ActionScript 3.0 :: Playing Movieclip Backwards In Flash?
Jun 15, 2010
I'm re-designing my website in Flash CS4. There will be 6 buttons when it is finished. I have created 6 movieclips that fades in the text when you click on each button. What I'm trying to do is make the movieclip play backwards when a different button is clicked so the text fades back out before the new text fades in. I think I've nearly got it. I googled the effect and found the below action script. I've put it on the first button to see if it works, but I get the error messages at the bottom.
WelcomeButton.onRelease = function() {
startRewind (29);
function rewindMovieClip (targetFrame) {
I keep getting these error messages:
Scene=Scene 1, layer=Welcome, frame=142, Line 1 - Statement must appear within on handler
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Nov 5, 2009
I hope someone will know a solution to this problem: I have a movieclip with a tween in it, which moves a object up and down.
I have 2 buttons on my _root: One which had to move the object up till the end of the movieclip when pressed so it will stop after reaching the end of the tween. Or it stops playing when the button is released.
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function onEnterFrame() {
lastframe = _currentframe--;
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Jul 13, 2004
I managed to make a controller that can play embedded-video-SWF's in "slow-motion" (1/2 speed, 1/4 speed) and in reverse at different speeds. What I'd actually like to do, is something similar, but then with FLV's. I am trying to use the NetStream.pause() as a toggle onEnterFrame, but that doesnt work. Using seek doesn't seem to work either, because it kind of doesn't like non-integers and also for an unknown reason keeps sending the playhead to 4 seconds. if it should be possible to play an FLV at a different speed/reversed, how to do this, and if this should cause performance issues. (Reverse-playing an SWF is much slower for example)
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Oct 23, 2004
I have an empty movie clip which is loaded with main.swf.When i click on a btn ( in menu ), the movie will play backwards till frame 1 and unload then load a new swf.
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Aug 23, 2007
I have this movie clip that is a vertical menu. the menu has a left and right button on either side and several small thumbnails inside. when you click on the right arrow, the animation plays, which just slides the thumbs along using a tween. I'm trying to get the left button to play the reverse of the animation.
this is the swf here to have a look. i hope you get the idea of what I'm trying to do.
I've been looking for a tutorial on how to do this through action script, but haven't found it yet. how can i do this so it's more efficient or through action script 2.0?
I did do the scroll tutorial before, but I would like it to go from one thumb to the next one at a time. You can also see that the animation I'm doing now is causing the left arrow to play each time.
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Jan 22, 2010
Is it best to try to play a movieclip backwards or maybe use some other technique like reversing the frames and creating a new sequence and the play that one?
or is there an easy way to play the frames backwards?
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function forward(event:MouseEvent):void
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Mar 10, 2009
I have some code done but it could be all wrong as I am not the best coder at all, just starting out.
Here it is:
package classes
import flash.display.*;
import flash.display.MovieClip;
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Apr 17, 2011
I have movieClip (in as3) and I'd like to know is this movieClip playing now
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I have two mc's mc1 and mc2. on mouse click of mc3 i want a math random function and a logic argument of if math random =< 0.5 then play mc1, if mathrandom > 0.5 then play mc2. how would i right the AS3 for this?
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I got this code from taco:
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
// if the mouse IS over the clip ...
if (this.hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse, true)) {
But it doesnt solve the problem that I am describing with the "stumbling".
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Dec 2, 2009
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I'm adding the MovieClip to the stage from ActionScript by:
var myMovieClip = new MyMovieClip();
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Feb 3, 2011
I was wondering if someone can help me. I have some difficulties playing a certain frame in another MovieClip. I have two MovieClips, MovieClip(content) and MovieClip(about_page). The about me button is placed in MovieClip(content) and I used the following code to go and play MovieClip(about_page) that is placed in the timeline:
about_btn.addEventListener( MouseEvent.CLICK, myrl1 );
function myrl1( event:MouseEvent ):void
But now when MovieClip(about_page) loaded i have a button that must go back and play a certain frame in MovieClip(content) I used the following:
close_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK,close1 );
function close1 (Event:MouseEvent): void
gotoAndPlay ("29");
But for some reason it never goes back to Movieclip(content) and I get the following:
TypeError: Error #1010: A term is undefined and has no properties.
at content_fla::about_page_101/close1b()
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Nov 7, 2011
Is there an easy way to switch out a movieClip for another dynamically loaded movieClip?
I have and eventListener onCLICK that when selected it starts an FLVPlayback but I would also like to swap out with another movieClip Play Now / Now Playing button.
