ActionScript 2.0 :: Turn A GIF Image Into Arrays That Represent Each Pixel

Apr 13, 2004

I went to [URL] to turn a GIF image into arrays that represent each pixel. How do I take the code that it spits back at me and display it in Flash MX?

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Flex :: Create An Image From Array Of Pixel Colors?

Apr 15, 2010

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for(var y = 0; y < height; y++)
for(var x = 0; x < width; x++)


I want to paint that data on some sprite. How to do such thing?

BTW: I use Flash Builder for mxml+actionscript coding. So if it is easy for you you can give example using MXML (not todraw on some sprite but on some MXML component).

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i am writing a program that need to load photoshowever, there is limitation in flex that users cannot load photos with pixel above 4069 x 4069 into a can i check photos pixel before running to error? since some pictures are big nowadays, i would llike to check the user`s system memory and free harddisk space. See if the computer have enough space to load the photos.

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Flash :: Represent Tiles In XML?

Jun 28, 2010

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ActionScript 2.0 :: 4 Sliders To Represent 100%?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Image Arrays With Swf-filenames?

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I thought ActionScripting would be easy, since I'm pretty familiar to many other Quote:

_root.myArray = [,,_root.two,_root.three,_root.f our,_root.five,_root.six,,_root.eight,_ root.nine,_root.ten,_root.eleven,_root.twelve,_roo


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Arrays As Image Viewer?

Oct 17, 2003

I have 10 pictures (using arrays) appearing ramdomly and I need to center them (what should i use? _x, _y...). Also, I have to create one back button and one next button. what script should I apply to these buttons? Please see my script below

this.onLoad = function(){
mypictures = ["tibet.jpg", "tibet2.jpg", "camel.jpg", "forest.jpg", "einstein.jpg", "bear.jpg", "dragon.jpg", "af1.jpg", "ceppu.jpg"]


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Actionscript 3 :: Represent An Empty Array In It?

Jan 5, 2012

I'm trying to make a question game with 30 question divided into 3 dificulties, so i'm using arrays to have my questions randomized but not repetitive.

I made the code use the first parameter of the array (array[0]) then remove it from the array.

So, my array will have no more elements after a time. But, when my array have only 1 element, i cant play this element, and i need to use the representation of the empty array to get it to play.

I'm new on AS3, so this may seem very confusing. Here is the code I used.[code]...

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Actionscript 3 :: Concatenate Arrays When Using Different Image Files?

Dec 6, 2011

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I have a list of images that only differ by the number at the end of the name (for example. orangeimg1.jpg, appleimg2.jpg, strawberryim3.jpg, etc. Is it possible when referencing the image that I could somehow reference the array in the file name rather than repeating the same code over and over again?

I have two different arrays set up one for fruit which has (orange, apple, stawberry) and I have another array with the numbers (1, 2, 3). I have jpg images for each of these combinations but how to I reference that in one line when I'm trying to refer to these images. I thought something like source = "[fruit].img.[number].jpg" would work

Again I've found some information on the web but it doesn't refer to how it would work if I was coding a source for my images.

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Arrays :: How To Convert PNG Image Into Usable Format

Dec 19, 2011

I'm trying to make a tile-based AS3 game that uses PNG images as the base for maps that loads them from the library and converts the data to an array with each pixel of data being an individual tile. Essentially, if I had a 128x128 pixel PNG with say, green pixels being converted to "GRASS" in my array, I could then cycle through the array and add tiles to the map movieclip accordingly. I've looked at the ByteArray class and I can't seem to decode the data into a usable format.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Load Different Arrays For Different Image Galleries?

Sep 25, 2009

I've created a photo gallery that dynamically loads images into a movieclip entitled 'gallery'. Right now the images are listed in an array. is it possible to make an Array of Arrays so that I could load different Arrays for different image galleries? Is this somewhat how it would work? Lets say I were to switch to a section entitled 'landscapes' which we will pretend is the array "var a:Array = new Array();" for now.

ActionScript Code:
var a:Array = new Array(

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Library To Convert Flash To A Represent Png File?

Oct 21, 2010

I want to generate thumbnail image from a flash file,

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Flash :: Represent Data Using Animation Using Delphi?

Jun 22, 2011

I have a lot of employee data. Then i want to show to user the data using flash animation.Is it possible to be done with flash animation with delphi ?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Elements In Array To Represent Object?

Jun 30, 2006

i have an some movie clip objects, named A,B,C,D,E respectively. Also, asssumed i have 3 arrrays, globally defined with


Finally, i have some buttons there, both will be used to trigger the movie clip to change it's alpa value. Now here is the problem, when i click on button1, it will search in Array1, and those elements match the object name will be triggered.For example, i click on button1, and it search Array1, which contains elements A, B. With these elements, it only match movie clip object named A and B only.
So as a result, only these two objects are triggered.

Can you let me know what is the concept to run this? The requirement must use the elements in an array to trigger an object. For more information, i actually need this concept to create a Search Algorithm, such as breath first search and depth first search method. So after it find a solution path from A to B and C, which these similar to array1={"A","B","C"}, so only the node A, B and C will be highlighted, and a line from A to B and B to C is drawn to visually show the path.

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Actionscript 3 :: What Are Width And Height Supposed To Represent For A Sprite

Feb 25, 2011

I'm working with a Sprite in AS3. Initially, width,height are 0,0 as expected.

After this:

var tf : TextFormat = new TextFormat();
tf.font = "Arial";
tf.size = 48;


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Actionscript :: Use Two Integers To Represent Integral Part Of Double?

Sep 7, 2011

I'm getting a millisec timestamp in ActionScript as a Number object which can return a primitive double. I'd like to cast it for a backend that expects a primitive long long millisec, however the language does not provide long long. Am thinking a double can be converted to two ints and submitted together. Any encounter something like this and have a solution?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Represent A Group Of Cells Multiplying And Dyeing?

Mar 20, 2008

i would like to basically represent a group of cells multiplying and dyeing. I have some data im pulling in, from an xml file and would like this to generate some cells. I have figures that change frequenly, so for example, if the figure increases i would like the cell to multiply and if the figure decreases i would like cells to die off.

If any one point me in the direction of some examples or give me some ideas about the best way to do this i would really appreciate it.

As you can see im not sure if i should be looking at flocking or recursion etc so

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Easing - Number In Function Represent Speed?

Aug 1, 2004

Is the number in a function representing the speed (in case of easing) equal to a certain amount of frames?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Add Next Back Buttons To Image Viewer (built W/ Arrays)?

Oct 18, 2003

I have to add one back button and one next button to my image viewer (built with arrays).what script should I apply to these buttons? what line of script should i add to my main code.

this.onLoad = function(){
mypictures = ["tibet.jpg", "tibet2.jpg", "forest.jpg", "einstein.jpg", "bear.jpg", "dragon.jpg", "af1.jpg", "ceppu.jpg"]


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