ActionScript 2.0 :: Array - Making All Default Colors When Hit A MovieClip Instance That Acts As A Reset Button

Apr 13, 2007

I have an array of movie clip instance names:


What I want to know is how I would go about making them all their default colors when you hit a movieClip instance that acts as a reset button. I can't seem to get it.

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So, this is my thought-process:

First, I make an Array to hold all my Buttons. Then I make a loop and throw all the instances of the Buttons inside.

ActionScript Code:
var TextButtons: Array = new Array();  //my container for the buttons
for (var j:Number=0; j<6; j++){
var mb: menuButton = new menuButton();  //button created


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Calling A Movieclip Instance From An Array?

Dec 14, 2011

I am creating movieclips into which I want to load thumbnails which are to be loaded dynamically. I'm not sure if the solution I am trying to build is the more effective way to do this; I'm still quite a noobie.

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However, when I call each movieclip to place the loaded thumbs in, the code throws the "#1010: A term is undefined and has no properties" Error. I think this is a problem with the array; and possibly the mc not being defined properly. However, I am not sure where my problem is.


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Reference Instance Of MovieClip From Array

Mar 23, 2012

I created an Array of lrgIcons that contains several MovieClips, they are then positioned within a second MC and pushed to a second array of lrgIconsOnStage, they are enabled as buttons and assigned an event listener (all of this works fine). Problem is, I want to know which lrgIcon is selected and react to it with an if statement. When I trace the array of lrgIconsOnStage I get [object amazonLrgIcon],[object emailLrgIcon],[object gmailLrgIcon],[object messagesLrgIcon],[object missedCallsLrgIcon] and when I trace I get [object amazonLrgIcon] (depending on which item I selected, which in my mind, should trigger the code correctly, but it does nothing, Why?

var currButton:String;
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var lrgIconsOnStage:Array = new Array();
var lrgIconPosY:int = 69;
var lrgIcon:MovieClip;
[Code] .....

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Make An Array Of Button Instance Names?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Making A Flash Video Of A Star With Different Colors?

Aug 10, 2010

I am making a flash video of a star with different colors, but I want to change the stars colors randomly. I have got the code to change the star to random colors, but now I need to reset it to it's original color.

Does anyone know the default code?

this is the coding I'm using:

(Reset button/ Default codes to return my star to it's original state)
go_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, goGo );
function goGo (e:MouseEvent):void {
star_mc.y = 200 ;


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Making A Button Follow Random Array Numbers?

Jan 13, 2010

I have 10 movieclips on stage called mc1 mc2 etc ect and then I have one button which makes one of the mc's alpha = 0;The only thing is I would love the evenlistener add the number created by the array to be put after mc & "array number".So what the button should do is create one of the mc's visible whilst all others are not, and this should happen randomly without an mc showing up twice.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Copying An Existing MovieClip Instance And Pushing Onto Array?

Aug 31, 2009

Here's what I am trying to do: I have an array of movie clip instances called iconArray[]. what I want to do is create the effect of shifting icons on screen right or left. Lets say we're shifting the icons left--what I want to happen is the icon on the left (iconArray[0]:MovieClip) to tween to the left about 20-30 pixels and then fade out, which I can currently achieve. The problem is I want copy the instance of that icon as a temp MC and push it onto iconArray and then have it fade in tween from the right.
In other words, the left most icon should "wrap" back around to the position of the right most icon but in order to create the illusion without having the left most icon pass over the other icons (which looks tacky) I want to create a copy of the left most icon and push it onto the array as a new movieclip with the same image and have that fade in from the right while the other one dies off.


it does not create a new icon, is seems to point to the same movie clip as iconArray[0] and any adjustments I make to the x or alpha affect the original MovieClip instance and not the new on I created and pushed onto the array.
How does one go about copying a movieclip, storing it in it's own instance/var so it can be displayed and manipulated as a separate entity?

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Making The "Hover" Instance Of A Button Stay After Moving Cursor?

Jun 25, 2009

Here is what I am working on. [URL]

I am creating an interactive map. It has little bullets that, when you hover over them, display a short description of the room and a link to another page. What I am trying to do is make it so that the user can hover off of the bullet, and onto the link to the seperate page, without the link and description disappearing because of leaving the bullet's "hit" area.

Do I have to define another hit area for the description and link somehow?

View 18 Replies

ActionScript 2.0 :: Hittest With Multiple Array - Without The Rest Of The Array Numbers Being Reset

Mar 20, 2009

The Setup: For each movieclip the hittests a set of "target" movieclips an array is given a value. If mcIcon1 is dropped onto mcTarget1 the first number in the vacant array is given the value of one. The Issue: If I remove mcIcon1, for example, from the mcTarget1 movieclip I can't find a way of just removing the 1 from that array without the rest of the array numbers being reset.


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ActionScript 3 :: Reset Collection Of Properties Or Create New Instance?

Apr 10, 2012

I have a Matrix which I recycle and use for drawing DisplayObject instances onto a Bitmap. At the moment, I reset the Matrix before I render each item, like this:
_matrix.a = 1;
_matrix.b = 0;
_matrix.c = 0;
_matrix.d = 1;
_matrix.tx = 0;
_matrix.ty = 0;

Would it be better to do the above, or to simply do this?:
_matrix = new Matrix();
Generally I would say the former, however I'm unsure if in the case of Matrix there is some heavy stuff going on for each of those properties that I reset (mathematically).

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Making Button To Work Inside MovieClip

Jan 15, 2010

I'm pretty much a beginner at creating websites in flash. I've used flash to animate before but that's not really worling in this case. Basically, I'm just trying to make a button that's inside a movieclip go to a specific frame within the movieclip it's in. This is the error message I keep getting:

TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference.
at FinalKai_fla::MainTimeline/makebtn()
at FinalKai_fla::MainTimeline/frame1()

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Flash :: Getting Instance Of Button/movieclip On It's Click's Handler?

Nov 25, 2011

It used to happen in AS2.0 as follows :

my_Mc.onPress = function()
trace( this)
//output :
[my_Mc Movieclip]


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ActionScript 1/2 :: Instance Of Movieclip To Fade Out When Rollover Separate Button?

Nov 19, 2010

Movieclip I want to fade out:  "StartupText_mc" Within "StartupText_mc" I have a frame labels "normal" on the first frame and "over" on the last. On the actions layer I have "stop();" on the first and last frame. On the third layer I have a simple alpa tween from 100% to 0%.
Now, Back to the main scene where the button "ProductMarketingIcon2_mc" and "StartupText_mc" exist next to each other. Here is the code I have for the button:


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Actionscript 3 :: Making Scroller Of Spark List Visible By Default?

Oct 6, 2010

I have a spark.components.List component on which I would like the vertival scroll to be visible by default.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Make Button Instance Containing Movieclip Play Specific Frame?

Sep 27, 2011

What I want to do is have one movieclip that has many frames and turn that into a button and then make different instances of the button and have those instances display a certain frame of the underlying movieclip.

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Move ScrollPane Left And Right Through MovieClip Or Button Instance On Stage?

Apr 7, 2012

I am using ScrollPane component of as2.0, but I want to move the scrollPane left an right by clicking external button does it possible? this button can work like the functionality of LeftArrow anf RightArrow in scroll pane.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Make An Array Of Colors?

Oct 13, 2008

I'm trying to make an array of colors. I have uint's representing my colors now:

var btnColor:uint;
btnColor = 0x999999;

But when I trace these button colors, they come out funny.The color above comes out as:


And this is the way they get pushed into my array. I tried converting them to Strings:


But it was the same 10066329 that got put into the array. It must be a small thing I'm doing wrong, but so far, I haven't figured out what it is.

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