ActionScript 3.0 :: Plugin - Encountered One App When Got The Flash10i - Ocx Error Message
Nov 8, 2010
I was testing out some applications written in AS3 and it worked fine untill I encountered one app when I got the Flash10i.ocx error message. I uninstalled and re-installed the flash player and this time when I run the application I got the Flash10k.ocx error. I am using IE 7 and Flash CS5 and my OS is Win XP professional. I am trying to go through the code to see if there is any issue. Meantime I am posting the code here, if anyone is able to spot any issue with the coding do share with me. The code is from the book 'Learning Flash Media Server 3':
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In the 4th line in the code above i am getting "Error: Error #2030: End of file was encountered." I checked the length of the pixels object which is 4 times the width*height of the rect object. Given that setPixels() functions reads unsigned int from bytearray and sets that value to pixels, I think it should work.
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Flash Player and Adobe AIR throw exceptions when they encounter errors in your application at run time.In addition,you can explicitly throw exceptions yourself using the throw statement.When explicitly throwing errors, Adobe recommends that you throw instances of the Error class or its subclasses.The following code demonstrates a throw statement that throws an instance of the Error class, MyErr,and eventually calls a function,myFunction(), to respond after the error is thrown:
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if (password="one") {getURL("");}
else {if (password="two") {getURL("")}}
else {if (password=="two","one") {nextFrame()}}
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function loadIOError(event:IOErrorEvent){
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Error: "Scene=Scene 1, Layer=Nav Bar, Frame=1: Line 12: Unexpected '}' encountered }"
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Plugin tool script error in method ik_isIKContainer
Plugin tool script error in method ik_isIKContainer
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var value:Number = -(true ? 1 : 0); // This one doesn't work.
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Feb 21, 2009
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Here is the code on the 1st frame:
var sndObject:Sound= new Sound();
var chaObject:SoundChannel= new SoundChannel() ;
var sndTransform:SoundTransform= new SoundTransform();
var reqObject:URLRequest = new URLRequest();
var sndBytes:ByteArray= new ByteArray();
var intPosition:int = 0;
var bolStop:Boolean= true;
function initMP3Player(reqObject:String):void {
[Code] .....
And this is how I am calling it on 4 following frames:
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Jun 4, 2010
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Jun 9, 2011
I have custom validator apllied to many comboboxes in different tabs of application. Its is performing the same validation for all the comboboxes. The only difference is for ecah combobox the custom validator should return a different error messagae. How can error message be specified.?like some error property in mxml or by somehow passing the error message as parameters to custom validator class, as I dont want to have one custom validator for each component.
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Jan 29, 2009
I have a class, called GMScores, and in it I have two variables gameStamp, and gameID.Here is a short version of the class:
ActionScript Code:
package {
import flash.display.Sprite;
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MovieClip.prototype.shiver = function(xScale, yScale, strength, weight) {
var xScaleStep = 0;
var yScaleStep = 0;[code].....
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