ActionScript 3.0 :: Remove XML Tags When Printing To A Textfield?

Dec 12, 2011

I am trying to extract xml from a website and print its contents to a textfield by specifying a specific child. The problem is that the XML tags are also printing out.[code]...

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Printing A Dynamic TextField

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TypeError: Error #1034: Type Coercion failed: cannot convert flash.text:

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Printing Contents Of TextField?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Want To Remove XML Tags

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Remove My HTML Tags?

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I am pulling data from an xml file which has HTML tags in it. I need the HTML tags for the on-screen display, but I am also using printJob to print what's on the screen. The problem I'm having is that when I run printjob it prints all the HTML too. Is there a way to remove the HTML tags? Maybe some sort of script? I'm thinking I could search for the beginning "<" and the end ">" and remove them and what's in between, but I'm not really sure how to go about this.

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Remove The Paragraph Tags In The Actions Window?

Jan 4, 2010

When I'm coding action script in the Actions window of Flash, in line breaks, the paragraph symbol is present, and there are dots in all the spaces, etc., etc.
I accidentally turned this on, and don't know how to turn it off.
It's like the paragraph symbol button in Microsoft Word.

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Html :: Remove Font Tags From HtmlText?

Jan 16, 2012

I'd like to remove the font tags from the htmlText string produced by a TextField leaving the surrounding nodes and any bold etc tags within intact.

Example partial output of htmlText:

<P ALIGN="LEFT"><FONT FACE="ChampagneLimo" SIZE="18" COLOR="#000000" LETTERSPACING="0" KERNING="0">Lorem Ipsum</FONT></P>

My plan was to avoid trying anything with regex and create an XML object.

However if I create a new XML object containing a root node and then attempt to appendChild the htmlText string so that I have a valid XML object to manipulate I run into a problem with html entities, see example below:

<html>&lt;P ALIGN="LEFT"&gt;&lt;FONT FACE="...

How can the font tags be stripped from htmlText and how can I create a valid XML object from the htmlText string? My plan was to use the XML replace() method

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Regular Expression - Remove Content Between Html Tags?

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use regular expression. i want to remove content between html tags.example:

Quote: This is test content <img display='false' src="angry.gif"> image. </img>.i want to remove all the image tag which have display attribute false.

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AS3 :: Regex - Use Regular Expressions To Remove HTML Tags In Flex?

Sep 26, 2010

I'm writing a HTML parser in Flex (AS3) and I need to remove some HTML tags that are not needed.

For example, I want to remove the divs from this code:


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Actionscript 3 :: Flash Is Ignoring My Most Of My Tags In A HTML TextField?

Feb 29, 2012

I usually manage to make my textFields work properly.I have this TextField that I inject HTML formatted text (contained in a XML file). For some reason, almost all my tags are ignored (<b>,<i>,<u>,<ul> and <li>). I can only get it to render <br /> tags properly. I could use a StyleSheet, but I don't think it would make my lists work...Here's how things are set up:

Text I inject:

<![CDATA[<b>Some bold text </b>and some normal text <br/><u>This text is underlined</u> normal text to compare<br/><i/>This text is italic</i>]]>[code].........

Edit: So I decided to test having no CDATA in my XML, and adding the <b> tag in my AS3 code. Didn't work either. I don't get how I can have my fonts correctly embed, but Flash refusing to use them.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Remove The Textfield And Replace It With A Fresh Textfield At A Later Time?

Jun 2, 2009

I'm using the following to remove a textFeild from the stage I then need to add this textField back to the stage at a later time....i tried using addChild the problem is the text that was in the text field prior to the removal is still in the textfield when i re add it......How do i remove the textfield and replace it with a fresh textfield at a later time?....using msgTa.text =""; is not an option.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Dispatch When Change Text In TextField Or Remove TextField?

Mar 12, 2010

I have MovieClip with TextField in, how can I dispatch when change text in TextField or remove TextField or add something else.

