ActionScript 3.0 :: Populating Datagrid With Array?

Feb 28, 2011

I'd like to populate a datagrid from an array I created from an external text file. The array looks like this: 422239;24H.SE;20100507;1;1;0.00,I'd like to use the second to sixth item to populate the grid, but I have no clue how to get into a datagrid since it has the array data has no colums or names

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Actionscript 3.0 :: Datagrid Populating But Not Displaying?

Aug 23, 2009

I have a combobox and a datagrid that are both populated by an xml. The combobox works perfectly. The datagrid is loading something cause the auto scrollbar comes up and is longer or shorter depending on what category I select from the combobox. For some reason the datagrid simply isn't displaying any text. I'm sure it's something small that I'm overlooking, but I just can't find it.Here are the source files for the issue I am having.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: CS3 Datagrid Component Not Populating On Server?

Sep 17, 2009

Wasn't sure where to post this one as I'm not sure where the error is occuring.I have datagrid components being populated from a mySQL DB using php. The grids exist on external swfs being loaded into a parent clip.The datagrids populate locally no problem when tested individually and when loaded into the parent clip. They have also been working from the server in previous days, but I was doing final tests checks on some recent final changes and now things aren't working.obviously I went back and ran through what I changed but nothing really applied to the grids.Codes are below

var myOnGridArray:Array = [];


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Data Integration :: Populating Datagrid From Combobox

Jul 5, 2006

I am trying to populate a datagrid based on a value selected from a combobox. The data comes from a xml file, which looks something like this,[code]The user can list data in the datagrid based on either "media" and "region." For example, the user should be able to choose "Europe" from the combobox and list "only" media having "Europe" in the region tags. In this case, if the user chooses "Europe" from the Combobox only one listing (rammstein) will be seen in the Datagrid.However, it doesn't work. I get a blank datagrid. Loading data into the datagrid is not the problem, because if I just use a straight For loop with no conditions I fill the datagrid no problem. The problem comes up when I try to control what data get listed in the datagrid based on selected value in the combobox.[code]

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Xml :: Populating A Datagrid In Flex With Content From A Feed

Sep 10, 2010

I have a datagrid:

<mx:DataGrid id="resultsDataGrid"
height="328" width="604" paddingRight="0" editable="false" y="43" horizontalCenter="0">


I only need the Title and Updated fields to actually be loaded into the DataGrid. This clearly doesn't work, (I think it's related to result.entry, that it must be something else like result.feed.entry, but I've tried a number of combinations and they haven't worked

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Populating A Datagrid With Some JSON Data That Came From A Mysql Query?

Mar 5, 2012

I'm populating a datagrid with some JSON data that came from a mysql query.I was wondering if it's possible to tell a piece of JSON data to go to a column other than the name it has?My JSON data comes in with abbreviated names...

[{"gID":"Rock","vID":"Darby's Pub","gRec":"Yes"}]

and I load it into my dataGrid's data provider...

myDG.dataProvider = new DataProvider(myJSON);

Currently, my columns have to be named...

gID, vID, and gRec

for the above data to be populated.Is it possible to have more meaningful column names, while keeping the abbrieviated form in the JSON data? eg...


or do I have no choice but to make the full names a part of the JSON like...

[{"GIG STYLE":"Rock","VENUE":"Darby's Pub","CAN BE RECORDED":"Yes"}]

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Flex :: Actionscript 3 - Populating A Datagrid With Variable Number Of Columns And Rows

May 17, 2010

I am trying to figure out how to manage a Datagrid based on an XML object like this:


I will need to populate the Datagrid column names based on a different XML object and use the above XML to populate each of the column's rows. I currently am able to create the Datagrid and populate its column headers but I am unsure as to how to how to add the rows for each column. The above XML will be update with new row and column elements added and deleted. This, of course, will be bound to the Datagrid to show updates.

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Xml - Populating A Cell In A DataGrid With Multiple Values Separated By Commas - Flex?

Jun 28, 2011

I have an XML file with this data.

<merchandiseAssortmentCategoryName>D21 Plywood</merchandiseAssortmentCategoryName>


When i run this, only the category name is filled. the subordinateclass number is just blank.

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Flex :: Populating Tree Using Array

Sep 21, 2010

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where the component before / represents parent and the children of the corresponding parent are separated by , Can anyone provide me the logic to create a array collection for this hierarchy to set as dataprovider to my tree.

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Flash :: Populating A C Array With From An AS3_Val

Dec 22, 2010

When receiving an array from flash, in C, how do I populate that array when its size isn't constant but the values types are?

In Alchemy's documentation, the example given is:

S3_ArrayValue(arr, "IntType, StrType, DoubleType", &arg0, &arg1, &arg2);

But this means that if I my array is of size 100, I need to create a string describing each of the cells types.

