Flex :: Create An Image From Array Of Pixel Colors?

Apr 15, 2010

I have a Width and Height parametr. I have been given an array of colors in such format: [r, g, b, a, r, g, b, a, r, g, b, a... etc] Data can be acsessed by something like this

for(var y = 0; y < height; y++)
for(var x = 0; x < width; x++)


I want to paint that data on some sprite. How to do such thing?

BTW: I use Flash Builder for mxml+actionscript coding. So if it is easy for you you can give example using MXML (not todraw on some sprite but on some MXML component).

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I know XML can control css and dynamic text fields, but how do I control the color of an graphic?

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Oct 12, 2011

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