Actionscript :: Change An External Swf's Dimension In Project?

Nov 17, 2009

I used Loader to load an external swf file, and try to display it in a fixed area, like a fixed dimention sprite object. And I don't know the exact size of the swf file, I just want it to fit the fixed area.


var loader:Loader = new Loader();
loader.load(new URLRequest("some path"));
loader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, completeHandler);


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2. Assume the movies have different dimensions and are smaller than or equal to _level0's dimensions. If they are smaller, you have to scale up the movie until it reaches the largest size possible, to fit into _level0's dimensions. Again, the external movies are loaded using a target mc and not using levels

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on (press) {
} on (release) {

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mc._x = 0;
mc._y = 0;

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Nov 14, 2009

I'm building a project that dynamically loads external images and audio into it.The images in the external folder are numbered sequentially in the order they display as you click through them (1.jpg, 2.jpg, 3.jpg, etc). No problem.There is audio that is supposed to fade in a play with certain images. (1.mp3 fades in when 1.jpg is displayed.). No problem.Here's where it gets tricky... At least for me.Not every jpg has an audio file associated with it. The last audio that was triggered needs to keep playing until another jpg with cooresponding audio file plays, at which point the two audio files need to smoothly crossfade.1.jpg displayed => 1.mp3 fades in and plays.

(user clicks)
2.jpg displayed => 1.mp3 crossfades to 2.mp3.
(user clicks)


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