ActionScript 3.0 :: Preloader - Reference To 'WholeSite' Scene
Dec 2, 2009
I have a preloader on a 'Preloader' Scene and want it to load my site on another scene called 'WholeSite' when it reaches 100%. My WholeSite has 184 frames. I am really getting confused with the script here.
I can get by and make nice flash sites, but I'm still learning what goes where and am still borrowing code to get by.I've laid the problem out in some detail as I am sure that will save a lot of questions later on, but feel free to ask if you want more info.Problem is as follows: I've built a two scene flash site using open source code for the preloader scene:[code]The main scrolling menu scene works great when it's a one scene movie and the preloader code works fine with a load of other sites I've built, but when I put them together on this site (the code for the scrolling menu precludes the addition of a preloader directly into that scene so separate scenes are a necessity) everything goes to pot.When testing the site (both as a standalone SWF file and when embedded in an HTML file) the preloader works fine and the main scene appears correctly, but when you click on any button to move back or forth along the menu/timeline it jumps and jerks along very roughly and stops short of its designated point.
This causes the whole scene to fail as the designated timeframe for each button contains a movie instance that won't function until the specific timeframe is reached.It's odd behavior and I'm stumped as both chunks of code work fine separately.I've even tried a much simpler preloader that doesn't display percentage or anything, it just cycles between frame one and two until the movie loads and then plays it (just like this one, but with no bells or whistles).Unfortunately my lack of actionscript knowledge prevents me from even finding a simple term to sum up the problem so I've failed to find any similar issues on any forums or Google.
I have on the first scene, which is named "Edicion", a series of input text fields, which is intended for the user to enter in scores for different teams.
Then there are different scenes for each team, which display their team flag and their score.
How do I, on loading of each team scene, reference the "Edicion" scene and grab the value entered their team score, to update the score?
I have tried _Edicion., _parent., and _root. and even just Edicion. but nothing works, I keep getting undefined.
Example: _Edicion.teamNameScore.text;
I know how to update the score on the current scene. But just can't grab the score entered on the default scene.
Adobe Flash CS3Action Script 1.0 & 2.0 Im just almost done with my site. Just put in a preloader in the 1st scene of my site, and this is the script I put in:
Check out what happens after percentage loaded. It just goes to Frame 1 of next scene but doesn't play it.... although if you right click and click PLAY it will indeed play it.. How to get it to start upon 100% loaded?? I SHOULD NOTE that the scene that won't play has an embedded FLV in timeline
Reference Site: [URL] Also see attached source file.
I've just built my first preloader, and the first time loading it, it works great in Internet Explorer 8 (with latest flash player), but on reload or on reopen of browser, it doesn't autoplay the second scene (main scene). Works great in Firefox and Chrome.
I've searched the internet up and down with no luck on solving this problem.
I am using flash cs3. I created my preloader in a separate scene. calling the scene I want. what I wanted was the preloader to load and play the all next scene, where I have my core website running.
it works fine till one point! here is my drama it loads the scene I want, but it gets stuck in a loop.
I have my game on Scene 1, and my preloader on a separate frame. The preloader loads, but it doesn't advance to the game when it's complete. Where to look for my error?
Code: class preloader extends MovieClip { var amount; function onEnterFrame() { amount = ((this.getBytesLoaded() / this.getBytesTotal()) * 100); this._xscale = amount; if (amount == 100) { _root.gotoAndPlay("Scene 1"); }}}
I made a little slideshow with a few images in a seperate scene in my site and I exported each image/mc in the first frame and it still waits till everything loads till it plays
i'm trying to build my preloader, my flash movie has large sounds to make a selection of music but the sounds loads in the first scene even if they are attached in the second one.
My flash size is about 762 kb and some 756 kb are in the first scene(such as sounds), this is the problem because my preloader starts function when they are 756 kb loaded and only works for the final 6 kb.
i am putting a preloader in a seperate scene in my flash movie.for some goofy reason, it will go to the preloader and get to lik 99% and stop, and will not proceed to the next frame. i have tired EVERYTHING that i know to make it work, but it will not.[code]it is placed on a moive clip that retains all the text and graphics for the i said the only thing that won't work is that it will not proceed to the next frame.i have replaced the _parent, to _root. i have used frame labels instead of ("Scene 2", 16). i have no idea what else to do.
i would like to have a preloader run in a movie clip rather than in the main scene...http:[url]....i have followed this tutorial exact and it works when i create it on the main scene,but the loading bar and text doesnt work when i build it in a movie clip.
i got this script out of a flash MX book but it doesnt seem to be working. i'm trying to create a preloader with a simple status bar that loads a scene within the same file. the scene does end up loading. but the status bar just says "100% completed" the whole time its loading the scene. is there a flaw in the script or an i doing something else wrong?
i got this script out of a flash MX book but it doesnt seem to be trying to create a preloader with a simple status bar that loads a scene within the same file. the scene does end up loading....but the status bar just says "100% completed" the whole time its loading the scene. is there a flaw in the script or an i doing something else wrong?
