MX04 Creating Simple Flash Game

Sep 8, 2009

I'm sort of new to Flash, have been using it for ages but just to animate, i haven't done any programming or interactive stuff for years, so i feel new to it again!Creating a very simple platform.Movie clip of the character (instance name z_1)- runs button - when pressed makes z_1 invisible and loads another movieclip of him firing a weapon (z_fire). (also makes ground stop moving- basically game is a static running animation, over a moving ground, if that makes sense)This all works fine, i even figured how to make the score increase!After the firing animation is finished (there is a stop on the movieclip) i want the original running animation to be visible again and for the ground etc to play again. The firing animation is only 12 frames long so i imagine i need to tell the button to resume normal service on the stage after that time period![code]It's probably completely wrong but it works, i just need to know the extra code to make the original animations start back again after z_fire has played.

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