i'm now working on a project using action script 3 now what i'm trying to make is a Main SWF that load whatever other swf into it the tricky thing is that i used 1 xml document read the external swf source nad it's setting(such as it's x,y position and it's width and height) and i'm having problem setting it's width and height (i mean the loaded swf width and height)[code]
i'll be straight to point,well i'm now working on a project using action script 3 now what i'm trying to make is a Main SWF that load whatever other swf into it the tricky thing is that i used 1 xml document read the external swf source and it's setting(such as it's x,y position and it's width and height) and i'm having problem setting the loaded swf width and height btw it's an desktop application and not a website application.,
i'll be straight to point,well i'm now working on a project using action script 3 now what i'm trying to make is a Main SWF that load whatever other swf into it the tricky thing is that i used 1 xml document read the external swf source nad it's setting(such as it's x,y position and it's width and height) and i'm having problem setting it's width and height (i mean the loaded swf width and height)
Code: //variable list var swfList:XMLList; //hold all the zone list from the xml var totalZone:uint; //total of zone there is in the xml var myURLLoader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
i want to ask how to make a placeHolder in flash actionscript 3..,what i do need to know is that how to sett a placeholder width and height:confused::confused::confused:
Code: import flash.display.*; var placeHolder:Sprite = new Sprite();
I want to load an image from a ByteArray and then set the dimension of the image. I'm doing it in the following way.
var img:Image = new Image() img.load(byteArray); img.width = 200; img.height = 200;
The problem is that if my original image is for example 90x100, I would get displayed an image of 180x200. It seems it cannot modify the proportion of the image! How can I instead obtain a 200x200 image?
The issue I'm having is that I have a main "wrapper" 100x100 (but it could be any size) - it's just there to hold and display whatever content, swf, gif, etc we may want to throw into it. As long as the loaded content doesn't have 3D animation like rotationY going on, it displays fine. But when it does, the 3D "anchor" properties (like projectionCenter) of the loaded swf inherit those of the main timeline (i.e. 100x100 (main) vs 728x90 (loaded)). If I change the dimension of the main "wrapper" in Flash IDE to match what's coming in - the 3D behaves fine, but I won't know what the dimensions of the content will be until it comes, so I need a way (if there is one) to dynamically alter the main "wrapper" or root display object through AS. Stuff like "this.width = loader.width" or "stage.width = loader.width" or "root.width = loader.width" etc doesn't work. Flex has the hBox and vBox
I used Loader to load an external swf file, and try to display it in a fixed area, like a fixed dimention sprite object. And I don't know the exact size of the swf file, I just want it to fit the fixed area.
var loader:Loader = new Loader(); loader.load(new URLRequest("some path")); loader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, completeHandler);
At _level0, external movies are loaded through a movieclip using loadMovie("externalmovie.swf","targetmc");
1. Obtain the external movies' resolution/dimension (e.g. 800x600 px) using actionscript.
2. Assume the movies have different dimensions and are smaller than or equal to _level0's dimensions. If they are smaller, you have to scale up the movie until it reaches the largest size possible, to fit into _level0's dimensions. Again, the external movies are loaded using a target mc and not using levels
3. Note: Remember that when movies are loaded through target MC, they inherit the properties of that mc, so if the size of the mc is 600x600, the external movie would be so too, even if it were 800x600px . This means that you may not do a direct [AS]MC._xscale = 200;[/AS] to it.
* The _level0 movie will serve as a master swf where the different external movies will load into, and consecutively play (one at a time), automatically (ergo, without having to manually open and quit and open and quit the movies).
I am trying to control some of the global variables in my script through an external text file.I have a variable called "_global.scrollOrNot", which determines whether I want flash to use the text window with a scroll-bar or the one without a scroll-bar. I am trying to control that through an external text-file called "ScrollCommand.txt". Here is my code:
the external txt states:
&sb1WindowScroll=yes frame1: _global.scrollOrNot;
this is were I have a problem. It will always choose "MCtextFeldSB1noscroll". I have tested the whole thing with other variables, which were not changed by any LoadVars function and it works just fine then. As soon as I change the variable using the LoadVars function it will not work any more.
