ActionScript 3.0 :: Rotating Circle In Both Directions Using Buttons
Oct 20, 2010
What I have is a circle image (for this purpose lets say it looks like a clock). For example: when you click 3 o'clock, the whole clock needs to rotate around with the 3 o'clock btn at the 6 o'clock position (with the pivot point in the centre). each of the 'time' positions (2 o'clock, 3 o'clock, 4 o'clock ...etc) needs to be a button and thus be able to rotate around to the 6 o'clock position. This would seem simple enough by just using a .rotate value or using tween movieclips...however the tricky part is:
The actionscript needs to determine which way the clock turns (anti/clockwise), dependant on where the clicked time-btn's position is. it needs to be some sort of if statement that says: If (3'oclock-btn) is positioned between 0 degrees (being original 12'oclock position) and 180 degrees (original 6 o'clock position), then rotate clockwise to the 6 o'clock position. If the (3o'clock btn) is positioned between 180degrees and 259 degrees (12 o'clock position), rotate anti-clockwise to the 6'oclock position.
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PHP Code:
var radians = Math.atan2(mouseY-circle.y, mouseX-circle.x); var degrees = Math.round((radians*180/Math.PI)); circle.rotation = degrees + 90;
I have added a mouse listener for movement to the circle mc and then checked if a button was down. On button down this code would be executed on enter frame. This code works but the main problem is that I want to be able to "pick the circle up" at any angle and rotate it. If I pick it up with this code the circle automatically rotates to 90 degrees.
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Jan 31, 2010
I have been working on this and thinking about it for days but I just can't seem to get it right. I want to have a circle that I can "pick up" with the mouse and then rotate (with the rotation point in the center). Currently I have done this with the following code:
PHP Code:
var radians = Math.atan2(mouseY-circle.y, mouseX-circle.x);
var degrees = Math.round((radians*180/Math.PI));
circle.rotation = degrees + 90;
I have added a mouse listener for movement to the circle mc and then checked if a button was down. On button down this code would be executed on enter frame. This code works but the main problem is that I want to be able to "pick the circle up" at any angle and rotate it. If I pick it up with this code the circle automatically rotates to 90 degrees.
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Frame 1:
var vinkel:Number = 0;
Frame 2:
//En timer der opdatere hvert 1/1000 sekund
var timer:Timer = new Timer(1);
omdr_txt.text = "Omdrejninger: " + vinkel;
[Code] .....
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var r:Number = 10;//radius
var y:Number;
var x:Number;
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var ax:Number;//rotated points
[Code] .....
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iranytu_mc.onEnterFrame = function(){
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on (rollOver) {
on (rollOut) {[code].....
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Oct 20, 2010
what i have is a circle image (for this purpose lets say it looks like a clock). For example: when you click 3 o'clock, the whole clock needs to rotate around with the 3 o'clock btn at the 6 o'clock position (with the pivot point in the centre). each of the 'time' positions (2 o'clock, 3 o'clock, 4 o'clock ...etc) needs to be a button and thus be able to rotate around to the 6 o'clock position.This would seem simple enough by just using a.rotate value or using tween movieclips...however the tricky part is:the actionscript needs to determine which way the clock turns (anti/clockwise), dependant on where the clicked time-btn's position is. it needs to be some sort of if statement that says:if (3'oclock-btn) is positioned between 0 degrees (being original 12'oclock position) and 180 degrees (original 6 o'clock position), then rotate clockwise to the 6 o'clock position. If the (3o'clock btn) is positioned between 180degrees and 259 degrees (12 o'clock position), rotate anti-clockwise to the 6'oclock position.
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Now execute it. Click in the text area, the focus rectangle is correct. Press tab twice, the focus rectangle aroung the TextArea is rotated! Is there a fix for this, or should I avoid rotating buttons altogether? I'm using Flex SDK 3.5.
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Jan 11, 2009
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Dec 2, 2009
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I uploaded the .FLA : [URL]
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Jul 26, 2010
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Sep 24, 2005
I've been recently asked to do an interface from this file(view the attached file). The file was from ultrashock, anyway my client wants the interface to appear instead of the circles. Is there any easy way to change the circle to movie clips/buttons? I would also like to have the 3d flower rotated randomly after being selected and the interface will zoom into the selected link and the sublink will pop up from the selected link.I've been told by my friend that it requires XML but I think there's gotta be an easier way.
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Sep 18, 2007
I have downloaded the following code and tried to change it. It works so far, but the attached MC are "pulsating" - if I change them with another MC (with text inside) I can't use them as a Menu links - they are "pulsating" too much and I can't read/see the text properly. where in code I can change(reduce) this "pulsation"? how can I make the MC-s cklickable=working as a buttons with mouseover/mouseout effects (changing color etc.)
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Mar 8, 2005
I'm developing a game atm, and I need some help on the mathematics/coding of colliding circles (and their change in x/y speed). What i need to know is how to calculate the direction and speed a circle has after colliding with a static (non-moving) circle. I know how to detect a collision between the two, but I'm not sure about the maths I need to give the circle the right speed and direction after the collision
If i do know how far away the two circle-points (in the middle of each) are to each other (in both x and y coords) would it be easy for me to find the new speed and direction of the large circle in the example above? I know that I somehow should use the angles to pretend the circle hits a flat "wall" (as it only hits one point), and then calculate the new speed/direction. My only problem is that I'm not sure how to decide the angle of this flat "wall" and how x and y speeds should change when colliding with a wall that is angled. Does anyone here have any insight, links or tips on how I can du this?
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Sep 30, 2005
i want to make one circle follow the mouse cursor, inside another circle. Similar to an eye looking at the cursor. Ive attached an example.
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Nov 5, 2008
I have text in a dynamic field showing up as circle. I want to say if circle shows up change it to cercle (french).
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Mar 8, 2005
What i need to know is how to calculate the direction and speed a circle has after colliding with a static (non-moving) circle. I know how to detect a collision between the two, but I'm not sure about the maths I need to give the circle the right speed and direction after the collision.If i do know how far away the two circle-points (in the middle of each) are to each other (in both x and y coords) would it be easy for me to find the new speed and direction of the large circle in the example above? I know that I somehow should use the angles to pretend the circle hits a flat "wall" (as it only hits one point), and then calculate the new speed/direction. My only problem is that I'm not sure how to decide the angle of this flat "wall" and how x and y speeds should change when colliding with a wall that is angled.
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