ActionScript 3.0 :: Make An Array Of Colors?

Oct 13, 2008

I'm trying to make an array of colors. I have uint's representing my colors now:

var btnColor:uint;
btnColor = 0x999999;

But when I trace these button colors, they come out funny.The color above comes out as:


And this is the way they get pushed into my array. I tried converting them to Strings:


But it was the same 10066329 that got put into the array. It must be a small thing I'm doing wrong, but so far, I haven't figured out what it is.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: How To Make Array Of Colors

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var btnColor:uint;
btnColor = 0x999999;
But when I trace these button colors, they come out funny. The color above comes out as:
And this is the way they get pushed into my array. I tried converting them to Strings:
But it was the same 10066329 that got put into the array.

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var i:int;

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onClipEvent (load) {
myArray = new Object () ;


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public class SuperDraw extends Sprite
private var loadImage:LoadImage;


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var ThumbArray:Array = new Array();
//on click, adds new value like this
ThumbArray[ThumbArray.length] = [productid.text, viewID.text, price.text]

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theVariables.varMat1 = ThumbArray[0][1];
theVariables.varMat2 = ThumbArray[1][1];
theVariables.varMat3 = ThumbArray[2][1];
theVariables.varMat4 = ThumbArray[3][1];


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Aug 9, 2007

i have a problem. I would like to retrive xml data from an external file. An than i would collect data from that xml to be compared with some id buttons.ex. IF (xml output atributte) == (id of button), than dissplay button red, else dissplay blue.I have no problems till here. This is the array and its conntent.

var dataValues = new Array();
dataValues[0] = "100";
dataValues[1] = "131";


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Nov 11, 2009

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