ActionScript 3.0 :: Removing Display Objects Using Timer?

Jan 1, 2010

I have an animation of footprints being left on the ground as if by an invisible man or ghost. the animation consists of:

1 movieclip containing --> 5 footprints each one is an individual movieclip. Each print fades in and out using the Tween class with an alpha effect

The main timeline uses the following code to create random instances of the animation:

var myTimer:Timer = new Timer(12000);
myTimer.addEventListener("timer", timedFunction);


so it looks like the function is being called correctly and removing the first instance of FOOT from the stage. but the 2nd iteration generates the error. Is this is a problem with the timer? I would like to send this to someone for examination and assistance.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Removing A Bunch Of Objects Added At Runtime Via A Timer?

Sep 23, 2011

After adding an image to the stage, turning it into a Movie clip, and setting linkage in library to Export for Actionscript, I'm now using a timer to add a bunch of roses to the stage as a video plays.How can I get rid of all these clips once the video is over?Do I need to add all of them into an extra container and then just removeChild that container at the end? Or do I need to use something like getNumberOfChildren and then create a loop that removes them one by one?The clips (myRose) are fairly small and do not have any event listeners added to them.  I just use TweenMax to move them from top to bottom of the screen.

public function roseTimer():void
MonsterDebugger.trace(this, "in roseTimer");[code]......

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Actionscript 3 :: Removing Display Objects?

Mar 19, 2010

i don't understand why none of my display objects are not being removed. when i press the button, i'm expecting a trace and removal of both shapes and the button, but nothing happens:


i realize there are better ways of accomplishing this, but i'm learning and therefore only interested in why the above code doesn't work.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Removing Objects In Tree Structure From Display List

Mar 21, 2011

I've asked this question before but had no answers... so here I go again I have a structure of objects: Top object A has as children (addChild children that is...) one or more objects B_1 to B_n. The B_n may in turn have one (1) associated object A' (Same type as top object, not displayed to begin with). When I click a B_n two things may happen:

1. If it has as associated object a A', put it on the stage (as child to B_n).

2. Otherwise it is a leaf and it does other things.

If '2' happens I want to collapse the tree, that is remove the top and all children of same type from being displayed. I thought a recursive approach should work:


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Flash - Timer Object With TimerEvent.TIMER Event Globally Accessible To All Objects?

Feb 16, 2012

I am working on a very simple game in Flash. I want to make all the animations framerate agnostic, so that I can change the framerate without affecting the flow and speed of the game.I read somewhere that if you want to do that, you simply create a Timer object and attach an event listener to this timer.

What if I have many objects that have to listen to the same timer? See the code to understand what I am trying to do. At this stage nothing breaks, but the event does not fire.Here is the Main class, the one that runs on swf execution:

public class Main extends MovieClip {
private static var _stage:Stage;
private static var _timer:Timer;


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Removing The Timer Event?

Sep 21, 2010

i have a timer running infinitely time, and there are 2 things that can trigger the timer to stop and be removed, and both scenarios can occur, so I need to check if the timer is on before trying to stop and remove it. How can I check whether a timer exists and/or is running?

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Flex :: Removing Timer Is Not Working?

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How do I correctly remove/stop a timer in actionscript? do it like in this piece of code but timer has been set to fire frame1SoundTimerHandler in 200 seconds later :

playingScreenFramesObj.myTimer2.removeEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, frame1SoundTimerHandler);


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Timer Adding And Removing Children

Aug 24, 2011

I am creating a game and want to reward the player at the end of a level by playing an animation. I have created a timer to add the animation to the stage but cannot figure out how to remove the animation once the timer has completed counting. I am sure you wise scripters out there know the secrete to this mystery.


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Timer Animation - Adding And Removing Children

Aug 24, 2011

I am working on a game and want to reward the player with an animation at the end of a level. I have created a time and added the animation to the stage but I cannot figure out how to remove the animation once the timer has completed.
Code: Select all/* Simple Timer
Displays a countdown timer in the Output panel until 30 seconds elapse. This code is a good place to start for creating timers for your own purposes.

1. To change the number of seconds in the timer, change the value 30 in the first line below to the number of seconds you want.
var celebration:Celebration;
var fl_TimerInstance:Timer = new Timer(1000,30);
fl_TimerInstance.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, fl_TimerHandler);
fl_TimerInstance.removeEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, removeTimer);
[Code] .....

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Flash :: Display Objects Which Are Outside The Display Area When Is Embeded In HTML?