In my timeline I have different link hot spots, so that each product will link to a separate web page (externally).I don't think this is going to work:When I upload the Flash file to a server to test, the links show me the 'pointing finger' icon, but when clicked upon it does not even open another web page attempting to follow the link. - that tells me this doesn't work!I need to get this correct for when the final goes live. What am I missing? Should I try the extension? (product01.asp)
I have a question about setting up an image array from an external source. I have the following action script and would like to edit it so that it reads from an external file. Either TXT or XML. how to edit the array action.
I am trying to create a flash viewer, which will load various other flash movies. The viewer will be in the root directory, but the flash movies it will load are a few directories deep.
It seems that when I load one of these movies into my viewer, the loaded movie is looking for the sounds in an audio folder in the root directory, and not relative to the swf I loaded. Is there a way to set this? I would rather not have to make the changes in each of my other movies to use the absolute path
I am loading the SWF just fine, but I want the SWF to fit the root stage exactly. What happens instead is that the external SWF seems to include white space from around itself.
For example, the author-set width of the Tanks game (an example file I was using) is 550px, but when I set the width of loadEvent.currentTarget.content.width to 550px, the game is resized to maybe 350px width. I have to set the value of loadEvent.currentTarget.content.width to something like 640 in order to get the game itself to make full use of those 550 pixels.
I have CS4 with AS3. I hard-coded values for cWidth and cHeight instead of getting them from flashvars because I am just testing in the IDE right now. Normally I would get those vars from flashvars.
My project consists of various external SWF files and also uses SWFAddress. What I want is the internal state of some external clips to set the SWFAddress value.
I have a gfx which I have created 6 shapes and converted them into simple buttons. I have urls sat inside an xml file. How can I get the buttons to use the urls set from within the xml file?Also how can I change the current external photo that is being loaded to load the url from a setting in the same xml file.
if i create and swf let say for desktop application and it is full action script without any object in the stage ( movie clip and etcetera is created and placed by action script 3) not even in the library panel ( i mean no manual object that i added to library oanel and linking it to my code by using the linkage ) what would become the width and height of this application?? let just say for example i make a slideshow swf which load it's image by reading a xml file (the url of the image file is in the xml file).i ask this because when i test my swf (stage.width) it return 0.and when i loaded it into another swf i cannot set the loaded swf dimension (i did use event.complete).
Im doing a project of a site in flash/as3.... now im trying to put it on web to see some results...
But when i go to publish... i dont know what options are the best... Like... i put percent 100% in width and height.... and it works fine in height but in width it shows me more then my stage width :/
what should i do...? i can show u what i mean ....[URL] this is the url where im doing some tests....
I have problems with the load of an image from a ByteArray, I can't get the image size, witch I need to position the image. Strange thing is that the image is showed to me correctly.
My code is something like this:
ActionScript Code: var data:ByteArray; //Here are saved the raw image data (JPG, PNG, etc) ... var img:Loader = new Loader(); img.loadBytes(data);
Say that, I have a basic image galery using xml file as image sources. After a time I replace images in xml file by a different image group with higher dimensions. At this point I want my swf file to adopt new height and width values. How can this be done ?I tried but failed In Flash help files, it says as read-only properties for Stage.height and Stage.width, but because I'm not an AS guru I thought that there should be a way t
I have some 2D arrays. I would like to add a 3rd dimension. How do I add this 3rd dimension?
I don't know if I'm stating this correctly but what I would like to do is have an array that holds a bunch of [thumb.jpg, number, bigpic.jpg]. This way all the values entries are related. So if I wanted to get any of these values I could use the same key value.
I don't know if this makes sense. Plus, do I get the values of the 3rd dimension by using [i][2] in a for-loop? I know that [i][0] gets the 1st dimension and [i][1] gets the 2nd dimension.
So far I've created a canvas size of 1920x1440 (in flash) and before publishing, set my html dimension width and height to 100%.After publishing my project and uploading to a server, it looks something like this:Although it appears fine, the images are being cropped. If you try re-scaling the browser window, the swf doesn't scale.Out of curiosity I tried setting my html scale setting to exact fitas you can see, the swf scales to the size of the browser and re-scales if you resize the browser widow, but its all out of proportion.
I've run into a problem where a significantly large image will not load.I put a ProgressEvent listener on the loader and it shows that the file load completes, but the COMPLETE event never fires.This particular image is a png at 6940 x 4568. At first I assumed it was the file size but I tried a 5k with the same dimensions and this had the same problem.I also read that 2880 is the magic number I should try to stay below, but I tried 2881 x 2881 and it loaded just fine.