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Flex :: Remove Undesirable Text/HTML Tags From LineChart's Custom DataTips?

Aug 11, 2010

I wrote a function to override y FLEX LineChart's datatips because the default datatips were ugly and rather boring.I finally set the style I wanted but am now having some problems removing un-necessary tags from being displayed in the custom datatips.For example, the datatips now display things like this:


I can always perform a "Replace()" to remove those break and bold HTML tags, but that seems really un-necessary and anti-development.I am using this to set the dataTip's label text:

var hd:HitData = value as HitData;
var item:LineSeriesItem = hd.chartItem as LineSeriesItem;
_xAxisText = String(hd.displayText + ' ' + item.xValue);


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Anchor Tags In Htmltext Property Of TextField Causes New Lines In Text?

Jun 24, 2009

I have some HTML loaded from an XML document that includes web links (anchor tags).  I am using a TextField object to display the text, and am plugging the XML data into the htmlText property of the TextField, and the text is rendering with HTML markup, links are working etc.
The problem I'm seeing is that a new line is created before and after the link, so html like this:
hello world <a href ="#">this is a link</a> and all of this should be on the same line.
is rendered like this (with specific attention paid to the new lines): Does anyone know of a way to prevent these new lines from appearing when using HTML links within a TextField? 

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Limit Textfield MaxChars On A String Formated With Html Tags?

Dec 6, 2009

to restrict the maximum number of characters on a TextField by applying the maxChars to 30. This call exists before applying the html text to the TextField. For some reason nothing happens.textfield.maxChars = 30;var str:String = "<p><h3>Quisque id velit risus, vitae dictum sapien.</h3><p>Fusce aliquam nunc id risus lobortis in malesuada mi pellentesque. Suspendisse potenti.</p><br/><justify>Nulla facilisi. Maecenas bibendum tortor ac felis tristique eget suscipit enim dapibus. Curabitur ut eleifend purus. Sed elementum facilisis dui in dapibus.</justify></p>";textfield.htmlText = str;

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Printing Sprites With Scrollrects Using The Bitmap Printing Option Fixes And Prints Most Of The Stuff In The Sprite

Jun 19, 2007

I have a sprite that has a scrollbar that uses the scrollrect feature. The sprite has several bitmaps and textfields. When I print the outer sprite (The one with the scrollrect) all of the textfields outside the scrollrect are cut after the first line. In case anyone else is having problems with printing sprites with scrollrects using the bitmap printing option fixes and prints most of the stuff in the sprite. Excluding all textfields outside of the scrollrect. This however can be fixed partially by embedding your fonts.

So now the only problem left is printing multiline textfields that are outside the scrollrect. P.S. Imho the scrollrect should have nothing to do with the printed area of the sprite because the printJob.addPage has a printarea parameter.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: WYSIWYG Html Editor Using Only Html Tags Supported By Textfield?

Feb 4, 2009

I am looking for a very basic html editor (similar to the one being used in this forum to make entries - only more basic)...which ONLY uses html tags supported by the AS2 textfield....

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Converting HTML Tags To XML Well-Formed Tags?

Sep 10, 2009

I have HTML file, I changed its extension to .XML.I'd like to convert HTML tags to valid XML document using AS3.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: How To Remove TextField

Nov 15, 2006

Here im creating a textfield dynamically....after some time i need to remove that textfield...

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Flex :: Remove Default CSS From TextField?

Feb 23, 2011

I'm in serious fight with it. I need to set the defaultTextFormat of a TextField component to my own values. I can't do that since the component does not use the defaultTextFormat if it has it is already using the format from CSS stylesheet as said here [URL]

Note: You can't set this property if a style sheet is applied to the text field.

My question is: is there a way to remove the CSS propertis of the text field? How could I "override" this style sheet ??

I want be able to do that without overwrite the CSS file or write my own.

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Actionscript 3 :: Remove Textfield From Stage?

