IDE :: Setting Array Value Or If No Value, Make It 0 ?
Mar 14, 2009
I have an array which is filled up when someone clicks on a button.
something like this:
var ThumbArray:Array = new Array();
//on click, adds new value like this
ThumbArray[ThumbArray.length] = [productid.text, viewID.text, price.text]
I limit it to a maximum of 14 values.I now need to know a good way to set a variable equal to the value of a row of the array - but if there is no value then it becomes "0"
So this is my code so far
theVariables.varMat1 = ThumbArray[0][1];
theVariables.varMat2 = ThumbArray[1][1];
theVariables.varMat3 = ThumbArray[2][1];
theVariables.varMat4 = ThumbArray[3][1];
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I have some variables created on the main timeline and a mc called options which will be where those variables can be manipulated. A way I've tried to this is by creating a first array(array1) and populating it will all the variable names found on the main timeline, and another array(array2) containing the values of the variables the user has changed(which are displayed on some dynamic text fields). To make these changes, an "apply" button is pressed which will set the values found in array2 to the variables in array1.[code]How would you do this so that var1, var2... are updated properly according to the values found in array2?And because array2 contains strings(read from dynamic textfields), how do you deal with that since var1 and var2 are numbers?
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Sep 7, 2009
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var currentButtonId:Number = 0;
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function buttonRelease() {
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Sep 14, 2010
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var myArray:Array = new Array(); for(var i:int=0; i<8; i++) { myArray[i]= new myImage();addChild(myArray[i]);myArray[i].x = 180*i;myArray[i].y = 330;myArray[i].addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER , overlap);
function overlap (event:MouseEvent):void
{trace('function triggered on image ' + i);
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Sep 7, 2009
I have an array that I have set up that would go with a series of movie clips, and I am trying to combine them with functions that upload xml pictures--firstImage(), secondImage(), and so forth.Here is the array that I have:
ActionScript Code:
var currentButtonId:Number = 0;
var buttons:Array = [btn1, btn2, btn3, btn4, btn5, btn6];
function buttonRelease() {
It enables and disables the movieclips depending on which one is clicked.
I want to make the xml functions (firstImage(),secondImage()...) go with the buttons in sequence. So once btn1 gets pressed the firstImage() xml function gets called.
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this.scrollIcons = function(p_offset:Number) {
// Scrolls the icon list
this.setIcon(this.currentIcon + p_offset);
[Code] .....
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Jan 22, 2009
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Mar 8, 2009
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Apr 23, 2009
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spacing = 10;
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var glideShootingTimer:Timer = new Timer (500);
glideShootingTimer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, glideShoot);
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Aug 23, 2009
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Below I have posted my file with actionscript. Here is the actionscript set up right now:
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May 29, 2007
I was supposed to set the validate range for the Name field to be checked with an array of 3 names, the validate range for the Password field to be checked with an array of 3 passwords, and the validate range for the State field to be checked with an array of 3 states in order to create my own error messages.
var errors:Array=new Array();
function clearForm() {
[Code] .....
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Jan 23, 2007
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arrayrow = new Array()
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Apr 27, 2010
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Feb 11, 2012
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Oct 13, 2008
I'm trying to make an array of colors. I have uint's representing my colors now:
var btnColor:uint;
btnColor = 0x999999;
But when I trace these button colors, they come out funny.The color above comes out as:
And this is the way they get pushed into my array. I tried converting them to Strings:
But it was the same 10066329 that got put into the array. It must be a small thing I'm doing wrong, but so far, I haven't figured out what it is.
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Oct 13, 2008
I'm trying to make an array of colors. I have uint's representing my colors now:
var btnColor:uint;
btnColor = 0x999999;
But when I trace these button colors, they come out funny. The color above comes out as:
And this is the way they get pushed into my array. I tried converting them to Strings:
But it was the same 10066329 that got put into the array.
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Apr 25, 2010
Alright, so within my final swf I need to have a function that searches, but not searches the internet (such as integrating a google or bing search). It will be searching though data that I have already collected. My data is in the form of CSV (comma separated values). I already load in the csv and all that jazz, no problem (using url loader). I put the data into an array. I can conduct the search in a few ways and I was wondering what everyone in the forum thought would be the best way. The data also gets attached as parameters to objects that I put on the stage, if that matters.It must return all things in the array that match the string typed in the search, and not just the first match it finds.
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Feb 27, 2004
What's an easy way to make an Array of the alphabet (from a - z)?
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May 3, 2007
I made a quizz using this tuto [URL] I try to make an array at the end of the quizz but I have few problems : I want, for each answer, to get 3 things : question number, the answer, and if it's right or wrong. i've done this in actionscript:
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Aug 9, 2007
i have a problem. I would like to retrive xml data from an external file. An than i would collect data from that xml to be compared with some id buttons.ex. IF (xml output atributte) == (id of button), than dissplay button red, else dissplay blue.I have no problems till here. This is the array and its conntent.
var dataValues = new Array();
dataValues[0] = "100";
dataValues[1] = "131";
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Nov 11, 2009
i have a pb, i want to create 2 types of brick ,i haven't understood where he defines that 1 apply to a certain brick.or is it even really, do anybody knows how to make a array with 2types of brick? from that tutorial?
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Nov 12, 2009
I have a multidimensional array, and my arrays are joined together to an array arrGrid. I want to randomly show one of my arrays from my list arrGrid. So far I have the randomizer, but it goes through them all and stops at the very last name in my array. I want to be able to stop the array from randomly going through them all, and just show one at a time.
var arrGrid:Array = new Array; // master array that holds arrays
var arrname:Array = new Array; // all the names
var arrcontainer:Array = new Array; // all the package types
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