Isn't there a way to populate it by saying something like "fill the following 'int * array', with the first 100 value from this AS3_Val int array?"

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Populating Array From Textfile... And Using It?

Jun 13, 2004

Okay so I am new to using txt files, and not too great with arrays, but I think I should have this right. But when I try to trace the array, I get undefined!I found this on another thread, and changed it accordingly.

_root.textArray = new Array();
_root.text_lv = new LoadVars();


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Populating 3d Array From External Xml?

Oct 8, 2009

I have a short xml file. I want to populate it using some kind of loop inside an empty 3D array when the file loads, I want it to look like this:

["LOL", "Laughing Out Loud", "0"],
["OMG", "Oh My God", "0"],
["BTW", "By The Way", "0"][code]....

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Populating An Array With A For Loop?

Nov 21, 2010

I'm trying to create 4 MC's, mc1, mc2, mc3 and mc4. Populate the arrray testArray with then and then trace testArrays' contents so that that the output is:mc1mc2mc3mc4do i have to treat mc like a string in order to concatenate it with the var i in the loop?that isn't working.

var testArray:Array = new Array;
for(var i = 1; i < 4; i++){


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Populating An Array With Properties?

Nov 21, 2010

I recently learned how to populate a component list, using an array like this:

var colours:Array = [
{label:"Blue", data:0},[code]....

Now I want to take it a step further, and populate the component list using values from an XML file. I have loaded up the XML file correctly, but I'm not sure about the syntax to use it, as I'm not really familiar with arrays that use curly braces to provide properties. My XML file contains data like this:


it updates the list with each item in the XML progressively, and I end up with only the final item.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Populating Array From Textfile?

Jul 5, 2011

using txt files, and not too great with arrays, but I think I should have this right. But when I try to trace the array, I get undefined!I found this on another thread, and changed it accordingly.

_root.textArray = new Array();
_root.text_lv = new LoadVars();


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Creating / Populating A 2d / Multidimensional Array

Apr 10, 2006

I suppose this is an easy question but I can't seem to get it to work. How does one create and populate a 2d array in flash? I am first defining the array with:


that this code exists in another for loop which loops i also please assume that 5 is my total list of entries in the xml file i simplified my code for posting. i just want to know what the proper synax is for populating this 2d array. also how do i access it? array [i,c]? right now whats happening is the array does fill up but only with the last values.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Trace Works, But Array Not Populating?

Mar 3, 2009

I've got some xml that I want to use to populate the labels on an array of buttons that I'm putting in with attachMovie. the button(s) load (well, the first one does) and I've got a trace statement that shows the exact data I want in the button labels. But the numbers just refuse to appear in the button labels.the labeling is correct; I've been looking at this for three days and checked the path and naming at least a dozen times.

for(i=0; i<total; i++){
patMenuHolder_mc.attachMovie("patentBtn", "patentBtn"+i, i, {_x:xPos, _y:yPos})


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Populating Array From Db (mysql, Php) Cocept?

Sep 7, 2004

i was just wondering how to do this. I want my table from the database in an array in flash.What is the concept of this, should i send a string with each variable/object and have flash sort it out into a array or can you just let php make the array and send that over?

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Flex :: Populating Array Collection By Parsing String

Jul 26, 2010

In ActionScript I have string as
Dynamically I have split this string and build array collection as given below
arraycoll.addItem({subject:a ,r1:1,r2:3});
This example of one set. The array collection should be built dynamic. I have tried but not successful.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Populating Multiple Text Variables By Array?

Apr 11, 2007

I have 25 dynamic text fields. If I could, I'd just assign their text by calling the array in the text property var, but that doesn't work.My text field variables are simply B1, B2, B3, B4, B5, I1, I2, I3, I4. . . (I'm populating a bingo card)I'm using 5 Arrays to get the 25 numbers. bArray, iArray. . . and so on.Now, obviously I can fill in my text fields by assigning each variable separately, however, I'd like a shorter solution.Instead of coding B1=bArray[0], B2 =bArray[1] I was looking for a way to assign all the variables in a for loop... or something...

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Populating A Single TextFeild With Array Elements?

Oct 4, 2010

Specifically Im trying to make good use of some error messages by populating them to a TextField.

What I've done is to collect all the error messages in an array. I've been working on this for the better part of a day but I can't seem to get it to post as I'd like it. Im seeing the results but each result is in its own TextField. I really want them in one TextField that expands as they get added, each line being separated by a return ''.

I feel like Im close. here is what I've got:

var errorHolder:Sprite;
var errorArray:Array = ["Errors: "];
function extSoundError(e:IOErrorEvent):void {


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Actionscript 3 :: Populating An Array Of Random Numbers With Minimum Spacers / Distribution?