Feb 5, 2012

On the Stage i've a texfield named "text0", when i attempt to remove it throught AS3 writing removeChild(text0), flash give me an error(Error #2025). I always used this syntax for remove MovieClip symbols, why it seems not work for textfields?

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Remove Last Character From Textfield Without Destroying Textformat

Jan 3, 2011

I have a problem where i want to remove the last character from a textfield (including linebreaks) that has multiple textformats without removing the formats.[code]...

i guess this doesn't remove linebreaks, and is very slow, seems to destroy my textformats.


textfield.text = textfield.text.slice(0,-1);

this is faster but removes all textformats as well.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Cannot Remove MovieClip That Has Dynamic TextField

Jul 3, 2007

I can't seem to make this clip disappear. I've tried calling it from it's parent object and also tried putting this.removeMovieClip(); inside the clip itself, but it just won't go. I don't have the same problem with other clips in the movie. This is the only one that has a dynamic text field, but I don't see why that would make a dif.

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Flash :: Remove Dynamic Created TextField In Another Function

May 4, 2011

Im currently creating textfields in a for loop - though in this example only creating one TextField. My questions is, how do I remove the TextField child in another function? What im basically doing is, create a Textfield, addchild to a container - > then the container into another position - > then removechild and another text in the container. I've tried something like:


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Search A Dyn Textfield After Html Text And Remove It

Oct 3, 2009

I have a file with html text and html code. I load this (test.txt) into a dynamic textfield. Then I want to do this with String functions: String Str1 contains the value I want to search for in the textfield. Str1 = "<script language="javascript">AC_FL_RunContent = 0;</script> <script src="AC_RunActiveContent.js" language="javascript"></script>" Search textfield after Str1 remove Str1 value from textfield My goal is to clean my html-file/textfield after all script java tags. The tags that Flash CS3 automatic puts into HTML file to activate AC_RunActiveContent.js

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Remove A Dynamic Textfield When I Click One Of 2 Buttons Which Moves To Another Frame?

Nov 11, 2009

I am trying to remove a dynamic textfield when I click one of 2 buttons which moves to another frame.I can't seem to get it off the screen. removeChild works but it removes it totally and its not there when its suppose to be.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Flash Attribute Tags - Add In Custom Attribute Tags That Flash Can Recover?

Dec 15, 2006

I have been trying to figure out how you could add in custom attribute tags that flash can recover.

<param name = "movie" value = "somefile.swf">
<embed src = "somefile.swf" width = "550" height = "400">

Except, that I would like to add a Custom tag, like "randNum" so that the tag user could input some number, or rather, a flash movie could generate a tag with a number already put in...Basically, heres a really basic version of the idea.There is a Flash Movie.In the movie, you can input text into a textfield.Upon finishing your message, you click a button "save".

The flash movie then:

1. Comes up with a random number unique to the message.

2. Assigns that number to a variable... "randNum".

3. Saves message as a xml file to the server as "filename" + randNum.

4. Outputs into a textfield a generated HTML tag that a user can post on myspace and such so that it will load in the flash movie.

Except... in the tag, there will be a custom attribute. If the random number variable "randNum" was 00112233, the custom attribute will be 00112233.

<embed src = "somefile.swf" width = "550" height = "400" randNum = "00112233">

So when the movie opens, it retrieves that randNum from the tag and can use it inside flash. How can this be done? Sorry this post was so long, but I wanted everyone to understand the concept.

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Printing MovieClips On Top Of One Another

Sep 2, 2011

I am building a map which has different layers on it, all on top of one another, all 700x700px and all movieclips. I have a print button (PrintUp) which sends the movieclips to be printed, however when I print, they don't sit on top of one another, they come out separately. How can I get them to print on top of each other like they are in the swf?

The two movieclips are "Background" and "Grass"
Both 700x700 and exactly the same X&Y.

Here is the code below:
function Print(e:MouseEvent):void{
var printJob:PrintJob = new PrintJob();
if (printJob.start()) {
if (Background.width>printJob.pageWidth) {
[Code] .....

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