Just some background. I am looping and loading a play button jpg's into one movie clip and assigning an incremental number as a name to the play button movie clip. On Click that play button plays a movie but now I would also like to switch the play button graphic to a playing now graphic.
thumbs_button.addEventListener (MouseEvent.CLICK, playVideoThumb);
for (var i:Number = 0; i < my_total; i++) {
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Apr 2, 2007
I mistitled the thread because I thought the problem was with the version of flash player, but when I ran my swf locally everything worked fine, so I now know that it's a problem created by making the swf remote. Perhaps an admin could change it to "bitmapdata.draw() doesn't work remotely" if they read this.[URL] My swf works fine when I run it locally, but not when I run it from my server!? When images from flickr are loaded into my swf on [URL], flash doesn't want to bitmapdata.draw(mc) the mc with the image (for the reflection), but this problem is non-existent locally. Everything is identical, same SWF, same browser.
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Jan 30, 2012
I have two movieclips on the same frame but on different layers located within the movieclip. The first movieclip plays just fine. However, the second one isn't going ahead even a single frame. The code that I have mentioned below is located withing the second movieclip containing background image. And I think this code is causing the issue because when I remove this it plays perfectly fine. The function of this code is to automatically re-size background image with the browser dimensions. The whole code just worked fine on the main timeline.However, when I shifted it inside a movieclip its causing an issue.
//set stage for FBF
stage.align = "TL";
stage.scaleMode = "noScale";
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Feb 25, 2011
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Nov 20, 2007
i'm trying to get a movieclip within a movieclip to stop playing when it reaches its last frame. let me describe my problem: it should start playing when the user rolls over the movieclip that is containing it(i'll call this mc1, and the movieclip within it mc2). i've put a stop action in mc2's last frame but it won't stop and plays again and again. one thing i should point out is that there is a variable in mc1 that tells the movie whether it's ok to play the movie in reverse when the user rolls over mc1, if this is false, that means that it plays normally(not in reverse). i'm using "play()" to play mc1 when the user rolls over it and this is where i think the problem is; even though the last frame of mc2 has a stop action, it is somehow told to play again? anyways, this is just a guess, i haven't figured out why or how to fix it. i'm not sure if my explanation was too hard to understand so i'll try to clarify it if anyone wants me to.
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May 1, 2011
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Jan 14, 2008
I have a number of menu buttons (home, about, contact, etc). Each button loads a new/different movieclip onto the scene. Each movieclip when loaded plays up to frame 25 and stops. When I click on any of the menu buttons, I want the current/loaded movieclip to continue playing until it reaches the end of the clip before loading the next. I tried this actionscript with no luck!
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Jan 21, 2010
I'm SO new to scripting. I find it all a bit daunting I have a Flash movie that runs for about 300 frames, then I'd like it to run backwards once it's reached the last frame, then play again from the beginning, and loop from there.
So really forward end frame reverse loop play again (loop) Is there an easy way to script this? I think I can figure out the first frame, but what would one put at the last frame?
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Feb 10, 2012
I need to play forwards/backwards to target frame(or second) on my videoPlayer when I push a button. How would I do this?
Not sure how to tween the seek() property. I have TweenLite, which normally works great! But just not sure how to do it here..
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Sep 20, 2011
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May 2, 2011
I am new to using Flash, but with some helpful YouTube tutorials and various Google searches, I was able to create a slide show that automatically transitions to the next after 6 seconds. I also thought it would be neat if I could give users the ability to go back or forward or jump specifically to a certain slide. But my problem is that after I click a button, the timer seems to be off.
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Aug 7, 2009
I am loading an external SWF file into my main timeline. The external SWF file contains an FLV video. At a certain point in my main timeline, the SWF file loads and plays the video. Is there a way to say...
If the VIDEO (FLV) is done playing, gotoAndPlay(X)?
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Sep 15, 2009
I have two buttons named buttonOne and buttonTwo. When I click buttonOne, the movie clip named oneMc should play its intro and then stop then after that whenever I click buttonTwo, the movieclip oneMc should play outro animation and then movieclip twoMc intro comes in.
Do I need to use the Loader and URLRequest for this one? or use a String?Also, how can I call the movieclip to play its outro and play the next movieclip's intro?Here is my code so far...
buttonOne.buttonMode = true;
buttonTwo.buttonMode = true;
buttonOne.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, btnOneHandler);
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Jul 10, 2010
Pausing, stopping and playing movieClip (MC) children. I am making SWFs that an interface will load and control (pause, re-start, stop, etc.). Then the interface is paused, the main MC will pause but not it's child MCs. I didn't write the interface, I am just supplying SWFs that are loading into the interface. The developer of the interface willn't allow me to use animated MCs in my SWFs since he can't control them with the interface. So all my animation need to be on the main time line, which is no optimal to say the lease.Can I provide him with some code to allow him to stop the child MCs or is there an Event Listener I could include in the child MCs that would pause, stop, restart, etc when the main MC changes?I currently do not have a fix at this time and since all my animations are on the main timeline, is there a way to select multiple objects (on difference layers) and move and resize them across multiple keyframes?
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