Actionscript 3 :: Use Flash Builder To Create A Collection Of Classes?

Aug 11, 2010

How can I set up a project in Flash Builder for creating a collection of classes that is not an application by itself? When creating an Actionscript project it forces having a main application file, as well as sets up the whole bin-debug folder and such.

For instance, if you wanted to start coding something like Tweener, Papervision, or some other set of classes that doesn't publish to an application, how would you set up the project in Flash Builder?

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Jul 11, 2011

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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<flexLibProperties includeAllClasses="true" version="1">


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Actionscript 3 :: Flash Builder 4.5 - Can't Import External Classes?

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ActionScript Code:
var _nc:NetConnection;
function init():void


Obviously I can skip the removeEventListener but will it affect the memory usage if I don't remove it?

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Actionscript 3 :: Flash Builder 4 Not Finding Classes, Autocomplete Not Working?

Dec 7, 2010

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I need to create a swc containing a com.example.Foo class (subclass of DisplayObject)

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Apr 14, 2010

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Can you create animations that are as good in flash builder?

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Nov 22, 2010

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var arr:Array = dataGrid.SelectedItems

This yields an array of CustomObjets and I lost from there.I will need the resulting SQL statement would need to look something like this.

FROM Stats
WHERE neu IN ('19 10','20 10');

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Mar 18, 2012

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ActionScript 3 :: Reset Collection Of Properties Or Create New Instance?

Apr 10, 2012

I have a Matrix which I recycle and use for drawing DisplayObject instances onto a Bitmap. At the moment, I reset the Matrix before I render each item, like this:
_matrix.a = 1;
_matrix.b = 0;
_matrix.c = 0;
_matrix.d = 1;
_matrix.tx = 0;
_matrix.ty = 0;

Would it be better to do the above, or to simply do this?:
_matrix = new Matrix();
Generally I would say the former, however I'm unsure if in the case of Matrix there is some heavy stuff going on for each of those properties that I reset (mathematically).

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Apr 21, 2010

Does anyone know if there is a way to make the new Package Explorer window in Flash Builder emulate Flex Builders 'Flex navigator' window?

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Jul 16, 2010

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Flash - Create Image Slider Like Nivo Slider With Builder

Jan 10, 2012

I'd like to build image slider like Nivo slider with Adobe Flash Builder.

i'd like to have image controls, image titles displayed above the image(like layers in flash). i'd like to read the data from xml.

i'd like to have nice transitions between images.

mayebe u can provide tutorial or source code.

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Flex - Importing Flash Builder 4.5 Project Into Flash Builder 4.5.1?

Jun 27, 2011

I have an AIR project that I was working on Flash Builder 4.5 which now I'm trying to import to my updated Flash Builder 4.5.1 and it is prompting me to fix some paths before the import is completed. I'm kinda clueless what I should put in those fields.


The project access a web server to retrieve data using JSON.

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Flex :: Sort Collection And Sort Remains In Place When Adding To Collection?

Jun 30, 2011

When I get a collection back from the service tier, I create an ArrayCollection and apply a sort. When I add an item to the collection later on, the sort is still in place? It seems to be the case. I thought I was only sorting it once, not applying a sort that will stick??Here is the method for adding an item:

private function onAddNewClick():void
var fileTemplate:FileTemplateDetailDTO = new FileTemplateDetailDTO();


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Actionscript 3 :: Reordering An Array Collection Based On Another Array Collection Hierarchy?

Sep 16, 2011

I have an array, crewPositionsAC that contains a list of position abreviatations - EP, PR, DR, WR, and so on. These positions are read in through an XML file each time my flex application loads. Also being populated from an XML is a project. Within a project, there are positions (a student assigned to a type of position listed within crewPositionsAC). These positions are not necessarily in the correct hierarchy order dictated by crewPositionsAC. I have all the positions within an ArrayCollection (positionsAC) with the following structure:

positionsAC (arrayCollection)
[0] = Array
[0] = startOffset
[1] = numDays


Then, the user can click a button to add another position. When the "Add Crew Member" button is pressed, the user is presented with a list of possible positions to add. Currently, I simply add another array to positionsAC. This results in the recently added crew member to placed on the bottom of the list. I need to take positionsAC and reorder it based on it's [2] item (role) based on the hierarchy defined in the crewPositionsAC. crewPositionsAC has the following structure:

[0] = EP
[1] = PR
[2] = DR
[3] = WR

* continue until all possible position types are listed

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Aug 23, 2011

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Create A Builder Form To Change A Flashmenu?

Jul 24, 2010

As you will see I do not have too much idea about flash. My question is about "builder forms" for flash. I think that a builder form is a form where people/customers fill it up and then there would be a new page in my site according to her/his information.

Example: When you want to sell something on ebay, you will choose different options: name, prices, pictures, categories, etc. Then, according to this on ebay there will be displayed that I would like to do the same, however, I would like  to change a flash menu and htm with the option from my form.

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Actionscript 3 :: Classes In Project Override Classes In A Flash CS3 SWC File?

May 6, 2011

I have an actionscript project which uses visual symbols from an SWC. I have a CheckoutButton which has the following class associated with it (compiled into the SWC in Flash CS3).


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