ActionScript 3 :: Reset Collection Of Properties Or Create New Instance?

Apr 10, 2012

I have a Matrix which I recycle and use for drawing DisplayObject instances onto a Bitmap. At the moment, I reset the Matrix before I render each item, like this:
_matrix.a = 1;
_matrix.b = 0;
_matrix.c = 0;
_matrix.d = 1;
_matrix.tx = 0;
_matrix.ty = 0;

Would it be better to do the above, or to simply do this?:
_matrix = new Matrix();
Generally I would say the former, however I'm unsure if in the case of Matrix there is some heavy stuff going on for each of those properties that I reset (mathematically).

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Actionscript 3 :: Use Flash Builder To Create A Collection Of Classes?

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I am using this code to iterate through the contents of a movieclip which contains instances of "alien2" - my alien. I have each alien in a movieclip called squadron1. They all have their own layer and follow a motion path to recreate the attack sequence in Galaga. I can add action script to them by right clicking on them, but when I do this test below I can't call any MovieClip methods on them. It is my intention to add a function to each one via code to make it detect bullets, look for the player etc, but at the moment all I can do is add the code to each one individually on the stage.

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[Code] .....

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// a1_mc, a2_mc
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alllements.y = 250;

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Properties Of Instance Of Specific Class

Jan 29, 2009

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package {
import flash.display.MovieClip;
public dynamic class Circle1 extends MovieClip {
private var _root:Object;
[Code] .....

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TypeError: Error #1010: A term is undefined and has no properties.
at Circle1/eFrame()

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if (spaceDown) {
var newCircle1:Circle1=new Circle1();
} if (enterDown) {
var newCircle2:Circle2=new Circle2();
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PHP Code:
num = 0;var titleArray:new Array();function createImage(){ var thumb:Loader = new Loader; thumb.load(new URLRequest(url);


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Actionscript 3 :: Access Child's Properties Of Created Instance

Jun 1, 2011

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package {
public class FirstClass extends MovieClip {
public function FirstClass() {


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five instances, five different numbers on theText. Five different names for each instance.

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public function loadChapter(id:String):void {
var obj = new instance_of( id )();

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Actionscript 3 :: Reordering An Array Collection Based On Another Array Collection Hierarchy?

Sep 16, 2011

I have an array, crewPositionsAC that contains a list of position abreviatations - EP, PR, DR, WR, and so on. These positions are read in through an XML file each time my flex application loads. Also being populated from an XML is a project. Within a project, there are positions (a student assigned to a type of position listed within crewPositionsAC). These positions are not necessarily in the correct hierarchy order dictated by crewPositionsAC. I have all the positions within an ArrayCollection (positionsAC) with the following structure:

positionsAC (arrayCollection)
[0] = Array
[0] = startOffset
[1] = numDays


Then, the user can click a button to add another position. When the "Add Crew Member" button is pressed, the user is presented with a list of possible positions to add. Currently, I simply add another array to positionsAC. This results in the recently added crew member to placed on the bottom of the list. I need to take positionsAC and reorder it based on it's [2] item (role) based on the hierarchy defined in the crewPositionsAC. crewPositionsAC has the following structure:

[0] = EP
[1] = PR
[2] = DR
[3] = WR

* continue until all possible position types are listed

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Cannot Create Properties Errors

Nov 10, 2011

i am taking an old as1 project and converting it into as3 i believe all of my publish settings are correct there are 2 classes in my library with base class movie clip


menucaller and mysqlurl each have an .as file associated with them, and are exported for actionscript on the stage i have instances of of menucaller on mouse over of menucaller, menucaller adds itself a child of mysqlurl via the file the problem is that sometimes this works perfectly fine,but sometimes i get errors of "cannot create property" referring to properties of mysqlurl sometimes copying and pasting all of the layers into a new project corrects this, but sometimes it does noti have an example of the problem here:


in the folder there are 2 .fla files, one labeled "works" one labeled "dontwork", self-explanatory

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Actionscript 3.0 :: Old Project Converting, Cannot Create Properties?