Feb 5, 2011

i'm attempting to populate an array with random numbers, but the random numbers must be a certain, minimum distance apart from each other.i've populated an array with 5 random numbers between 0 - 100:[code]after populating and sorting let's assume that myArray now contains these values:26, 27, 42, 92, 97 now i would like some ore all of the array values to be reset, if they need to be, so that they are at least a certain percentage (let's say 10%) of the maximum value (100) apart from each other.the first 2 values (26 and 27) are not at least 10% apart and neither are the last 2 values (92 and 97). however, if i simply moved the value 27 10% away from 26, so that 27 changes to 37, 37 now conflicts with the next value of 42.what is the best approach for populating an array of random numbers who's values will be at least a certain percentage apart from one another but still may go without saying, but i'm looking for a solution that is portable, where maximum values and minimum distribution percentages can be anything, not just for my example above.

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Actionscript 3 :: Iterating Through Array Of Objects, Populating BarChart, And Saving Each As Image?

Jan 9, 2012

I am creating an option in my application to create a PDF report based on the results from the application.The results are represented as an ArrayCollection of XMLList objects, which I am using to populate a BarChart.To create a screenshot of each result (as a PNG), I am loading the Results Window (a Title Window) and hiding it (visible = false). I am using AlivePDF to add the capture to a PDF report.

I have been using a Timer to iterate through the results, load each result to the chart, create a delay, and then capture the image and add it to the report.

UPDATE.Currently, I am able to iterate through the results (using the Timer), but the chart does not refresh properly before capturing the screenshot and saving as PNG.Essentially,I am trying to see if there is any other possible solutions for iterating through the results and creating a delay so that I may be able to load a result to the chart, capture the screenshot, and add it to a PDF.Is there any other way to do this in Flex?Initially, I was thinking of iterating through the results array using a for loop,but this was not working due to the fact that the results were not loading in time before capturing the screenshot of the chart.

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PHP :: Populate Array In Flex DataGrid

Jul 11, 2009

I am getting return type as array from PHP. When I populate in my datagrid, the values are not coming...
var appSes:Array = event.result as Array
dg.dataProvider = appSes;

I am getting the values, from PHP is there anything other than this i have to do.
<local:CheckBoxDataGrid id="dg"
allowMultipleSelection="true" x="118" y="142" width="507">
<mx:DataGridColumn dataField="firstName" headerText=" " width="20" sortable="false" itemRenderer="CheckBoxRenderer" >
[Code] .....

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Flex :: Assigning An Array Of Objects To A DataGrid?

Aug 24, 2009

When the dataProvider for an DataGrid is an array of objects, how do I set each column's dataField to a property of the object.I have an ArrayCollection (say a) where each item is an objectFor example a[i] = data:ObjectWhere the object data has some subproperties -, data.title, data.content etc.I have a DataGrid in which I want to display this data.So I put:

<mx:DataGrid id="entries" dataProvider="{resultRSS}">


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Flash :: Hideing A Specified Value From Displaying In An Array In A Datagrid?

Feb 9, 2011

Say I have: public var usersOnlineArray:Array = new Array(bob,jim,tim,marry,luke);

and when i put that into my datagride like this:

buddylist.dataProvider = new DataProvider(usersOnlineArray);
buddylist.rowCount = buddylist.length;

how could i, lets say prevent luke from appearing in the data grid? basically make him not appear but technically "still be there" so i can make him reappear later but?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Load Array Into DataGrid Column?

Jul 3, 2009

I'm making a simple XML viewer. It simply loads an XML file and displays it in a DataGrid component. However I wanted to add a column at the beginning displaying the row number. How can I do that easily? I was thinking of having a array with numbers [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]. But I suspect it is possible to do something like for...myDataGrid.row[i].rowNumber = i;

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Flex :: Copying Data From A Column In A Datagrid To An Array?

Jan 28, 2011

I have an editable column in a datagrid. How do i copy the contents of that column into an array? The dataprovider for the datagrid is an array

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Flex :: Datagrid - Pass An Array Of Values From One Mxml Component To Another?

Oct 13, 2009

I have a mxml component with a datagrid listing project names and code versions. I have the selected projects from the datagrid binded to a public variable named "selectedProjects". But how to access this variable in another mxml component. I want the selected project's name in that component's text area. I even created an instance of the first component and using that called the selectedProjects variable. But I do not get the value updated in the text area.

This is the code for the first component where I get the selected projects name in a variable:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:TitleWindow xmlns:mx=""
width="800" height="600">


I was trying to update the value of the selected projects in the text area of Id "projDocs", But I do not get it..

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Flex4 :: Pushing Text Field's Value Into Array That Populates Datagrid

Dec 29, 2010

I would like to be able to push a text field's value into an array on a button click, then have that array populate a data grid. I'm kind of new to flex and was wondering if someone could point me in a direction or show me how to do this.

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