ActionScript 3.0 :: [Q] FMS2 NetStream Publish Not Working?
Jul 28, 2007
I am trying to create a simple online recording via FMS2
Here is my coding:
NetConnection.defaultObjectEncoding = ObjectEncoding.AMF0;
var nc:NetConnection = new NetConnection();
var ns:NetStream;
WHen I try to record a video via my cam (click the button "btnRec"), ... no error message comes up, but there is no FLV file (it should be "videoName.flv") has been generated in rtmp://localhost/test ?
i've created a sub-folder called dvr under fms 4.0 applications. i made a test of playing a video named sample.flv then at the same time i publish it to the same fms 4.0 server with a different video name: "mergedVideo".the asc at the fms server as following:
I am developing a C++ program to connect FMS via RTMP, and then publish a live stream I can't use FMLE here because I need collect the H.264 NALU from somewhere and forward them to the FMS.I write a demo app, which parses H.264 encoded FLV file, and send the VideoTag in the FLV as RTMP Message content for publishing.Finally, I make it run and I can see some frames of video!But the problem is: The video does not play smoothly and it just updates some frames. Then I looked at the NetStream event and found that:Everytime when there is a NetStream.Buffer.Full event, the frame in the video is updated and display correctly But immediately there is another NetStream.Buffer.Empty event followed and the video is frozen.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <mx:Application xmlns:mx="[URL]" layout="absolute" creationComplete="init();"> <mx:Script> <![CDATA[ import mx.controls.Alert; import mx.core.mx_internal; import; [Code] ..... So, I play the record video , but there is no image , just voice
I have a Flash Media Server2 installed and I'm just confused with the actionscript on how to stream video...does anybody know where I could start with this?
Is it possible to use the FMS2 plugin for eclipse I found on the internet with version 3.5 of FMS?Or will it give to many errors, because coding has changed?
When working with MOV files using the h.264 codec and AAC sound I am unable to get to work correctly. No matter what argument I pass to it will always seek to 0. I have this problem on both a legacy as2 and a newer as3 video player I have built. Regular flvs work perfectly on both players.
Im trying to get cuepoints working on an old as2 project.I have a netstream video component and want the cuepoints embedded in the FLV to trigger buttons to appear. I have embedded them as Event Cuepoints.
Hoped this would ave been fixed in as3 but this event does not always get triggered. Seems to be related to the encode. Anyways I would like to see others approach to this issue.
Currently I have place a condition in the NetStream.Play.Stop event to check if the ns.time is > the duration-1;
[as] if (ns.time > duration-1){ playing = "complete"; } [as]
I have noticed this does even work consistantly unless I change it to ns.time > duration-2.
I have 9 videos in a gallery. Each one gets displayed in a custom video component. When you navigate to watch a new one a new NetStream is setup.I have 2 problems. Basically if you don't watch the video right to the end and when you select and watch a new one:1. a "buffering video" movieclip does not display correctly (or at all) indicating that NetStream.Buffer.Empty isn't working properly (maybe its referencing the previous movie ???).2. when the next movie is buffered and starts you hear a little split second glitch of sound (which sounds like its from the previous movie).
both these problems seem to indicate that in some way the previous movie is still lingering around and in some way needs to be 'flushed' away so that on the next movie the code to display the 'buffering video' message works properly and you don't get this legacy remnant of sound for a split second.At the beginning of the code for each movie I have placed:
I am working on Flash CS5 Professional. I have created a simple fla file but not able to Publish->preview the swf file in Google Chrome. When I click on Publish Preview it opens a new browser window but nothing happens.
I have a file that i am trying to add a blur filter to. it is at the very end of the movie. It shows up in the FLA but when I publish the movie the blur isn't there. Here is the fla file and swf I'm getting [URL]
Its set to print a mc that sits off screen with dynamically generated text within. This all works perfectly when i test the movie within flash, it prints perfect. However, when i publish the swf it stops working, instead it prints the corner of the offscreen content.
I'm having an issue with some AS3 Loadvars. This works fine when running as preview (^+Ent), however after publishing this doesn't work. I'm very new (this is my first 'dip' into the flash world!).
I've got a play/pause movie on my timeline to control an FLV via NetStream. The idea is to switch from a play symbol to a pause symbol, but it's not working.[code]Clicking on the clip will start and stop the flv just fine, but the symbol switch doesn't happen. When I take out the ns code, just to check and see if the switch will actually work, there's no problem.What am I doing wrong? How can I get my clip to change from a play to a pause symbol?
When working with MOV files using the h.264 codec and AAC sound I am unable to get to work correctly. No matter what argument I pass to it will always seek to 0. I have this problem on both a legacy as2 and a newer as3 video player I have built. Regular flv work perfectly on both players.
I would like to have the possibility to detect when NetStream is not working (i.e. the name used in initialization can't be found on the server side). The StreamNotFound doesn't work at all. I've read that it's the fault of the Flash Media Server, which automaticaly creates new stream, if it cannot be found (of course it's an empty stream - what is wrong from my point of view). Is it true? If yes, can I disable it on the server side, so I could easily detect if the stream name is correct?
