ActionScript 3.0 :: Simple Maze Game (Pac Man Style)

Jan 29, 2010

I want to create a really basic pac man style maze game, its actually for some marketing materials and it will be really used as means of navigation rather than as a game, I want pac mac to eat certain words and when that happens it will tell the user about that topic. What the best way for pac man to work his way around the maze would be? Would I be best using hit detection? Also what would be the best way to remove the pellets as he eats them? visibility or remove child?

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Actionscript 3 :: Import - Can't Find The Line In The Adobe Samples For A Maze Game?

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var aImages:Array = new Array("flashcontent.png", "flashcontent2.png", "flashcontent3.png");[/quote][quote]
var imageFolder = "../images/";
var fadeRate:Number = 1;[code]....

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Sharedobject - Creating A Pacman-style Game Using Flash ?

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public function PlayerSelect()
nc = new NetConnection();[code]....

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MX04 Creating Simple Flash Game

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Dec 12, 2009

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- How to make the player move

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Most Efficient Way To Program Simple Game?

Nov 26, 2010

I am developing a Jeopardy-like game in Flash CS5. I am familiar with Flash CS5, but new to AS3. I don't know the language well, and to top it off my code hints don't work in Flash CS5. After researching this I've learned it is a bug that Adobe has yet to resolve. Anyway I am trying to program this game with very little knowledge about the language I am using. I've been watching tutorials and googling specific questions, but it comes down to the fact that I don't speak the language and don't have the resource (code hints) to make the language more available to me.What I am trying to do is simple:Imagine a Jeopardy game board.On the answer screen there is a button that takes you back to the gameboard. Here's the catch: the gameboard must remember which boxes have been chosen and not display those dollar values.

I understand how to program the buttons. I've been using gotoandstop for that. I am trying to figure out the best way to program this so the game remembers which boxes have already been chosen throughout the entire game.The specific question I have at the moment is how to reference an instance on another frame than the frame that has the code on it. For example: The gameboard is on frame 5. When the category A for $200 box (buttonA1) is clicked a Boolean var called 'chosen' is created and assigned the value of true. then the gotoandStop command moves the game to frame 10 which is where the question for category A for $200 lives. There is a button on frame 10 that takes you to the answer, which is on frame 11. And on frame 11, when you click on the button to take you back to the gameboard, I want it so that if chosen = true then buttonA1.visible = false. I get an error because buttonA1 doesn't exist on frame 11 - it lives on frame 5 and I have no idea how to reference it so that it will not be visible.

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Java :: Math Behind The Red Ship In Simple Game?

Feb 27, 2012

the game is a little flash component found here:[URL].. i found that link here[URL].. I have been using/converting the examples they give in the second link but cant get my "missile" to behave correctly. I am using java and andEngine combo. Here is what I have right now:


this code just makes the object travel to the upper right hand corner of the screen and it doesnt move after that. so i am missing something

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Make A Simple Multiplayer Game?

Jun 16, 2010

Make a simple Multiplayer game (Java server, AS3 client) and i was wondering, how would i get people to be able to select their clothing?

Im going to have the data stored in a database, but i want to know, how would i go about keeping a shirt/pants/shoes of each colour and merging them (For each character's combination) to create a new movieclip (username_figure for example)

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Create A Simple Hangman Game?

Jan 6, 2009

I have tried to create a simple Hangman game, it works great, but I have two problems. Number one, the course I�m taking requires that there should be an if else statement in the actionscript programming (in an appropriate manner in connection with the user interaction) and I realy don�t know how to fix that. I�m tearing my hair. Number 2 Preferably I would like the program, alternating between several different words.



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ActionScript 2.0 :: Flash8 Simple Game Score Not Working?

Mar 28, 2011

I'm following a tutorial to make a simple game. The aim of the game is for a player to evade a flying enemy ; the higher the score, the faster the enemy. The main elements in the game are the enemy the player and a score card.

However, from following the tutorial, and adding the dynamic text field etc....the score doesn't actually work.

This is the code that I was instructed to place on the first frame of the Scripts layer:

//Game Variables
enemySpeed = 5; //Set Enemy initial speed
numberEnemy = 4; //Change this to add more Enemies
score = 0; //Set initial score to 0


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Unable To Create A Simple Spot Difference Game

Feb 17, 2010

I'm looking to do a very simple spot the difference game using flash CS3 and actionscript 2 for a school project.

I have 2 images on separate layers on a timeline in the same frame, which has been paused using the 'stop' command. I am looking to have around 4 differences that, when clicked, will be recorded at the bottom of the screen.
The problem is, I am unable to find a way to get the differences recorded at the bottom in the order the user finds them, where each one is entered when the user clicks it, leaving gaps for those that haven't been found.

Being only a basic user, I am only familiar with scenes and basic timeline controls, and i'm hoping there's a relatively simple way of achieving this. However I am perfectly comfortable with using more complex actionscript, having done some programming before.

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Professional :: Buy Book To Make A Simple Flash Game?

Jul 29, 2010

I need to make or buy a template for a simple flash game for a clients website. It has to be legit to buy. It is about 5 pages long. You are asked a question, you select a radio button for the answer to the question, it compiles all your answers and gives you a result.I know flash pretty well but ccording to budget and is best not to have to experiment.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Make Simple Multi Player Game?

Mar 30, 2012

I want to make a simple multi player game so any one give me sample code or how to do that ?

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Jquery :: Simple Multiplayer Game In Ruby On Rails?

Oct 6, 2010

I have created a simple card game in Ruby on Rails+ajax with jQuery for animation. It's working Ok, and I wanted to develop a multiplayer version. It looks like it's not so simple as i thought. I have also tryed to port the game completely to JS into the Canvas tag. This is possible for me and I could make the animation there much better however I still don't know how to add a multiplayer part in it.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Flash8 : Making A Simple Randomness Game - Use The On(dragover)?

Dec 16, 2009

How do i use the on(dragover), becuase i am making a simple randomness game,(to start off) because i have something that you can drag, and i want to make it if you drag the thing over it it takes you to a new keyframe.Here is the movie clip i want to be drug on: (nothing happens)

on(dragOver) {

Heres the code that you can drag the item(works)

on(press) {

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Dynamic Text In Simple Drag & Drop Game?

Aug 24, 2010

So Im working on a very simple drag and drop flash game using AS3. Everything is complete but I'm having an issue with the dynamic text. For some reason when you drop the item onto its target and accompanying dynamic text is all effed up.. for example when it should say "Try Again!" it says "r ain!".. I've been banging my head for the last few hours with no luck..And here is my code:

var startX:Number;
var startY:Number;


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