Professional :: Buy Book To Make A Simple Flash Game?

Jul 29, 2010

I need to make or buy a template for a simple flash game for a clients website. It has to be legit to buy. It is about 5 pages long. You are asked a question, you select a radio button for the answer to the question, it compiles all your answers and gives you a result.I know flash pretty well but ccording to budget and is best not to have to experiment.

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I'm looking for the best way to be able to have a user input their name, age, etc, and then place that data into a Flash Story book, to make it personalized. For Example:Name:_____Age:_____BOY/GIRL:____and then for example if the user decided to Enter: (Cooper, 7, Boy) the story would add those variables, so it might say:"Once upon a time, there as a 7 year old boy named Cooper, who lived in flying shoe."Ideally, I would want to be able to have the text auto format so that it looks like a seamless paragraph, no odd line breaks or spacing issues no matter how long the name they entered was, so for example if they entered "Cooper" or "Cooper William Johnson III", either way the text would still flow correctly

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Jul 21, 2010

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Jul 14, 2011

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Professional :: Make IPod Game Horizontal?

Nov 29, 2010

I'm using Flash CS5 to make an iPod app/game. The provided layout makes the default setup 320x480, which is the standard way to hold your iPod VERTICALLY. I want to flip these dimensions to hold the iPod on it's side during gameplay.

So here's my question: If I just flip the (480x320) will the iPod know how to manage the game from that point on? Or do I need to draw everything horizontally and animate that way too? I tried to do just that, but when I test the scene, it only wants to flip that first frame, so everything flops off screen and it ruins the animation. So how do I develop a HORIZONTAL iPod app/game?

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Professional :: Make A Character Selection Screen For A Fighting Game?

Mar 6, 2010

how to make a fighting game in flash and i love it.but i was thinking about making my fighting game a game where you can select a character to play as. so i wanted to know if anyone knew a tutorial on how to make a character selection screen for a fighting game.

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Professional :: Uses Multiple Swfs To Make Up The Game And Its Elements For Optimisation?

Mar 21, 2010

wonered if someone could help me wih this one. Currently making a facebook game all in flash, it uses multiple swfs to make up the game and its elements for optimisation.
My question really is down to flash cache issue so we can make updates to various swfs that are going to be, site wide for users so the game doesnt break. Currently some users get older versions which breaks things if other swfs have chnaged how they communicate as an example.
I am aware of adding a query string onto the end to force to get the latest version.....however doesnt this make the use of a cache redudant as its being simply overriden? Would jsut like it to work as it should:) If theres a new version of a swf use it..if not use current one.

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Professional :: Best Method To Stop Game And Make 3 / 2 / 1 Countdown On Screen?

Jul 31, 2011

if I wanted to stop my game so that no input and all ai action seized what the best way to do it is, is there a way besides stop every listener and every timer and ai event?Also I want to kind of make a big 3,2,1 countdown appear in the middle of the screen, what is the best way to do that?? make the symbols and then going visible->invisible for each?

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