Nov 22, 2010

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The reason i ask is my current project has a rotating + enlarging effect which is largely dynamic so sometimes an object may clip the edge of the stage areathis looks messy but i dont want to increase the stage area to cover  the largest possible area any object could enter because most of the time the objects are at the center and small so i would end up with a lot of white space

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Flash - Sorting Display Objects By Their Display List Depth

Aug 5, 2011

I have a list containing display objects from throughout the application (insertion order). I want to process the list either top-down (parent, child) or bottom up (child, parent). The only requirement is that either a parent is processed before any child or vice versa a child before its parent. What is a good approach? This question is not about sorting a list. It's about retrieving the depth of a particular display object.

Display list:
A (root)

My list:
list = [E1, F4, A, B2, B1, C3, ..., N9, N8]

N9, N8, F4, E1, C3, B2, B1, A

A, B2, B1, C3, E1, F4, N9, N8
Does not matter if N9 before N8 or N8 before N9. Important is that any N is before M (first run) or any M before its children N* (second run).

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Do Not Resize Display Objects In A Display Object Container

Jan 22, 2012

can I resize a display object (container) without its contents (children) are resized?

For example, in the following code when I resize the green square, red is also resized. I wanted to resize only the green.

ActionScript Code:
import flash.display.Sprite;
var sprite:Sprite = new Sprite();;


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Flex :: Identify All The Display Objects In The Display List?

Jun 28, 2011

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Removing Objects Without Using For Loop?

Jul 10, 2009

i am having a problem removing objects from the stage and their associated arrays. basically when a "shark" is added to stage i want all "cans" to be removed and i dont want any "cans" to be added until the shark has problem comes as i dont want to keep using for loops as i already have two or three for "cans" alone and i heard thats not good for the code!

var canTimer:Timer=new Timer(2000);
canTimer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, addCan);


im not 100% sure were to put this in my code-i didnt really want to put it in a function of it's own as it would mean using another for loop?i get a output error when a shark is added like this:


TypeError: Error #2007: Parameter child must be non-null.
at flash.display:isplayObjectContainer/contains()
at dolphinmoviegame_fla::MainTimeline/canHitTest()

even though all "cans" are removed.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Removing Various Objects From An Array?

Feb 23, 2009

I have a utility function:

function removeFromArray(item:Object, arr:Array):Object {
for(var i:uint = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
if(item == arr


This function searches through an array and sees if an item exists in it, if it does, it removes it and returns a reference to that item.

This works fine for most things. But I just ran into a problem where I need to remove an array from an array.

so my array looks like this [ [item1a, item1b], [item2a, item2b] ]; and i need to remove [item1a, item1b] from it. But passing in the the array to remove and the full array to remove it from does not work because i guess of the casting to an object in the parameters list. Can the functionality i want be used? if so how?

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Removing Objects From Stage In Flash CS4

Oct 15, 2009

I have a problem with this code:[code]There are two overlapping objects on my stage: character_mc and vanish_mc. As soon as i start the scene [Ctrl+Enter] vanish_mc is VISUALLY removed. But the code still sees a collision somehow. How can i Entirely remove the object vanish_mc?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Removing Objects From Array?

Feb 4, 2010

I have made a class that creates a dotted line following a moving object. The dotted line is small circle added to the stage (and to an array) every half a second at the object's position.

First I add the circles to the stage, when the object stops moving I remove them from the stage.

This, however, only works twice, after that it throws a "display object must be a child of the caller" warning.

ActionScript Code:
public class Path extends MovieClip {
var tInterval:Timer=new Timer(50,500);
var pathArray:Array=new Array  ;


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Adding And Removing Objects

Feb 22, 2012

I'm making a banner rotator that reads image urls from an xml file and adds them to a sprite on the stage, then tweens them into position. Here's the relevant code:


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Best Practices For Removing Objects?

Apr 3, 2009

I have a question about how best to remove display objects.removeChild(object);Given that there are no other reference to this object, does using removeChild alone make the object eligible for garbage collection, or does it also need to be given a null value as well?[code]In both these cases, I get the classic 1009 error. That leads me to believe that if you use removeChild, you don't also need to give the object a null value.?url...

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Is Removing Objects

Sep 14, 2010

I seem to be running into some garbage collection issues. I'm making an RTS game with a side scrolling map. I have a "game" layer on the stage which scrolls left and right, all the troops, vehicles, bullets, etc are within this layer. If I scroll the game layer to the far side of the map from some tanks placed at the other end, the tanks disappear. I can only assume flash is "helpfully" removing objects it thinks are too far away form the action to be of use any more. I'd rather it didn't.

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Flash :: Moving Objects With Timer?