I am implementing a video player in Actionscript and I need to be able to define the starting play time for the videos. works for flv files but fails for H.264 files (the player starts playing the video from the beginning). Anyone knows what might be the problem? (I am using Netstream for this instead of adding a parameter with the starting time when I call the method because I don't have Flash Media Server).
I'm building a video chat in flash and everything works really well, except for the part where I'm trying to detect if the other user is sending a working video stream. There's a couple of reasons why the other user isn't sending video. -The other user got no camera -The other user got a camera, but the camera is currently being occupied by another application(Skype, Photo Booth, Google Talk, etc.) -The other user got a camera but hasn't allowed the use of his/hers camera. (Other unexpected problems I guess...)
So how do I detect if the stream I receive from the other user is a black stream(because of the reasons above) using the NetStream class? The closest thing I have came up with is by adding a timer that polls the currentFps() function from the stream I receive from the other user. But so far this seems pretty unreliable because I might get currentFps() == 0 and show an error because of this even though I actually got video from the stream in some cases. The reason for this is because I poll the API every 4 seconds for the currentFPS function and let's say at 00:00:04 I get "no video" according to the poll but at 00:00:05 the video kicks in, and therefor I need to wait until the next tick until the error message disappears
This is what my current poll looks like function subscribingStatusPoll(e:TimerEvent):void { if (subscribingStream.currentFPS == 0){ error.text = "No video found from the other user... } else { error.text = ""; }}
This is the only hack I that I can come up with to detect this, but this is unreliable and I actually would prefer a way to instantly detect if the stream I receive got a working video attached to it.
I have a flash document with only 1 scene, but several frames. On the first frame i have several buttons, their behavior is "button". I wrote a simple onRollover command on each one. Like this
on(rollOver){ gotoAndStop(2) }
It works fine when I test the movie, however, when I publish it, nothing happens when I rollover the button. I suppose there is a simple answer to this, but i just can't find it
After making changes to a perfectly working fla it won't publish correctly,meaning:1. When previewing all the components jump (as usually happens when there isa compile error) but no error is displayed in the log.In this case when used with the whole project, the project doesn't load,even though the corrupted fla is not the first loaded (non of the fla loadsbesides the preloader).2. When previewing and running with the whole project the labels on thebutton components disappear, but only the ones that are dynamically changedby an external as file.*there are other similar bugs as well like unable to enter the table in thegame etc.The changes I make before it happens:- changing the size of a shape inside a movie clip.- changing the size of a movie clip.- changing anything in an already existing code (like changing the size of afont).- adding new basic code anywhere (like trace code).
- changing button skins.Basically, any change I make corrupts the file but not consistently,meaning, I can make the same change twice and the file will break only one of thetimes, or, I can make several changes until it breaks.It also happens on every computer but also, not consistently, I can work fora while, making the same change, deleting, making the change again etc, onlyon the fifth or sixth time the file will break. On a different computer itcan take only two or three times.The corrupted file start working again after I change the name of the foldercontaining my project or move all the files to a different folder anywhereon my computer. After a short while the file crushes again.
I'm trying to send metaData from client to FMS server when recording Webcam video and have implemented sending of metaData as stated on Adobe's help page at: http:[url]....
However when I play the recorded video from FMS, my custom metaData properties trace "undefined".I can trace default metaData properties such as duration or videocodecid successfully,but not my custom properties such customProp,width or height. Here is part of my code that is related to the issue: private function
I have a video chat application where there can be 6 participants. What I would like to do is give the option to each publisher to control their own stream's volume. The code I have looks like this.
[global] private var volumeTransform:SoundTransform; [In the init method where ] outgoingStream = new NetStream( nc );
A possible solution can be this : Calibrate the slider and set the microphone gain, a gain of zero effectively is mute and a gain of 100 is full volume.
Let me preface this by saying: This is definitely a bug either with latest Adobe Flash Player or the streaming Media Server (in this case Real Helix):In the latest version of the Flash player ( Code that worked previously in version does not work now. This is basic code to connect to an RTMP server (Real Helix) using Netstream class. NOW the video does not even display and there is no error message . THIS ONLY OCCURS in a BROWSER . Also I am using swfobject to display the flash and I tried with latest version and the old 1.4.1 version.
private function init():void video = new Video(); NetConnection.defaultObjectEncoding = ObjectEncoding.AMF0; nc = new NetConnection(); nc.client = this;
I'm trying to create a simple application that streams the webcam to FMS 4.5 (running on a Windows 7 machine), and then displays the published stream locally. Here's my code:
All traces in the event handlers show the NetConnection connecting successfully, and the netstream publishing successfully. However, I get no video output from this. I've confirmed this using the sample video player in FMS 4.5 as well. There is also a weird traffic pattern reported in the FMS Admin console.There is some traffic (~4K) when the NetStream first publishes, but after that there is no activity.
I am trying to publish the video of a webcam to a Flash Media Server 2.My code is working in the Flash standalone player (tested with 10.0 and 10.2), but not in the browser plugin (tested with 10.2, both in IE and Opera.The connection to my FMS is working successfully, but after the publish, nothing happens, I never get the NetStream.Publish.Start Event. On the server I can see the connection in the management console, even the stream in the streams tab. But I cannot connect to that strea.[code]