ActionScript 1/2 :: Make A Simple Flash 500x300 With A Dynamic Content From Certain URL?

May 9, 2009

how to make a simple flash 500x300 with a dynamic content from certain URL

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Actionscript 3 :: Make The Actual Stage Dynamic To The Content Loaded In The Flash File?

Nov 9, 2011

I was wondering if there is a way to make the actual stage dynamic to the content loaded in the flash file.

Firstly the method I am using is importing a external swf to the stage into a container called container. The main stage, lets call it index, is still on default size, and I want this to expand dynamically as content is loaded in. page1 may be 900px width, page2 may be 500px width, and as I load the content the index stage should expand the width to that of the page loaded. Some steps I have tried but did not work.

if page1 button is pressed stage.stageHeight = 900; - not working (how do I set stage size in as3)made a movieclip in page 1 spanning the page size and called it p1_stage so I can reference the data from there. trace(container.p1_stage.height); gives this error: TypeError: Error #1010: A term is undefined and has no properties. at index_fla::MainTimeline/frame1()

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Make A Simple Dynamic Button In MX 2004?

Feb 8, 2005

I am working on a project that involves basic buttons in flash. They have 2 functions. One is to go to a url and the other is to execute a movie clip within the flash movie.

I dont want my developers to open flash to code the page links (i.e. contact.html). Is there a way to just add a variable of some kind in the GetURL() and have it pull from an .xml file? It can be very basic. There will be no need to dynamically add more buttons, just simply change link names on the fly.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Make A Simple Script That Will Add A Value To A Dynamic Text Box By Pressing F1 Through F4?

Feb 15, 2010

I want to make a simple script that will add a value to a dynamic text box by pressing F1 through F4. But I want it simple, I don't have time to learn a bunch of stuff. So I want...

on (keyPress "<F1>") {
test = "test"; }

But of course F1 is an invalid key and won't work. Want I want to know is if I can write something like this that will do the same function; yet still simple.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Make A FPS Counter With Simple Dynamic Text And A Script?

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How can I make a FPS counter with a simple dynamic text and a script?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Edit Dynamic Content And Modify The Content And Save It All Within Flash?

Oct 1, 2007

how it is possible to edit dynamic content and modify the content and save it, all within flash.I have tried some experiments in the past and have got the text to change etc which is easy but i need a way to save the content so the next time anybody sees the flash it will have the latest content until i change it again.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Dynamic Content - Make A Sort Of Template For A Group Of Files

Nov 21, 2004

i need to make a sort of template for a group of files. it must contain both text and images (sort of help files where there is text and explanatory figures). i have to make this template 100% dynamic, meaning that i don't know the amount of text or number of images or where those images will be within the text. my client should be able to add text and images without having to edit the swf.

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Simple Flash Button - How To Make One

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I'd like to make a simple button that pops out (nicely animated) on mouseover to about 300% it's original size. You can se the button I want to animate here - it's those little buttons some of which are shaded. I want to make them more visible...

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Professional :: How To Make A Simple Flash E-card

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Make A Simple Theremin In Flash?

Jan 19, 2011

I'm a MA student and I'm trying to make a simple theremin in Flash. Can it be done and has anyone made one before?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Simple Experiment With Dynamic Text And A Button?

Oct 15, 2011

I wanted to conduct a simple experiment, where I update a dynamic text field on the click of a button. Well, it throws no errors, but it doesn't work, and I can't figure out where I went wrong.

var currentText:Number;


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IDE :: Simple Custom Scrollbar - Content Disappears

Mar 30, 2010

I've successfully implemented the scrollbar from this great tutorial for some banners, but when I get to my 300x250 banner, the content gets cut off and disappears at a certain point while scrolling. This is the tutorial: [URL]. I altered the pieces for two different sizes without needing to alter any code, but this size is suddenly giving me problems. My FLA is attached.

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Professional :: Make A Simple Flash Intro With No Buttons ?

Jun 13, 2010

I've been working with Photoshop for years but recently started using dreamweaver to build sites.I want to make a flash intro for the site I am currently working on and have never used Flash before.I am looking to make a simple flash intro with no buttons and have it automatically cycle through the images I have.I'm looking for a tutorial to make an intro like the one on this page: http:[url]....

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Professional :: Buy Book To Make A Simple Flash Game?

Jul 29, 2010

I need to make or buy a template for a simple flash game for a clients website. It has to be legit to buy. It is about 5 pages long. You are asked a question, you select a radio button for the answer to the question, it compiles all your answers and gives you a result.I know flash pretty well but ccording to budget and is best not to have to experiment.

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Professional :: Make A Simple Flash Website Video Intro In Flash CS5 Pro?