Sep 1, 2010

I have this class named MovingObject which extends the MovieClip class. This class will be instantianted for several times. Inside this class is a Timer that handles the speed of the objects moving. There is another class called TheStage and this is where I will instantiate MovingObject (s).

public class MovingObject extends MovieClip{
public var tmr:Timer = new Timer(1);
public function MovingObject(){


Assuming that the code is working fine (I haven't debugged it), this makes the particles to move all at once. However after several seconds of running it, the particles seem not to be moving in synchronization with each other (because their distances between seem to get nearer).

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Objects - Removing The Item From The 3D Space

Dec 10, 2008

I've created a navigation system using Flash 3D functionality. It consists of a MovieClip with a rounded rectangle + a text with no-antialias bitmap font. I'm using Tweener to modify the z co-ordinates of the mc to make it "slide onto" the stage. However when the mc is completed animating it is notably blurry (the text at least). I was wondering if it might just be because it's in 3D-space the perspective (which hasn't been modified) is throwing the rendering off. So onComplete of the animation I try assigning null to the z-value in hopes of removing the item from the 3D space. I've attached the package code I'm using to create and animate the navigation feature.

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Removing Event Listeners And Null Objects?

May 14, 2009

I was just wondering--and it's probably an obvious question really--if I make an object null and that object had one or more event listeners registered, are the listeners removed?

for example:

Actionscript Code:

function callBack(evt:Event):void
object = null;


In this case have I removed 'object''s listener when I made the object null?

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Flash :: Slowndown Stays After Using And Removing A Lot Of Objects

Jul 19, 2011

I use this piece of code to create some eyecandy of debree falling. When an object is destroyed i spawn some rubble and let is fly over the screen. But... when i use this a lot, slowdown is there and even when all the objects are gone the slowdown stays. The good old 50fps won't come back anymore

public function destroyBlock(xPos,yPos,nrObjects) {
for (var debree = 0; debree < nrObjects; debree++) {
debreeObject = new mc_ground();


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Removing Unreferenced Objects From Memory

Oct 15, 2009

I'm trying to make a Starfield program as practice for ActionScript 3. I'm using a timer event in the document class to create Star objects which are defined by an object class connected to the movieclip Star in the Library. The object class has a timer as well, and at each tick it repositions itself a few points away and scales up, creating the image of a star shooting towards the sides of the stage. When the star has gone past the boundaries of the stage or when it has scaled to a certain size, it removes itself from the display list with the command: this.parent. removeChild(this);This removes the star from the display list just fine, however after that I can't get the star to set itself to null so that it will be removed from memory, and I'd like some suggestions on how to do this properly. An idea I had was to make a function in the document class that the child objects can call, something like this.parent.KillMe(this) which would give itself as a reference to the function, which could then use a local variable reference to set the child to null, removing it from memory. This all seems terribly complex, so I'm sure there's another way.

I haven't noticed a memory leak or slowdown, however, so I'm curious if objects without references that are removed from the display list are automatically removed? That could be both good and bad, as the object might want to add itself to the display list again at a later time; not in this Starfield program, but perhaps in another I write.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Removing Listeners In Child Objects?

May 1, 2010

I'm moving two objects accross the stage at different rates using the same function:

function moveClip(clip,speed){
function moveIt(event:Event) {


In AS2 I'd just use dot notation as above and it would work from anywhere or perhaps

I've tried root. stage. childbyname Not sure where to from here.

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Flash :: Display A Timer In Milliseconds?

Mar 30, 2011

my code: myTextBox.text = count1.currentCount.toString();

How would i display the current count in milliseconds?

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Actionscript 3 :: Removing Object From The Display List?

May 10, 2011

I have an application that uses a main class to control other MovieClips, adding and removing them as needed, most of them are separate screens or sub menus.

When I leave the main menu and come back to it later from another screen, certain animations and roll over buttons still play, which I don't want, I basically need the main menu screen to reset every time it is seen.

I read up on this and found out that removing the child doesn't necessarily remove it from the memory.

I tried setting the mainmenu to null before moving onto a different screen but this threw up an error, stating that the parameter child must be none null.

how to completely kill my mainmenu when it is not needed.

public function confSubMenuOneScreen():void {
subMenuOneScreen = new SubMenuOne();
mainmenu = null;


This is the example of code that removes the menu and adds another screen, with the mainmenu = null code that throws up the error.

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Actionscript 3 :: Flash Cs5 - Instantiating Objects With A Timer?

Jul 25, 2011

I'm making a vertical (constantly) scrolling shooter & am trying to instantiate objects based on a timer. For example: At 30 seconds, place a building @ x, y. My problem is that the "building" is instantiated when the game starts and then again at the 30 second mark - instead of only @ the 30 second mark. If anyone could steer me in the correct direction,


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