ActionScript 3.0 :: Rotate Through All Colors?

May 13, 2010

I'm in a bit of a pickle with this problem. How the heck can I create a function which rotates a uint value gradually through all colors? E.g, start with red, fade to yellow, then green, blue etc. over time then back to red.een rattling my noggin (and google) now for a while but come up with noBthing that wouldn't be insanely long-winded. There must be an easy-ish way to do this?

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Flex RGBA Colors In CSS?

May 12, 2010

I am trying to style a DataGrid component so that the background is transparent (Flex 4). Rgba colors work fine if I make "alternatingItemColors" an attribute on the component, but if I try to declare it in my css stylesheet, I cannot declare the alpha value.

Works (mxml):
<mx:DataGrid id="songGrid" width="800" height="529" dataProvider="{songs}" itemClick="handleRowClick(event);" x="145" y="168" headerStyleName="dataGridHeader" alternatingItemColors="[0xFFFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFFFF]">


If I enter the values as "0xFFFFFFFF", I get a parse error, because it's not proper css (of course, most of flex's css isn't proper css, but I digress...). So, is there any way to declare the alpha value of these colors in the css?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Change Colors Using It?

Apr 13, 2005

I used the example of the "Changing Colors Using ActionScript" from your site to add to a rollover state on a movieClip. It works fine but how to I reverse the state when I rollOut. eg goes to black on rollOver and then back to its original full color image on rollOut?

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myColorTransform.ra = 50;
myColorTransform.rb = 244; = 40; = 112;


hex is about #f9c480 and I'm cool with my first accidental color. But how do I get more colors. How to start with a hex color and figure out what to put for rb, ga, ba, etc?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Make An Array Of Colors?

Oct 13, 2008

I'm trying to make an array of colors. I have uint's representing my colors now:

var btnColor:uint;
btnColor = 0x999999;

But when I trace these button colors, they come out funny.The color above comes out as:


And this is the way they get pushed into my array. I tried converting them to Strings:


But it was the same 10066329 that got put into the array. It must be a small thing I'm doing wrong, but so far, I haven't figured out what it is.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: How To Make Array Of Colors

Oct 13, 2008

I'm trying to make an array of colors. I have uint's representing my colors now:
var btnColor:uint;
btnColor = 0x999999;
But when I trace these button colors, they come out funny. The color above comes out as:
And this is the way they get pushed into my array. I tried converting them to Strings:
But it was the same 10066329 that got put into the array.

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Strong Colors Getting Really Pale In Flash

Jun 6, 2009

I am exporting a RGB Illustration done in Photoshop with really strong colours. I export it for my website from the option save for web, (I also tried save as with all kind of formats) but the colors get really pale when I took it in Flash. I don't understand, the same image has really bright strong colors in Photoshop. I tried to play with the option from flash - color- advanced- alpha,but they just get darker or wierder.

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Jun 8, 2009

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Colors Change When Importing .psd Into Flash

Aug 10, 2009

I imported a .psd file that I created with Photoshop CS4 into Flash CS4 and the colors did not transfer over correctly. The colors (specifically the green text coloring) is a lot lighter/paler than they were in photoshop.  How do I import a .psd over to Flash without the colors I used in Photoshop.  Attached are a .jpeg image of what the photoshop file looks like and the resulting .SWF file after importing the .psd file. 

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Add Extra Colors To Syntax Highlighting?

Jun 9, 2010

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Oct 23, 2011

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Flex :: Have Different Colors For Different Tabs In SuperTabNavigator

Apr 2, 2010

Well the heading is basically what my question is:

How can I have different colors for different tabs in SuperTabNavigator.

Below is the code to my SuperTabNavigator with three tabs:

<containers:SuperTabNavigator x="0"


I want to have different color for every different tab.

How should I do this.

I know there is a firstTabStyleName and lastTabStyleName: is there any way to have the secondTab or the middleTab

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Set Link Colors In A RichEditableText Component?

Oct 5, 2010

I've got some text that includes links that I display in a RichEditableText component. How do I change the color of the links from the default blue? I tried the example posted by Peter deHaan but it doesn't work with SDK 4.1. I found a way to do this in MXML, but the text needs to be localizable which means I load it at runtime based on the locale, so I can't just include it inline with the MXML.

To recap: How do I set the link colors for a RichEditableText component that displays HTML that gets loaded at runtime?

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Fading Colors During AI Import Into Flash Pro

Jul 6, 2011

I've been using a pipeline of copying complex vector data from Adobe Illustrator and pasting it into Flash Professional.In most instances, especially in the first instance, the colors during the import will remain the same, but sometimes they come in faded.This has happened across several versions of both software.This is the typical AI Import dialog, with layers not maintained and could potentially save me a lot of time I usually spend tweaking back to it's AI appearance.

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Actionscript 3 :: Replace A Range Of Colors?

Jan 18, 2012

I want to reproduce Photoshop's Replace Color feature in AS3. Here is what i want to achieve on 8-bit images:[URL]..I want the user to be able to :

1 - select a color using an 'eyedropper'

2 - select a threshold ( example : )

3 - select a replacement color

it is important that the color replacement blends well and does not have banding/dithering.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Generating Colors In An Array?

Jan 19, 2009

I want to appear one of a set of colors randomly on timer fire using the below code:

var myTimer:Timer = new Timer(1000);
myTimer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, timerFunction);
function timerFunction(event:TimerEvent) {


This works to randomly generate a color, but I want to call one of a set of colors. only takes a numeric value or a fixed color value.

How would I add the var here to activate my set?

var myArray:Array=new Array("0x000000","0x0000FF","0x00FFF0","0x0FFFFF") ;
var i:int;

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Changing TextField Colors

Feb 8, 2009

I want to change the color of many text fields at once. I created an array, then a for each loop where I datatype the var to a TextField. For some reason, Flash reads this variable as a String, so I can't change the text field's color.


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Tweening Row Colors In Datagrid?

Jul 21, 2009

I have managed to color the rows of a data grid object separately, however giving them a nice tween effect is proving to be more tricky. I wish to make it so that when a row is edited it turns gray and then fades back to white.When I edit a single row this works fine. But when I edit a second row the tween shows up on both of them. The sprite sent to gridColor is indeed the same independently of which line I am editing (weird imo).(Each element in my dataprovider has two extra values color and color_to so that it knows when to tween. )Managed to solve it by looking at the datagrid source code and playing around. Below is the solution:

ActionScript Code:
package Controls


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Get Webcam To Detect Colors?

Oct 7, 2009

I'm working on a school project that will work so that a webcam can scan a grid of colors and determine what color it is and there by playing a sound tha is connected to that color. You can then create music by drawing different colors on a grid.I know that this is doable in AS3, I just don't know how exactly since im kind of new to this.So i managed to import the webcam image to flash, and that's all. How do I Proceed?

* How do i get the webcam to detect colors? (Green, Blue, Red, Yellow and Black)

* How do i connect these color detections to start playing a sound/movieclip?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Changing Shape Colors?

Mar 30, 2010

i have this code which used to work if all movie clips were on the same layer, when i put them on different layers it stopped working. i have created a blank layer to carry thew action scripting. what do i need to do to make this work?

var colorend = color1;
var awaycolorend = color2;
circGK.onMouseMove = function ()


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