ActionScript 2.0 :: Simple RSS Reader - Creating Text Slideshow
May 3, 2011
I'm trying to create a simple fading RSS reader. I'm using PHP to create an XML document. Then I'm calling the XML into Flash using the following code.
ActionScript Code:
function postXML (loaded){
if (loaded){
postNode = this.firstChild;
newsID = [];
newsHeadline = [];
[Code] .....
I display this information in a movieclip that has several dynamic textfields. My problem is this. PHP calls the information in descending order. I want the most recent post to display first, that's why I do it that way. How can I reverse cycle through the nodes. There will be five. I'd like to use the id attribute as the reference to cycle through the nodes. I'd also like there to be a 15 second delay for each slide. I guess I'm basically creating a text slideshow. 15 seconds with an option to pause.
I've been trying to create a simple text animation using XML and AS3 that I would like to run similar to the swf I've attached with this post. I've tried to look for tutorials similar to this that I can follow but I haven't found anything yet.I can get the xml to load up but I haven't been able to get the name to animate separately. The xml is structured like so.[code]
creating a simple scrollbar that scrolls dynamic text. What I am looking to do now is be able to scroll a movie clip with text and an image in it. How do I do that?
I want to create a few buttons which users can choose from to change the XML file for my RSS Reader in Air for Android. This is what the button will need to update:
var rssURL: URLRequest = new URLRequest("");
The above XML is the default one I have chosen. What code would I need for them to do this?
I'm almost certain that this is impossible, but I had to ask. One of my clients wants to know if I can build something that can read the text in Flash, kind of like an HTML reader for the visually impaired. The user would be required to have speakers.
It wouldn't have to read all of the text in the movie, just certain dynamic text fields that are in the SWF.
I have this little slideshow, it is for practise for my students. It always worked well in as 2.0, 5 slides, and two buttons: back and next.The script in2.0 has: prevFrame and nextFrame in the code and for the exceptions in frame 1, and frame 5 we made a new frame 1 in the actions layer, and coded the back button, gotoAndStop(5); and a new frame 5, and coded the next button: gotoAndStop(1); Works.
Now I put the thing over tot as 3.0: And I can not get it to work properly....the buttons work, but when I am on frame 5, and go back to 4, it will go no further than 4, evenso when I go back to frame 1 from 5, I can not go further up than frame 1.
I'm doing the very simplest of slideshows which will later be exported to .swf and converted to a .scr.
The code I'm working off allowed the .swf to use a small bit of actionscipt to run through the bitmaps contained in the file. Looks like this:
with ( { gotoAndStop( Math.round( Math.random()* 20 ) ); }
Alas, what I don't know how to do is get these damn images to play IN ORDER. I'm sure it's simple, but my searches have turned up zilch. I've tried increments (++) and I'm too much a Newb to know how to use arrays (like how I would call the images in my folder within an array - way over my head.)Is there a simple way to get these images to get called in a range of some kind? Like "gotoAndStop(range 1-20)"?
i have a question about text in a slideshow. i know how to make a basic photo slideshow with external images. but now what i want to do is add 4-5 paragraphs of text next to each photo (with possible scrolling). the text will be different on each photo.
I'm trying to build a simple slideshow with AS3 consisting of one movie clip which should be controlled backwards and forwards using simple buttons. I can get the slideshow to play forward once but, apart from getting slide 2 to go back to slide 1, I can't get it to work with the remaining slides.
i need is a simple slideshow. already have images ready but when it start it only shows images for one second and goes to the next.i want it to stay on screen for ten seconds (i am new) (cs4) and needs to work when uploaded to website not just on my computer
I was wondering how would i go about making a simple application that can be run on a website that can: -show a opening page that will stay for 5 seconds (for advertisments)
-show random pictures (well they will only be text)
I would like to create a simple slideshow for my Web site that is populated with images from a database. All I want it to do is pull the 6 most recent photos using ColdFusion, fade from one image to the next and loop.
share with me a source of Simple XML image slideshow. I just want to see the method of loading pictures and switching between previos and next of the current one.
It's caused by memory leak. Every time a slide is shown, the memory usage increases a few hundred kB. I've tried everything I could come up with, but even if I kick a whole lot of movieclips out, disable basically all AS3 and let only one slide loop, the memory usage still increases everytime the slide is shown again.Of course it helped to make the movieclips simpler, but the main problem remains: if you keep running the slideshow, it will slow down.
edit 1: #&^%@! Even when i copy one of the slides to a completely new file, with no external classes whatsoever, the problem remains. I think I know now what goes wrong:I make the movieclip loop by saying this.gotoAndPlay(1);Frame 1 is empty, the slide placed on frame 2. If I'd put the slide on frame 1, the mc wouldn't begin at the start and there is no animation (and no memory increase) because the mc has ended.I already figured that maybe every time the mc is shown again, Flash casts a new instance. To prevent that, everytime a slide ends, I remove it with removeChild(clip). That has no effect however, so I think that's unnecessary.
edit 2: even when the MCs are constantly on the stage and are restarted with clip.gotoAndPlay(1), the memory usage keeps growing.
I am very new to flash CS4. I am preparing to develop a simple photo slideshow, set to music (3 minute song), with three buttons containing pull down menus which will link to pdf files. This is a project I have taken on to develop an informational CD for the High School I work at.
Here is my question: When building a photo slidshow with 35-40 photos what is the best practice? Is it to place them all on one layer, or each on its own layer? Also I did see the set interval method from tutvid placing the photos in frames next to each other.
