ActionScript 3.0 :: Creating A Simple Extra Menu With Content?

Dec 13, 2010

The website has 5 main-menu items called : Home / Speellijst / Van toen tot nu / media / contact / . a preview of the project can be visited here : [URL]

So when someone clicks "Van toen tot nu" (= an item about her past theatre plays), it displays a new menu that holds chronological buttons. Once someone cliks one of those, an extra element should show that displays info.

So in the element holding all the buttons on frame one AS says:

robbieknop.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK,robtx t);
function robtxt(event:MouseEvent):void

* the 1st button has the instance name : 'robbieknop'

* a clip that holds the info on each frame seperatly has the name : 'toenclip'

* 'toenclip' has an empty 1st frame, the 2nd holds the info that should display while pushing the instance 'robbieknop'

* 'toenclip' is present on stage when 'van Toen tot nu' has been loaded, it is invisible (empty frame)

So far I can't get it to work, I don't get any error messages and everything else displays 'according to plan'

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on (release) {
_root.section = "nameofthepage.swf";

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on (release) {
_root.section = "insert the name of the current variable name.swf";

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menu_mc.visible = false;
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function buttonHandler (evt)


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I have put this in the first timeline in my movie. When I "check syntax" everything seems great. But when I publish as AS3 I recieve the following error:


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Topic1 (Index = 1)
|-subtopic1 (Index = 2)


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ActionScript Code:
function postXML (loaded){
if (loaded){
postNode = this.firstChild;
newsID = [];
newsHeadline = [];
[Code] .....

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