ActionScript 3.0 :: Seeking In Streaming H264 Mp4 To Unbuffered Section
Jun 23, 2010
I need to get H.264 videos streaming. I've gotten the mp4 file playing and buffering, which is great, but when I try to seek ahead to a part that isnt buffered, the video stops, goes to the start of the video, and will no longer play. FLV files behave exactly as I would like them to, meaning they go to selection position and start buffering and playing from there. Here is my progressiveSeek function:[code]keyFramesSeconds and keyFrames Bytes are just arrays that hold the metadata for the seekpoints. This function, when called on the H264, goes to the beginning and stops the video, but when called on the FLV, does what I want. How can I do progressive seek for an H264?
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play_btn.play_symbol_txt.background = false;
isPaused = true;
var nc:NetConnection = new NetConnection();
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Feb 27, 2011
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<smil> <head> <meta base="rtmp://live" /> <body> <switch>
<video src="mp4:test1.f4v" system-bitrate="150000"/>
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Nov 22, 2010
I just met a piece of error log when I was trying to resume the paused mp4 streaming. Here is the log from the server:
[INFO] [NioProcessor-1] - Frame
position was not found for timestamp:
I'm using Red5 newest 0.9.1 final for mac os x to stream the H.264/AAC encoded MP4 file to my flash app.
And there's no problem when I'm resuming the .flv file.
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Mar 9, 2009
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on (release) {
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www .
>>>> www .
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Dec 9, 2009
I used a template from adobe and modified it to fit my needs. Instead of one long video with cuepoints, I have several videos that I want to switch when the buttons are clicked.verything works great except when the user seeks beyond the buffer (progressive download).hen this happens, everything breaks. All of the buttons, playback, play/pause... everything. You have to refresh the page and start over.My quesiton is, does the seekBar need a custom eventHandler? Shouldn't it work on it's own? Here is my code:
//-----------------// Video control assignment//-----------------
display.playPauseButton = play_btn;display.stopButton = stop_btn;display.seekBar =
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Jun 28, 2010
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Nov 26, 2010
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seek() reference
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Oct 10, 2011
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Dec 23, 2011
Normally we use NetStream.Seek method but it will make the seek after the buffer area crossed the seek time length.(HTTP). Can we seek the video that is beyond the buffered area like youtube in red5. Will it start the buffer from the seek point.
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Aug 26, 2009
I am trying to achive is the "SEEK" effect that you find on YouTube. Like suppose the Video is 20 Minutes long and only 5 minutes are loaded and if you click on the 15th minute, the video will start playing from that point.I saw a PHP script some time back which would return the "FLV" which starts from the point which is requested to the PHP Script. I didn't bookmark that I don't know why and it was really long time back.
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Mar 11, 2010
i stumbled accross the following website: URL...As you can see, the site is driven using a hd video. the user can interact with the site by performing little actions with the mouse. I guess this is simply accomplished by seeking through the video using the mousemovements as offset.What i would like to know is, how are videos like this encoded ? How big is the video behind a site like this ? Is the HD content streamed from the server ? What compression would you recommend for similar quality ? Do you guys know a tutorial/article that deals with constructing "video driven" websites like the one above ?
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Jan 20, 2011
Here's what's going on: I have an F4V file loaded into a SWF. There are no real playback controls -- nor do I want any. I've created a "skip" button that's supposed to a) pause (or seek to 0) the video, then remove the video from the stage. It seems I can either pause the video OR seek to zero, but not both.Here's what I've tried:
function seekTo (num:Number):void
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Jun 26, 2011
I have a flv video file that I imported it on the stage and it plays on timeline. I have written a code that on mouse movement on the stage, the video plays from start to end ( mouse movement from left side of the stage to the right side )
function stageMovement(evt:MouseEvent)
The problem is the sound doesn't play in this way. What should i do ?
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Aug 18, 2010
I am trying to record a H264/AAC streamin FLV format on my FMS server and all I get in the recording is the metadata but no media content. Is H264 recording only supported in F4V?
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Dec 16, 2011
I just tried to record a stream with the new H264 classes, PCMU as audio codec to FMS 4.5. with MetaData problem. I got only the half of MetData without any duration: neither any audio codec
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