene"
- The (first) keyframe at "main scene" has action "stop();"
- <<now i am lost >>
Note: Eventually the right and left part of the movie will link to different webpage.
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Apr 1, 2012
I have simple flash CS4 file (AS3) with a video playback component in a movie clip called "video". The only other thing in this flash movie is a script to load another SWF file as soon as the video is done playing....If I use stop() on the frame with the video - it will play - but then the playhead will not move forward to the next frame which has the next script and if I leave the stop() off - it plays only a a few frames of the video and moves on to the next frame and executes the script that loads the swf file.
Everything I've read requires a button event - and I don't need a button. I just need the video to play - then the next script to execute.Here are the only scripts in the flash movie:
***************************** // in the frame containing video component
*********************************** // in the next frame after video component.
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Aug 12, 2010
I want it to move forward when a sound finishes playing. I have a listener that listens for the sound to finish, but it doesn't work.
ActionScript Code:
stage.removeEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, moveLauren);
stage.removeEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_UP, stopLauren);
stage.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, lockerActions);
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Jan 18, 2011
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Dec 16, 2011
I simply want to move a video forward and backword when it is already playing, but the seek method is not working properly. I can't figure out, where the problem is.I have two buttons (pluz_btn and minus_btn). Plus button is used to move half second forward and Minus button is used to go back half seconds.The plus button is working but it is showing about is moving the video to about 3 seconds.The minus button should move video backword. But it is also moving it forward.[code]......
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this._rotation = Math.random()* 360;
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Dec 16, 2011
I simply want to move a video forward and backword when it is already playing, but the seek method is not working properly. I can't figure out, where the problem is. I have two buttons (pluz_btn and minus_btn). Plus button is used to move half second forward and Minus button is used to go back half seconds. The plus button is working but it is showing about is moving the video to about 3 seconds. The minus button should move video backword. But it is also moving it forward.
plus_btn.onRelease = function() {;
streamCount += 1;
streamTime_txt.text = streamCount; };
minus_btn.onRelease = function() {;
streamCount -= 1;
streamTime_txt.text = streamCount; };
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Aug 14, 2008
If I have a main SWF movie, in which I load external SWF files, and in that main SWF movie I have a scrubber bar, to control the loaded movies, do those movies have to have all their animation in the timeline?How do I use a scrubber bar to rewind or move forward animations created by actionscript or nested within movieclips? Is this even possible?
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Nov 15, 2004
[URL] i assume it's a series of frames with slightly different photos of the razor. when you play the movie it looks like it is spinning. my question is, how do they get the movie clip it to play forward when you move the mouse in one direction, and backward in the other? is it something like mouse over to the right and left (i'm bad with the direction code)??
right now i have a version that will play the movie clip (it's a button w/ only a hotspot) on mouse over and it will stop when the mouse os off the hotspot, but i can't get it to work like the headblade example. because i don't know the right code to play forward and back etc on mouse moves.
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Feb 4, 2011
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Jul 2, 2009
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Aug 9, 2010
I've been wondering something, websites like youtube (pandora does mp4s) play their music through a flash player. while each track is played, they're downloaded to the user's computer, e.g., /tmp/FlashXX*** This allows users to go and move the flv out of that folder for later playback.
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More importantly, why are the flvs downloaded to the user in the first place if the player plays happily without them?
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Feb 17, 2010
I don't really know how to describe this problem but I'm going to give it a try. I am working in Flash cs3 using as3. I have a project with 5 scenes and button nav to jump between them. When I test the project scene 1-4 play fine however when I get to scene 5 the playback head doesn't move, it just stays parked on frame 1 (button nav works, animation does not). When I re-arrange the stacking order of my scenes the same problem will occur in a different scene that had previously played fine. This issue only occurs when i test the whole movie - if I test any scene by itself it plays fine. I am not getting any AS errors which adds to the frustration
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Sep 17, 2009
I'm using Flash CS3 Actionscript2 I'm using the FLVPlayback component and using SteelExternalAll as my skin.I noticed that the SeekBarHandle does not move while the video is playing. I can drag the handle to go to different parts of the video, but it does not move by itself as the video plays.I've already tried setting the total FLV video length in the parameters, but that didn't work.
