Professional :: How To Make A Simple Flash E-card

Nov 22, 2011

I want to make a nice and impressive flash e-card,

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Simple Card Flip Animation?

Oct 13, 2010

not sure if this is the right place to post this question but here goes!  I want to create a simple card flip animation whereby a card slides onto the screen from the right, flips over to reveal a different picture on the other side, flips back and then slides off screen.  In fact, the full animation will involve two cards, sliding onto the screen one after the other, then flipping one at a time, flipping back one at a time and then only ONE of them sliding off screen, to the left or right depending on which side of the screen they are on.  Can anyone tell me whether this is possible using Flash CS5?  I am a total novice at this, and having spent hours and hours on  it, I have so far only managed to get a card to slide onto the screen and flip but I don't know how to get it to show a different picture on the other side.

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Professional :: Make A Simple Flash Website Video Intro In Flash CS5 Pro?

Jul 31, 2010

I am new to flash and trying to make a simple flash website video intro in Flash CS5 Pro.I have a flv viedo on the stage, under an image with a trasnparent center.I have the video on the bottom layer, the overlay image on the middle layer, and the top layer is my AS layer (AS3).

The video is currently autoplaying when i export.All i want is for it to open my website in the same window as the intro played when the video ends.I dont need a "skip intro button" or anything.I just want it to play the intro when you go to my site, and then bring up the index page of my site after it plays.

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Professional :: Make Simple Input TextFields?

Aug 10, 2010

I open up Flash CS5 and make a simple INPUT TEXTFIELD. I run the program, and I can't even use all the characters. It is under ARIAL font. This is literally destroying my soul. Look, if I want to embed fonts, I will embed fonts like in CS4. What is the crazy idea that now we have to embed every font we want to use? Is that how this is going? If I want to use ARIAL, I literally have to embed it? Did APPLE get their hands on Adobe developers and do something seriously this sick to the CS5 world?
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Java :: Print Photo ID Card To A Plastic Card Printer From Website?

Oct 28, 2010

printing directly to a Photo ID Card printer in a web browser?I have a web application that manages user data, photo, and so forth. I'd like to add a Print ID Card feature to it. The web application is a single page javascript application that talks to a RESTful web service via JSON. I'd like to display what the printed card will look like on both the front and back for approval before the user clicks the print button.

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Professional :: Flip Card And Drag It Around

Jul 17, 2010

I'm trying to make a basic card game where I can flip the cards and also drag them around. Here's the code for, the file that's controlling my cards.

package{ import flash.display.MovieClip;
public class Card extends MovieClip { private var _type:*;
public function Card() { this.buttonMode = true;
this.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onClick);
} private function onClick(event:MouseEvent):void {;
} public function setType(type:*):void { _type = type;
loader_mc.addChild(_type); }}}
I've been trying to add draggability to the card, but I'm not sure how to do it. Do I need a separate ".as" file to control it? Or, do I build it right into this file? If so, how would I do that? I tried making a separate ".as" file but then my basic card flipping code doesn't work.

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Professional :: Card Game Drag Drop

Aug 10, 2010

I'm trying to adapt the memory game in chapter 3 of the book "ActionScript 3.0 Game Programming University" for my own uses. I want to get all of the cards to flip and drag. I am able to flip the first card and drag it, but when I flip the second card over, I can't drag it. I have two files, MatchingGameMe.fla and All of the actionscript is in Here is the code. Does anyone see how I can modify it so that all the cards drag?[code]

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Professional :: Getting Pictures On Both Side For Card Flip

Oct 13, 2010

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Professional :: Create A Hearts Card Game?

Mar 26, 2012

I'm trying to create Hearts, the card game, as a personal project to learn more AS3.Game requirement:Players should be able to sign in to a server and look for other players to play against.1 player can play against 3. There can be several games at a time.There should be some way to store the history of scores onto databases anyone give me information on the technologies involved? I can go read up more on my own.
I know a bit of Actionscript, PHP, MySQL, no Javascript.

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Professional :: Design A Business Card - Result Comes Out Too Small

May 28, 2011

I'm not creating a application to create a business card. I'm creating a static design which I'll probably export as an image and take to a printer.  I just feel most comfortable using Flash for this at this point.The design looks good in Flash CS5 but when I export it, it's too small.I measured a physical card as 87mm x 49mm so I made the stage that size, using millimeters.

I exported the design as a PNG, printed it, and it comes out as 66mm x 37mm - the correct proportions but it's about 75% of the size I want!  I tried publishing the design and opened the HTML in a browser but it still comes out looking small.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Make A Simple Theremin In Flash?

Jan 19, 2011

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May 9, 2009

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Simple Flash Banner(using Flash Cs4) - Make It Clickable?

Feb 17, 2011

I have a pretty simple flash banner(using flash cs4) that I want ot make clickable.I am assuming I have everything correct, because when I "test movie", everything works as expected.Now comes the odd part. When I export movie, the clickable portion no longer works. Along the same lines as soon as I save the .fla file, the "test movie" no longer works.I have recreated this about 10 times now and everytime the same result. now I have it open on my computer, because as soon as I save it will no longer work.
My actionscript(3.0) code is as follows:
link_btn1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, sgurl);
function sgurl(Event:MouseEvent):void;

and yes I have a button with an instance name of link_btn1

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Professional :: Simple Sound Player - Visitor To Hear The Sound And Be Able To Apply Simple Controls?

Aug 1, 2011

Flash is not in my toolset, but I am an old Director jock and have spent some hours dipping my head into the Flash manual.  I suppose that makes me a promising beginner-level poster. I'm working in CS5.
I need to make a simple Flash-based sound player for a website for a newly-released novel (  I want the user to click on what appears to be an icon (or image), which kicks open a simple controller and starts playing a sound file (a radio interview, which I will probably export using Flash's voice compression).  Nothing fancy.  Just want the visitor to hear the sound and be able to apply simple controls (stop/start/rewind/volume).
I can learn ActionScript, I suppose, since I used to dream in Lingo, but my life would be a lot simpler if I could just publish a controller without having to roll my own.  I'd like to think there's a magic button somewhere that can do this, but I haven't found it yet.

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Professional :: Setting Up Simple Flash Mp3 Player?

Jun 13, 2010

I have a html page with some links to mp3 songs.I would like to set things up so that when user clicks a mp3 link, a small flash mp3 player (embedded in the page) starts playing with that songs. The user could click on another song that would replace the last one at any time and have basic controls.
- flash mp3 player - need 1 that has start / stop and volume buttons (simple)
BTW: I set this type of thing up in the past with a frameset - top had quicktime player embedded - and bottom song links went to top frame - all was fine but kind of bulky.... looking for something a bit slicker...Also would like to do the same for flash / quicktime videos, Also if there's something free or close to free that is a jukebox type where the song list is part of flash,

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Professional :: Simple Mask Not Working In Flash CS4?

Jul 27, 2010

I am creating a very simple mask using motion tweening. I created some text on a layer and made it a masked layer. Then I created a mask layer which consists of a circle that will span across the text. When I play the movie the circle does not show up at all in the frames the mask layer spans (it's purple on a black background) and the circle does not move across the text like I told it to with the motion tweening. I don't know why it's not working. For some reason the circle isn't showing on the stage at all and it's not moving across the text. I don't know if I have it set up wrong on the timeline or what. Here's the steps I followed to create the mask:

1.insert a new layer in which I named it mask and click frame 1 on this layer

2. select the oval tools on the tools panel and set the stroke to none

3. set the fill color to purple

4. draw a circle and click the selection tool and drag a marquee around the circle to select it.

5. click insert on the menu bar, click motion tween then click ok in dialog box about converting it to a symbol to be tweened

6. click the last frame in the mask layer and drag the circle to the end of the line of text mask on the timeline to select the mask layer, click modify on the menu bar, point to timeline then click layer properties

8. verify the show check box is selected in the name section, click the lock check box to select it, click the mask option button in he type section, then click ok.

9. play the movie in which the circle object covers the text on the masked layer as it moves across the stage.

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Professional :: Simple AS3 - Flash 10.2 To Crash On All Platforms

Feb 22, 2011

Very simple code that causes flash 10.2 to crash on all platforms.


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Professional :: Create A Simple Flash Preloader?

Aug 20, 2011

How can create preloader in flash (AS2).

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Professional :: Connect Flash To Php With A Simple Type In A Name?

Sep 11, 2011

how i can connect flash to php with a simple type in a name and submit it through flash..yes there is downloadable class's but i couldn't get them working and integrating together properly, can someone refer me to where i can learn a BASIC of it... i know brief php already.

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Professional :: Cannot Get A Simple Flash Button To Work?

Jul 20, 2011

I do not know action script, and, have created a button in flash that pops up information when you rollover the button.The button works fine, but, the entire area - where the information pops - is also poping up when I rollover that area.

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Create Simple Flash File That Allows Users To Make Their Own Spider Diagram And Then Print It?

Aug 30, 2011

I was wondering is it possible to create a simple flash file that allows users to make their own spider diagram and then print it.

Is it just a matter of letting them create their own boxes and labeling them?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Make A Simple Animated News Page For Digital Flash Magazine?

Mar 27, 2012

im trying to make a simple animated news page for digital flash magazine, I want there to be several boxes on the page that are static until you mouse over them at which point they will start to animate. I have got that far i have created the symbol and i have build the animation inside of the symbol.In my actions layer i have put...


Symbol.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, animateMC);
function animateMC(evt:MouseEvent):void{;

and that works the symbol is static until i mouse over and it begins to play the part im having an issue with it making the animation stop when you move your mouse away (MOUSE_OUT)

View 14 Replies

Professional :: How To Do Simple Or Basic ActionScript On Adobe Flash CS4

May 6, 2011

I am doing my simple portfolio on Adobe Flash CS4. However when I am already looking just for the basic action scripting from the tutorial I can't determine which is the most accurate for the buttons. Here's my sample below: The texts that were listed below are my buttons such as About, Profile, Print Ads, Magazine, Logo, Print, Illustration, and Design Concept.

I've already convert it into symbol as BUTTON and now I am ready to put a basic action script to function and transfer into another scene. Example I want to function the Illustration and Print button into Illustration and Print scene how would I do the action script about it?

Here's the example of next scenes that could be clicked from the homepage
This is the ILLUSTRATION scene
This is the PRINT scene
How to do the action scripting by using the gotoAndPlay or anything else to function my portfolio.

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Professional :: Ultra Simple Flash Photo Veiwer Script?

May 4, 2011

where i can find a very simple flash photo veiwer script....I would like something very similar to what used to come built in with DreamWeaver CS3.i dont really want anything that has thumbnails or links etc... just something that very simple fades from one image to another etc...

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Make A Simple Flash Mp3 Player With A Play/pause Toggle Button Called Toggle_btn

Jan 14, 2011

I'm trying to make a simple flash mp3 player with a play/pause toggle button called toggle_btn. The button is actually a MovieClip with two buttons inside it: play_btn and pause_btn, which live in different places on the MovieClip's timeline. That all works fine, and when I press the play/pause button for the first time, my music plays as expected.

However, when I press it again to pause, it keeps right on playing. If I push it again, the button gets all glitchy, and doesn't go into its rollover state when it should nor toggle when clicked.

Here's my ActionScript:

// load the playlist
var getFile:URLLoader = new URLLoader(new URLRequest('songs.xml'));
var numSongs:int = 0; // number of songs in playlist -- we'll set this later


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