ActionScript 3.0 :: Populating A Single TextFeild With Array Elements?

Oct 4, 2010

Specifically Im trying to make good use of some error messages by populating them to a TextField.

What I've done is to collect all the error messages in an array. I've been working on this for the better part of a day but I can't seem to get it to post as I'd like it. Im seeing the results but each result is in its own TextField. I really want them in one TextField that expands as they get added, each line being separated by a return ''.

I feel like Im close. here is what I've got:

var errorHolder:Sprite;
var errorArray:Array = ["Errors: "];
function extSoundError(e:IOErrorEvent):void {


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_root.textArray = new Array();
_root.text_lv = new LoadVars();


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patMenuHolder_mc.attachMovie("patentBtn", "patentBtn"+i, i, {_x:xPos, _y:yPos})


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Dynamically I have split this string and build array collection as given below
arraycoll.addItem({subject:a ,r1:1,r2:3});
This example of one set. The array collection should be built dynamic. I have tried but not successful.

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Jan 9, 2012

I am creating an option in my application to create a PDF report based on the results from the application.The results are represented as an ArrayCollection of XMLList objects, which I am using to populate a BarChart.To create a screenshot of each result (as a PNG), I am loading the Results Window (a Title Window) and hiding it (visible = false). I am using AlivePDF to add the capture to a PDF report.

I have been using a Timer to iterate through the results, load each result to the chart, create a delay, and then capture the image and add it to the report.

UPDATE.Currently, I am able to iterate through the results (using the Timer), but the chart does not refresh properly before capturing the screenshot and saving as PNG.Essentially,I am trying to see if there is any other possible solutions for iterating through the results and creating a delay so that I may be able to load a result to the chart, capture the screenshot, and add it to a PDF.Is there any other way to do this in Flex?Initially, I was thinking of iterating through the results array using a for loop,but this was not working due to the fact that the results were not loading in time before capturing the screenshot of the chart.

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AS3 :: Flex - Subclassing An Array - Get Array Elements (this[0] Does Not Work)?

Mar 16, 2011

If I am a subclass of an Array, how do I access an element?

class ArrayOfFoo extends Array
public function getFooAt(anIndex : int) : Foo
return this[anIndex] as Foo; // <---- looks for an object attribute (named "0", for example)

I could wrap an array instead of subclassing it, however lacking a universal IArray interface, that is less than useful for standard and custom functions expecting an Array.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Using Textfeild To Control Objects?

Feb 18, 2009

I do not know if this is possible but I want to use input field to program things on the stage.

I know if I do this

onEnterFrame = function() {
mars.text = onEnterFrame = function (){ my_mc._x +=5 }

it works...I was wonder if their was away to do that using input.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: CreateTextField And Format Textfeild

Aug 11, 2009

I can't seem to get this to work. I want my text field to be in arial. The format function is not working? Can anyone tell me where I went wrong?


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Change Colour Of Textfeild?

Oct 9, 2009

again I have this textfield being generated in a loop, so there are many textfields created.I've added a format to the textfield, but on a click I want to change the colour of a specific textfield. I tried adding a new format to the object, but it won't work.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Access A Mc Or Textfeild From A Non Document Class?

Sep 21, 2010

It used to be simple to access an object you put on the stage like a mc or dynamic text field by simply using _root.instanceName ect.  Now I see references to making references to the Stage and such like:
private var stage:Stage;
stage = stageRef; 
and I am still confused.
What I have going on is, I have placed a movieclip on the stage in Flash and gave it an instance name of Cell_mc.I have a cusom class that extends MovieClip with the following imports

import flash.display.MovieClip;

This Class is tied to a set of MovieClips in my Library.

I have a listener: this.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN,pickUp);
And a function:

private function pickUp(event:MouseEvent):void

I get the following error whenever I try to access an object I placed on the stage from anywhere other than the document class:
1120: Access of undefined property Cell_mc.
How do I access the cell_mc that is already on the stage from this non-document class?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Get Rid Of All Elements In An Array?

Jun 20, 2011

How do you empty an array. I want the array complete empty, so the array length =0. I have tried this code, but that doesn�t take away all elements in an array, just a few.

for (i=0; i<myArray.length; i++) {

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What is the easiest way to let a variable refer to all the elements in an array?

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I am stuck when trying to total the elements in an array, I keep getting NaN and cannot for the life of me see what I am doing wrong.

I am using a prototype function:

Array.prototype.sum = function(){
var totalSum:Number,a=0;


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