onClipEvent(enterFrame) { loaded = _root.getBytesLoaded(); total = _root.getBytesLoaded();
I have a file, "fish_stages.swf". It works in my browser and flash player.I am trying to preload it with a preloader.swf with a short timeline code:
Code: var l:Loader = new Loader(); l.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(ProgressEvent.PROGRESS, loop); l.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, done); l.load(new URLRequest("fish_stages.swf"));
However, when I run the preloader.swf file I am getting all sort of reference error #1065 messages. My fish_stages.swf file uses several classes...I checked all of them and they are public.I unchecked "automatically declare stage instances" but every instance I have in my movieclips I declared using the following format:
public myInstanceOnStage:LinkedMovieClipName = new LinkedMovieClipName();
ive made a button in the scene 1 which i have managed to navigate to scene 2 but when i click the button it goes to scene 2 but displays everthing that is in scene 1 in scene 2, how can sort this out so upon the button click in scene 1 it goes to scene 2 and only display content in scene2.
I wrote this AS for my preloader which schould be able to load a movie clip after pressing a specif button in the main sceene:
1) The problem is that to be able to target a movieclip I will need to give it a instance name. Where can i find this function in MX ?
2) I cannot understant how I schoul put a loadBar being a small movieclip on the main timeline, I think( the same timeline the container clip is at ) or maybe not ? well I am bit confused now..
Well I have done already a sceene preloader for my site and it works perfectly and i did not experience any problems as Im having now with this new kind of preloader.
We are trying to automate our flex application. After adding automation libraries to our project we get the following exception:
TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference. at mx.automation::AutomationManager$/addDelegates() at mx.automation::AutomationManager$/addDelegates() at mx.automation::AutomationManager$/addDelegates() at mx.automation::AutomationManager$/addDelegates() .....
We are using Flex 3.4 and maven2 to build the application. Flex-testing?
everything here is fine. It opens finely. But... i want to pass parameters where if i click a button in html page My.swf should open a particular scene called 'Scene 2' rather than scene 1. i tried
I have buils a flash movie using a document class, all works fine. When I load the movie using a preloader all reference to the stage as in stage.scaleMode = StageScaleMode.NO_SCALE; or stage.stageHeight throws a TypeError: Error #1009: I think i undrestand the problem, I am no longer accessing the stage properties. How do i access stage properties from the document class once loaded into the prelaoder?
I am having really annoying problems with Flash. I am using CS4 and the file uses AS 3.0. Anyway, on to the problem. Basically I am creating a flash-only website. Source code for main site:
After I have done this, the whole thing is not working anymore, and I get the following errors: TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference. at website_fla::MainTimeline/frame2()[website_fla.MainTimeline::frame2:3] at flash.display::MovieClip/nextFrame()
My preloader keeps displaying an error when I try and load my SWF in it.
TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference. at Main()
The swf works fine but the loader doesn't work with it. I worked out that it was because I used "stage" in the eventlisteners of the SWF file but if I remove these the game keys don't work, but the loader does.
I have a preloader which has this code (simplified):
Code: Select allvar loader:Loader = new Loader(); loader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, loaded); loader.load(new URLRequest("x.swf")) function loaded(e:Event):void {}
And x.swf has this code (very simplified): Code: Select alltrace(stage.stageWidth); When I run preloader, I get this error: TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference. at x_fla::MainTimeline/frame1()
how to change different section with as3 and custom document class, everything run fine , but when i try to use the preloader tutorial that load the swf file , i run to some error it said " TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference.
at Main/init() at Main()"
Main is the name of my custom document class, and here is my document class code
I just found the external preloader tutorial and it's Perfect, exactly what I needed! I just have one issue which I can't figure out.. It all works fine with other swf files such as the content.swf example it comes with, however when I try link it to a site I'm making (a fluid as3 layout) it states: "TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference. at Website()" Here is the syntax - it's just the same as on the tut but trying to load 'website.swf'..
1. I created an Interactive movie divided into 6 scenes. Each scene is a room in a house. I created a navigation bar to allow users to go from one scene (room) to the next.
2. Scene 1: Is the entire house or the intro section of the movie where a user can enter into a specific room of the house. Scene 2: Is the kitchen. I have a navigation bar to allow the user to enter into the other rooms of the house Scene 3: Is the bedroom. I use the same ActionScript 3 code as I did in Scene 2 to in a layer called Actions. See below:
I am quite confident i am having no issue with my preloader codes and have managed to identify why i keep getting the Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference. My preloader.swf is loading a home.swf. Within this home.swf i have some codes that makes reference to the stage. EG stage.stageWidth/2 Once i deleted away this line of code there is no error. Is there anyway that i can still reference my stage in home.swf without getting Error #1009?
I have this Preloader movie clip on one scene called "preloader" then i have content on the second scene called "main".The preloader works fine, its just that once it is loaded somehow it doesnt go to the "main" scene.This is the AS on the preloader MClip ::
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { loaded = _root.getBytesLoaded(); total = _root.getBytesTotal();[code].....
We are trying to automate our flex application. After adding automation libraries to our project we get the following exception:
TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference. at mx.automation::AutomationManager$/addDelegates() at mx.automation::AutomationManager$/addDelegates() at mx.automation::AutomationManager$/addDelegates()
We are using Flex 3.4 and maven2 to build the application.