Jul 31, 2010

I am new to flash and trying to make a simple flash website video intro in Flash CS5 Pro.I have a flv viedo on the stage, under an image with a trasnparent center.I have the video on the bottom layer, the overlay image on the middle layer, and the top layer is my AS layer (AS3).

The video is currently autoplaying when i export.All i want is for it to open my website in the same window as the intro played when the video ends.I dont need a "skip intro button" or anything.I just want it to play the intro when you go to my site, and then bring up the index page of my site after it plays.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Ultra Simple Load Flv Content Not Working?

Jun 23, 2009

I've looked everywhere and keep getting the same answer. I have a standard flv player component with the instance name of 'movies'. i have a button, that when clicked i want it to load a certain flv into said player... so... ive got behind the button (for example..)

on (release){
_root.movies.contentPath = "";

it compiles, i run my flash and my flv player doesnt play my content.. why?? the url is 100% correct as if i put it in manually, it works fine.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Creating A Simple Extra Menu With Content?

Dec 13, 2010

The website has 5 main-menu items called : Home / Speellijst / Van toen tot nu / media / contact / . a preview of the project can be visited here : [URL]

So when someone clicks "Van toen tot nu" (= an item about her past theatre plays), it displays a new menu that holds chronological buttons. Once someone cliks one of those, an extra element should show that displays info.

So in the element holding all the buttons on frame one AS says:

robbieknop.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK,robtx t);
function robtxt(event:MouseEvent):void

* the 1st button has the instance name : 'robbieknop'

* a clip that holds the info on each frame seperatly has the name : 'toenclip'

* 'toenclip' has an empty 1st frame, the 2nd holds the info that should display while pushing the instance 'robbieknop'

* 'toenclip' is present on stage when 'van Toen tot nu' has been loaded, it is invisible (empty frame)

So far I can't get it to work, I don't get any error messages and everything else displays 'according to plan'

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Professional :: Make A Simple Theremin In Flash As Part Of A Project?

Jan 19, 2011

I'm an MA student, and I am looking to make a simple theremin in Flash as part of a project. Can it be done? Has anyone done it before?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Simple Flash Banner(using Flash Cs4) - Make It Clickable?

Feb 17, 2011

I have a pretty simple flash banner(using flash cs4) that I want ot make clickable.I am assuming I have everything correct, because when I "test movie", everything works as expected.Now comes the odd part. When I export movie, the clickable portion no longer works. Along the same lines as soon as I save the .fla file, the "test movie" no longer works.I have recreated this about 10 times now and everytime the same result. now I have it open on my computer, because as soon as I save it will no longer work.
My actionscript(3.0) code is as follows:
link_btn1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, sgurl);
function sgurl(Event:MouseEvent):void;

and yes I have a button with an instance name of link_btn1

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Load Dynamic Content Outside Of Flash?

Feb 9, 2011

I would like to create a Flash menu but want to load HTML inside a targeted div on the same page dynamically without refreshing. I've seen several people say iframes can be used but I would prefer to stay away from iframes and use divs if possible. I'm guessing some fancy javascript would be required?

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Xml :: Read A File And Display Its Content In A Simple List Component?

Jul 7, 2011

I am trying to read a XML file and display its content in a simple list component or at the console. The problem is that the event listener is triggered in an infinite loop.

The code:

var myXML:XML;
var myLoader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
myLoader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, processXML);


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Change The Content In One Simple Custom Scrollbar With/without Changing It In All?

Sep 20, 2010

I worked through Kirupa's "Simple Custom Scrollbar" tutorial and successfully adjusted it to fit some of my content. Then I put it in a movieclip. I was hoping I could just go into each new instance of that movie clip, put in new content and be good to go. Unfortunately, when I edit the content inside my movie clip it edits the content of all the scrollbars in my timeline.

I tried renaming the instance "contentMain" to "contentMain2" in a second movie clip, that I also gave a unique instance name to, and adjusting the actions to match, but that still ended up renaming it in the other the scrollbars in my timeline as well as adjusting it in the actions of all the scrollbars.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Components And Dynamic Content In Flash?

Oct 22, 2009

I have a specific requirement for a UI component that I am working on. I would like to make the component so that a designer can update a graphics in live preview mode whilst keeping the associated class the same.For example...ets take a button component which has an icon in the background and label. By setting an inspectable, I am able to set the label easily, but is it possible to point the icon to an image in say, the library or remotely etc? and have the image show as the background inside flash?[EDIT]Ahhh...I'm not able to load extenal files into the client so the graphic would have to be a library asset? Possible?

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Dynamic Content Flash Dropping Processes?