Nov 10, 2011

i am taking an old as1 project and converting it into as3i believe all of my publish settings are correctthere are 2 classes in my library with base class movie clipmenucallermysqlurlmenucaller and mysqlurl each have an .as file associated with them, and are exported for actionscripton the stage i have instances of of menucalleron mouse over of menucaller, menucaller adds itself a child of mysqlurl via the filethe problem is that sometimes this works perfectly fine,but sometimes i get errors of "cannot create property" referring to properties of mysqlurlsometimes copying and pasting all of the layers into a new project corrects this, but sometimes it does noti have an example of the problem here:in the folder there are 2 .fla files, one labeled "works" one labeled "dontwork", self-explanatory

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Properties For Mc's Created With Create.emptyMovieClip

Sep 28, 2004

well like the title says, ho can i set the properties of a mc's created with createEmptyMovieClip , getting a real nag , have tried all kind of things , for loops , etc.

for (i=0; i<=10; i++) {
this.createEmptyMovieClip(["rondje"+i], i);
lineStyle(1, Black, 100);


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Properties For Mc's Created With Create.emptyMovieClip?

Jul 14, 2005

well like the title says, ho can i set the properties of a mc's created with reateEmptyMovieClip its getting a real nag , have tried all kind of things , for loops ,

for (i=0; i<=10; i++) {
this.createEmptyMovieClip(["rondje"+i], i);
lineStyle(1, Black, 100);


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Old As1 Project Converting Cannot Create Properties Errors

Nov 10, 2011

i am taking an old as1 project and converting it into as3 i believe all of my publish settings are correct there are 2 classes in my library with base class movie clip


menucaller and mysqlurl each have an .as file associated with them, and are exported for actionscript on the stage i have instances of of menucaller on mouse over of menucaller, menucaller adds itself a child of mysqlurl via the file the problem is that sometimes this works perfectly fine, but sometimes i get errors of "cannot create property" referring to properties of mysqlurl sometimes copying and pasting all of the layers into a new project corrects this, but sometimes it does not i have an example of the problem here:[URl] in the folder there are 2 .fla files, one labeled "works" one labeled "dontwork", self-explanatory i think youll have to take a look at the files in order to help with this one because ive tried everything and there really seems to be no source of this problem

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Create A Custom Class (Testing) That Would Create A Box When An Instance Of The Class Is Created

Aug 29, 2007

I've been playing around with custom classes. My objective was to create a custom class (Testing) that would create a box when an instance of the class is created. I've tried three different approaches, however only (3) seems to be showing up. I'm just curious why (1) or (2) doesn't work?

Also is there a better approach than (3)? Since at the moment it's been created on _root. I hope the box can only be accessible through the instance. Since I'd like to incorporate the whole idea of public, private, encapsulation, etc.


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Properties - Create A Flash5 Menu Tree - Use Scope To Eliminate

Dec 6, 2002

I am attempting to create a Flash5 menu tree, following the Flash4 tutorial at this [URL] I have created the two MC's (a "topMenu" and a "subMenu"). However, when I place the two MC's on the first frame of _root , the properties of the associated buttons get screwed up if I place the two MCs in a verical alignment. It appears that Flash5 makes a consolidated object, such that the _height property for the second MC is determined by adding the _height property of both MCs.

1. Could you confirm that this is what's taking place?
2. Is there a way to use Scope to eliminate the problem?
3. Other recommendations?

NOTE: if you move the lower MC out to the side, the problem disappears. Although a workaround, this seems to be a poor way for the program to function.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Create A New Object Or To Reset The Same Object Over And Over Again?

Dec 26, 2009

Is it better to create a new Object or to reset the same object over and over again?


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Create 100 Instance Of Same MC ?

Oct 28, 2005

What's the best method to put 100 (or 25 or any large number) of movieclip instance on stage & give them all the exact same onRollOver event/function ? Ofcourse with the fewest possible lines of code.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: How To Create A Mc Instance

Feb 21, 2009

I'm loading an external image trough this code:

var richiesta:URLRequest = new URLRequest("img/foto1.jpg");
var immagine:Loader = new Loader();

Now all works fine but I don't know how to use this image. If I want for exemple change the alpha of this loaded image how to do this?
Do i have to make a new instance of it?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Create An Instance Name

May 6, 2009

I have a movieclip called bg_mc. I don't want bg_mc to show up until I click the btn. When I click the btn it will perform a wipe.Currently I have bg_mc on stage because I need to access its instance name. I can't remember how to create an instance name in AS3.[code]

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