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Jan 6, 2005
Im trying to make buttons to advance a frame and retract a frame. So I have this for the forward button...
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Apr 4, 2009
This is probably a very simple actionscript question I am using CS3 on an AS2 movie. I want to make a simple audio level bar and I created a movie clip with ten frames and ten squares that appear in a line. On each frame you can see one more square i.e. from 1 to 10.What I want is to have a + button on the main time line and every time it is pressed it advances on the frame of a movie clip called loader_mc to the next frame. Similarly if I press minus button the movie clip goes back a frame.This is the actionscript i tried but it only works once. It doesn't keep moving on each frame.
on (press) {
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Jan 6, 2005
Im trying to make buttons to advance a frame and retract a frame. So I have this for the forward button... [code]with a stop(); on each frame.But is there a way to play in reverse?
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May 28, 2009
Here is my code that plays the video:
import*; var myVideo:FLVPlayback = new FLVPlayback(); myVideo.source = "video.flv"; } addChild(myVideo);
How to I set the size of the video? I have tried "myVideo.videoWidth = 400;" but that gives me an error.
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Sep 9, 2010
I know you can put a playback component on a FLV. Is it possible to have a playback component on a swf?
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Oct 25, 2005
I am sure I am just over looking some simple true/false thing somewhere but I can't figure out how to loop an external (progressive download) FLA file with the new FLA Playback Component..
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Dec 30, 2010
Link [URL] Problem is the video doesn't play online. It works offline. There's no script involved, I have manually sourced the flv to flv play back component. There's no folders all files are together and easy to find.
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May 20, 2009
I have a frame where I have added an flv playback component to play a flv file. Everything plays fine, but when I test the file and navagate away from the frame that the playback component is on, the video continues playing.
Is there any way to get the video to stop when the user navigates away from the frame? I'm sure this could be done if I add the video using AS 3.0 (that is what the navigation of the site is coded with).
View 2 Replies
Jun 15, 2009
I'm having a problem with the playbuttons, pausebutton and seekbar that I use on my flvplayback video. I don't know why, but these buttonaren's doing anything. I have put this code :
//slumdog is my flvplayback instance nameimport;
slumdog.playButton = my_playbut;
slumdog.pauseButton = my_pausebut;
slumdog.seekBar = my_seekbar;
View 3 Replies
Jul 1, 2011
I created a video in After Effects and rendered the output to an .flv, works fine when I embed in html and upload to my server. But now I'm having a problem with the next phase and that's adding a link to the flv using Cue points. I read the tutes on this but cannot get past the following. First I tested this by importing the flv picking the skin for the player and importing straight to an html page in Dreamweaver. I uploaded the html, flv and player to the server and it works great.
Now I need to add a url link to a certain frame of the flv and read the tute on how to import the flv into a new fla file, I see where I can scrub the timeline inside the flv and thought I was home free as all I had to do was upload and add the cue points. But now I see where I had to take the .flv and import as video to a new fla and after importing the flv it clearly states that the component will only play locally. After making sure the flv was on the server I uploaded the html and swf. When I try to playback from the server I get a browser Which is named "Flash Player Installation" with a blank screen.
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Sep 13, 2008
I'm using the flvPlayback and Captioning component/skin for some videos. Works great, but I can't figure out how to have the captions off by default and use the caption button to turn them on for users who want to see the caption buttons.
Hides the captions, but also disables the captionButton in the skin, so there is no way to toggle showing and hiding the captions.
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Dec 9, 2009
I am importing 4 videos flv with playback component. When a video is loading, I would like an mc to be visible (like a loading mc to be sure the users understands that it's working and loading. But when it starts to play, the mc needs to disappear.So I imagine something like this code is a start
vid1.addEventListener(VideoEvent.LOADING.videoLoad );
function videoLoad(e:VideoEvent){
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Feb 2, 2011
i am trying to create a custom skin for my FLV component in CS5 ..but adobe's fla files have errors when i decompile...I get this error...
Actionscript Code:
Error 1046: Type was not found or was not a compile - time constant : NetStreamPlayOtions
When i do publish flash does recognise the custom.swf skin...when i do add it in my movie though i get this error
Actionscript Code:
Error #2044: Unhandled skinError:. text=Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference.
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