May 10, 2009

I have been working on a full flash website and am encountering a strange problem (or at least its strange to me).
I have the main shell of the site, which contains:The layoutNavigationA movieclip which pages are loaded into (external swf's)Some actionscript which streams in an MP3The controls for the background musicA piece of actionscript which loads an animated background (another external SWF) 
I then have a series of pages in their own SWF's which get loaded into a movieclip within the shell when the user clicks the relevant button on the menu. Most of these pages contain:The panels for the content on that pageSome dynamic text areas for the text content on that pageSome actionscript which loads the content for that page from a couple of text files and populates the dynamic text areas Then there is a showreel, which has a menu and a customized FLVPlayback component to play audio and video tracks; the data for the menu and the tracks themselves are stored in XML files. 
If I am using a connection over 2MBit: Initial preloader appears, shell loads, background music streams in nicely and then the content page is loaded in, panels animate in and the text content appears; all is well and its pretty quick.
If I throttle my bandwidth to below 2MBit (the main tests being done with the connection throttled to 1.5MBit), this happens: Initial preload appears, shell loads, background music streams in but takes a bit longer to start up, content page loads in, panels animate in and the content appears for about 2 seconds.
THEN the contents of the text areas disapears and the word "undefined" appears. So the content seems to be dropped. I've done some testing to identify the cause and if I comment out the code which streams in the background audio, the issue disapears and everything works fine, so it appears to be related to the audio. I will say, its not the most lightweight of sites; its quite graphically heavy (nothing too excessive though) and the background music is a 6MB MP3; the owner of the site is a movie composer so he has a lot of high quality streaming audio.
So I was wondering if anyone knows why this type of issue would occur, it seems strange that Flash would drop the content thats been loaded in, that background music would break the process.

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Professional :: Dynamic Scale Of A Flash Content?

Mar 20, 2010

I use Flash CS4 and most of the explanations you find online are for CS3.I used a mechanism once in HTML that set the flash site to 100% width, 100% height, which did scale it but there was no maximum limit and all the content got scaled equally. I would like to do it like in the HP above, where certain elements are differently scaled.

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Flash - Adding Dynamic Content Through Interval

Jan 19, 2012

I am having an issue with adding dynamic content through an interval. The content is being added to the screen, but the X position, as well as the tween, seem to be completely out of sync. The below is a screenshot when the interval is at 100 milliseconds, as it shows it best. The application needs to work at 200 milliseconds (where the error is not as clear, but the lines are still occationally too close, roughly every 4th). As can be seen, there is a clear discrepancy between positioning. It remains fine for a few, then changes, changes again and then finally reverts back to what it was.

Here is my code that controls this section:
function XYZ(){
Score = 90
var timeBefore = Score
if(timeBefore <= 2.4){
timeBefore = 2.5
[Code] .....

Note: It also happens with 200 and 300 milliseconds, although less prominent.

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Create Simple Flash File That Allows Users To Make Their Own Spider Diagram And Then Print It?

Aug 30, 2011

I was wondering is it possible to create a simple flash file that allows users to make their own spider diagram and then print it.

Is it just a matter of letting them create their own boxes and labeling them?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Make A Simple Animated News Page For Digital Flash Magazine?

Mar 27, 2012

im trying to make a simple animated news page for digital flash magazine, I want there to be several boxes on the page that are static until you mouse over them at which point they will start to animate. I have got that far i have created the symbol and i have build the animation inside of the symbol.In my actions layer i have put...


Symbol.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, animateMC);
function animateMC(evt:MouseEvent):void{;

and that works the symbol is static until i mouse over and it begins to play the part im having an issue with it making the animation stop when you move your mouse away (MOUSE_OUT)

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Flash Movie Loading In Dynamic Content Which Is Controlled By A CMS?

May 31, 2011

The images are uploaded with an html form onto the server and their path names are loaded into a .txt file for my flash AS to use.The problem I am having seems to be either server lag or browser issues (catching perhaps?).I manage my content via the CMS and once returning to the flash movie it is either old content, half working or just doesn't work, period.What is interesting is that once I locate the text file and view/refresh it manually, it works 100% fine. Now, it's obviously not a very useful set up if I have to manually refresh my txt files so is there a way, (php?, Java? etc?) to refresh these files?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Providing Dynamic Content Within A Flash Site?

Jan 19, 2007

What are the best practices for providing dynamic content within a flash site? I am trying to get my head around the idea and I am not sure how to think about this. Are there sites that use a graphic frontend for updating flash content? If so, what is the common way of doing this? XML? PHP+XML+SQL? etc. I am relatively new to all of this but I have been messing with Flash and XML. I can update stuff on my site by just modifying the XML but I want to go a step further now and create a frontend on the web where people could do this.

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