ActionScript 3.0 :: Sending One Part Of The Stage

May 23, 2010

I have found an example which should show things better.  It is here [URL]
Basically, on that stage, they have several movie clip objects..One for the actual card, one to hold the components, one to perform actions etc.  When you drag and drop items to create your card, you can then send it via email.  However, what is sent is only the card part of the whole stage, not the parts which hold the components and actions.  So, they basically send one movie clip component of the whole stage, rather than everything which is on the stage.

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var byteA:ByteArray=new ByteArray();


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function onComplete (event:Event):void {
var resultVar:URLVariables = new URLVariables( );
if(resultVar.resultCheck == 1) {
saveresult_txt.text = "Save complete!";


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Oct 11, 2011

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ActionScript Code:
import flash.display.MovieClip;
import flash.utils.ByteArray;
import flash.text.engine.EastAsianJustifier;
[Code] .....

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TypeError: Error #1007: Tentativa de instanciao em um no-construtor.
at testeMenu_fla::MainTimeline/teste()
Here my .fla: [URL] My question is: how to convert a e:Event in MovieClip?

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< fontFamily=Verdana encoding=unicode fontWeight="bold"> some text < fontFamily=Verdana encoding=unicode > some text < fontFamily=Arial encoding=unicode fontStyle="italic"> some text < fontFamily=Arial encoding=unicode fontWeight="bold" fontStyle="italic"> some text

what i really need is:

< fontname=Verdanabold encoding=unicode> some text < fontname=Verdana encoding=unicode > some text < fontname=Arialitalic encoding=unicode > some text < fontname=Arialbolditalic encoding=unicode > some text

logically i think of it as taking apart the string into substrings

checking if there are fontWeight or fontStyle in the substring

if there is then appending the font name with the weight or style so so that the font name becomes font NameWeightStyle.then rebuilding the string.The font could be any font with variouse styles or far:

pattern = /<(.*?)>/gixsm;
var matches:Object = pattern.exec(str);
var finalstring:String = "";[code]...........

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Jul 26, 2009

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System.useCodepage = true;
send_btn.onRelease = function() {
my_vars = new LoadVars();


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on (rollOver) {
if (<>p) {


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Made A Part With Photoshop?

May 13, 2009

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Nov 3, 2009

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Animating A Part Of An Image?

Oct 21, 2010

I have the attached image of a bioreactor. I want to animate the area marked with the red outline (and a cross) to be filled with a bluish transparent liquid. I am trying to create an animation for students to show how the residue in the bioreactor behaves and I have to show the animation in a real picture (cant draw).

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Export Part Of Timeline

Sep 23, 2011

I am needing to export portions of my timeline as separate .mov files. Exporting the entire thing at Best quality yields too big of a file. Does anyone know how to do this from within Flash pro?

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Print Only Part Of A Page?

Jun 4, 2010

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Nov 25, 2009

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Using Only Part Of A String?

May 4, 2011

I have a string:"newImageContainer_mc_0"

And I only want the 0 at the end, how do I strip the String so that I only take from it a character or a group of characters?

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IDE :: How To Print A Part Of Screen

Jun 7, 2009

And also is there a way to print a part of flash contents of maybe entirely compose the stuff (image that is) you give to printer.In my case i have a flash in which contains to pictures (basicaly even and odd page of a book) and other stuff. I want to add printing functionality. Also i want user to be able to choose what to print - whole flash, both pages or just one of them

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CS4 :: Test Part Of Movie / Audio?

Apr 22, 2009

I'm using Adobe Flash CS4 for the first time to try and make an animation set to music (like the opening scene of an anime). I need to listen to specific portions of the song so that I can match the timing of my animations.

I know that you can press Enter and it'll Play, but I don't know how to start listening to the music at the frame I want. I also don't know how to stop the music once it starts playing.

I also know I can do Ctrl+Enter to Test Movie, but that always starts playing my animation from the very beginning.

I want to know how to watch/listen to a specific part of the animation, without having to play it stop to finish.

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