I have a simple slideshow composed of 4 images repeating themselves. Basically, the movie loads the first one, increases a numeric variable, and then unloads it with remove child, and loads another one corresponding to what the numeric variable is. When the 4th image is about to go away, it resets the variable back to 1 to signify the 1st image, then loads the 1st image and the process repeats. I've attached the .fla if my explaining skills are subpar.
The code for loading the photo depending on what the variable is below. (In a previous frame, "photoload" is set as a new Loader and the numeric variable "whichphoto" is set to 1.)
Code: if (whichphoto == 1){ photoholder_mc.removeChildAt(0); photoload.load(new URLRequest('homebg01.jpg'));
My question is when I have flash load the 1st image for the 2nd time, does it use up more bandwidth (as if it was loading the image for the first time)? Or is the image already saved in the viewers memory once all 4 images have been loaded for the first time?
I downloaded the trial of flash cs4 and have created a simnple flash.I am creating a simple slideshow, each of the slides should be clickable and redirect the browser.I created images then imported them and they were automatically converted to symbols.I combined the symbols using some motion tweens.I then created an actions layer and created clasic tween wher I want the user to be able to click.My problem is I cant get it working. I think I am not referencing the right objects.[code]I have tried setting the object reference to the motion tween instance name, the classic tween name on the actions layer and the symbol name none seem to work
I am trying to use the "simple photo album" template that comes with Flash Prof. CS5. I have it working except I want it to play by default. The actionscript that came with the template is below (in blue), but if I set var autoStart:Boolean = true; I get the following error and the controls do not work:
TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object nt_fla::MainTimeline/fl_startSlideShow()at nt_fla::MainTimeline/frame1() // USER CONFIG SETTINGS =====var autoStart:Boolean = false; //true, falsevar
I am trying to create a flash program that will create a slideshow on the fly. I have a collection of music and images that I want to put in the show. The program will pick a piece to play randomly and the next image to show is also picked randomly. However, the speed at which the images will be shown in the show is decided by the tempo/speed/mood of the music at that moment. In one piece of music there will faster and slower movement, and the slide will fade in sooner if the music is faster and vice versa. The show will keep running until the program quits.
I am trying to create a full-frame photo slideshow/photo transition like the one on this site-It shows a random background photo each time a link is clicked and has a nice diagonal "wipe" effect for a transition. Then photos of their work are shown when exploring that section. How would I generate the random photos and transition effect upon clicking a link?
I understand that there are many methods to creating a slideshow on a website, but that isn't my question. What I really want to know is what is the most mainstream method of creating a slideshow on a website.What do you recommend?So far I've seen Jquery, Javascript, CSS & DHTML, and Flash. The first thing that comes to mind for me is flash, then second Javascript.
i want to create a slideshow of animation clips.It will either jpg sequence of animation or swf files. Actually the problem is, flash library is not capable to handle such a huge load of image sequence .so its crashing,and .swf files are losing the visual quality.
i am trying to develop one a story using flash.i have 7-8 animated swf file story. now i want to create a slideshow such that when i will click on 1st swf , next swf will play. i was tried in following way.
1.take 1st index page of story as a fla file.
2. then when i 'll run it i will click on it(using button), then one swf file is loaded.i dnt know how can i click on swf file so that next swf will play?
this relates to the tutorial posted by kirupa on creating an image slideshow using xml with actionscript: [URL] this slideshow is great, but i'm wondering whether it is possible to start it in the middle of the sequence. so, for instance could one button load a swf file with code that would start the slideshow at, say, frame 5 out of 10? i understand how the actionscript for this works, but am running into deadends on how to get the xml more specific. oh, and i'm using flash 8 for this.
i want to create a slideshow of animation clips.It will either jpg sequence of animation or swf files. Actually the problem is, flash library is not capable to handle such a huge load of image sequence .so its crashing,and .swf files are losing the visual quality.So is there any other method to do the same thing in flash?
Draw a rectangle using the rectangle tool; select the text tool and create a text box inside of the rectangle, and type in BEGIN; make sure it fits inside the rectangle; select entire image by left clicking then dragging over it; convert to symbol button.
Then, I add in the code of going to keyframe 4 when released (which works fine). But when I test it out and mouse over the button, I can still select the text which gives me like barely any space where I can click the button to go to keyframe 4. This is reeaaallly annoying me. How can I fix this?
I'd like the slideshow to have a black boarder box with a white background. I've got two buttons which I have made in Photoshop for previous and next image. I want the background of the slideshow to be white and images to be placed into this box for the user to be able to manually go through the images.
Here's the excellent Todd Dominey crossfading slide show. All I want is just that after the slideshow has ended (by choosing "sequential" on the xml file) with 10 pictures of flowers for examples, I want it to load by itself another .swf (movie2.swf for example)
Code: /* Crossfading slide show */ // set random # variables - each must be 0 for first 'while' loop below var randomNum = 0; var randomNumLast = 0; // parent container [Code] .....
Among all this code, where do i write "loadmovieNum ("movie2.swf", 0)" to get out from this string? I want to create an interactivity between pictures slideshow + graphic swf's I created with graphics, drawing etc...
What I try to make in Flash is some kind of interactive slideshow, with .swf files instead of static images. I want to have kind of control pannel with buttons numbered from 1 to n, always visible at the front layer. In the background, there will be swf files that change, for example, every 30 seconds. And each change consists of fade in and fade out effect of the swf container (and so the loaded swf file itself). During the swf changes, the buttons should change too by switching their states from 0 to 1 and so on. User should be able to skip to any frame he wants by clicking the corresponding button.This is the code I already have: