ActionScript 3.0 :: Creating Slideshow Of Animation?
Mar 2, 2011
i want to create a slideshow of animation clips.It will either jpg sequence of animation or swf files. Actually the problem is, flash library is not capable to handle such a huge load of image sequence .so its crashing,and .swf files are losing the visual quality.So is there any other method to do the same thing in flash?
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Mar 2, 2011
i want to create a slideshow of animation clips.It will either jpg sequence of animation or swf files. Actually the problem is, flash library is not capable to handle such a huge load of image sequence .so its crashing,and .swf files are losing the visual quality.
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Apr 12, 2010
I am trying to create a flash program that will create a slideshow on the fly. I have a collection of music and images that I want to put in the show. The program will pick a piece to play randomly and the next image to show is also picked randomly. However, the speed at which the images will be shown in the show is decided by the tempo/speed/mood of the music at that moment. In one piece of music there will faster and slower movement, and the slide will fade in sooner if the music is faster and vice versa. The show will keep running until the program quits.
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Mar 3, 2011
i am trying to develop one a story using flash.i have 7-8 animated swf file story. now i want to create a slideshow such that when i will click on 1st swf , next swf will play. i was tried in following way.
1.take 1st index page of story as a fla file.
2. then when i 'll run it i will click on it(using button), then one swf file is loaded.i dnt know how can i click on swf file so that next swf will play?
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I can follow to create a website's background slideshow using CS3?.
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Jul 3, 2006
this relates to the tutorial posted by kirupa on creating an image slideshow using xml with actionscript: [URL] this slideshow is great, but i'm wondering whether it is possible to start it in the middle of the sequence. so, for instance could one button load a swf file with code that would start the slideshow at, say, frame 5 out of 10? i understand how the actionscript for this works, but am running into deadends on how to get the xml more specific. oh, and i'm using flash 8 for this.
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Jan 24, 2012
Okay, now things are getting a little complicated. I need to build a Flash object that can sit over the corner of an image to serve extra content. It's way beyond my Flash skill level, my work is usually limited to print work in Photoshop and Illustrator so please excuse me if any of the following isn't clear. I am trying to learn though, So this is how it's all supposed to work, along with my issues; When the image & Flash item load a small looping animation will play to draw the eye/show the item as interactive.
When the user rolls over this the corner will peelback. I have a working peelback animation for the rollover, that reacts to mouse over/mouse off, and a looping animation for the initial, but I cannot work out how to make the initial loop until mouseover, then play the peelback when the mouse is over. And go back to the initial animation loop if the user rolls off. (Each of these animations is stored as a movie clip in the Library)
Then it gets more complicated... if the user stays on the corner until it is fully peeled back I need to make a small countdown (sort of a 3, 2, 1 situation) show, before launching a lightbox (would this have to be jQuery, or could it be done in Flash?) in the browser to serve the content.
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Apr 5, 2010
I'd like the slideshow to have a black boarder box with a white background. I've got two buttons which I have made in Photoshop for previous and next image. I want the background of the slideshow to be white and images to be placed into this box for the user to be able to manually go through the images.
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Apr 3, 2006
Here's the excellent Todd Dominey crossfading slide show. All I want is just that after the slideshow has ended (by choosing "sequential" on the xml file) with 10 pictures of flowers for examples, I want it to load by itself another .swf (movie2.swf for example)
/* Crossfading slide show */
// set random # variables - each must be 0 for first 'while' loop below
var randomNum = 0;
var randomNumLast = 0;
// parent container
[Code] .....
Among all this code, where do i write "loadmovieNum ("movie2.swf", 0)" to get out from this string? I want to create an interactivity between pictures slideshow + graphic swf's I created with graphics, drawing etc...
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Feb 7, 2008
What I try to make in Flash is some kind of interactive slideshow, with .swf files instead of static images. I want to have kind of control pannel with buttons numbered from 1 to n, always visible at the front layer. In the background, there will be swf files that change, for example, every 30 seconds. And each change consists of fade in and fade out effect of the swf container (and so the loaded swf file itself). During the swf changes, the buttons should change too by switching their states from 0 to 1 and so on. User should be able to skip to any frame he wants by clicking the corresponding button.This is the code I already have:
// Preparation
button1_mc.framenumber_txt.text = "1";
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Feb 10, 2012
Creating a jQuery slideshow comprised of several images with transitions is easy. But I'm trying to have a Flash animation (SWF) stand in for one of the items in the slide show. In other words, I'd like to see transitions between the following: We've tried several of the jQuery slideshow plug-ins, but the Flash animation doesn't play well -- for example, if we use a simple dissolve transition, the Flash never disappears
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Jul 8, 2010
This is my first flash project and I am attempting to create a slide show that automatically changes frame after a certain time, but also have buttons for each frame. [URL] is the page where i have the flash slideshow on. I used a tutorial to make the nav bar, and used what I learned there, as well as some googling to attempt the slideshow. So far I think its turned out pretty good, but I have a problem. THe buttons work fine, but the auto change gets stuck on the second slide, even if I click to a differnet button to goes back to frame 2. Which makes me think that the function doesn't even go past the if(frame==1). here is the code
import fl.transitions.Tween;
import fl.transitions.easing.*;
var img1FadeIn:Tween = new Tween(img1, "alpha", Strong.easeOut, 0, 1, 5, true);
var slideTimer = setInterval(nextslide, 8000);
[Code] .....
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Oct 2, 2009
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forward_btn.addEventListener(event:MouseEvent.CLIC K,forward)
back_btn.addEventListener(event:MouseEvent.CLICK,b ackward)
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May 3, 2011
I'm trying to create a simple fading RSS reader. I'm using PHP to create an XML document. Then I'm calling the XML into Flash using the following code.
ActionScript Code:
function postXML (loaded){
if (loaded){
postNode = this.firstChild;
newsID = [];
newsHeadline = [];
[Code] .....
I display this information in a movieclip that has several dynamic textfields. My problem is this. PHP calls the information in descending order. I want the most recent post to display first, that's why I do it that way. How can I reverse cycle through the nodes. There will be five. I'd like to use the id attribute as the reference to cycle through the nodes. I'd also like there to be a 15 second delay for each slide. I guess I'm basically creating a text slideshow. 15 seconds with an option to pause.
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Oct 20, 2010
I'm trying to recreate an animation like this in Flash CS5. Is it possible to simply lock the push rod (red) to the rotating wheel (yellow) so that I don't have to go through frame by frame repositioning it?Is it possible to have the push rod slide through the slider tube automatically (Green) again so I don't have to reposition frame by frame.
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Jul 16, 2008
Trying to create a DVD from a swf animation. The DVD needs to be able to work on any standard TV connected (non pc) DVD player. I need to export to a video format (.AVI or .MOV) the next bit is what do I need to do to make this file play automatically when the DVD is loaded? Something like you do for CD-ROM an autorun.inf? My animation is 646 px X 346 what is the resolution of a standard LCD tv? Will I need to redesign the animation with more pixels to get it to be optimised on the TV?
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Nov 16, 2009
creating a button animation for use on the web. I would like to use an animation similar to that on the buttons of the list on [URL]
I have created my four layers for the button, but i am new to flash and i am not sure where to go from there.
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Jun 27, 2011
i am currently trying to create a fish pond with fishes in it, i have parts of these fishes which i hope i can join them together to create a animation of a fish and be able to control it easily, as i will have to implement some AI on the fish, such as moving to eat a food etc. i am very new to flash and have no idea how can i go about doing this, how can i combine the images to form a fish and then be able to control the whole fish and have it move naturally like a fish without much knowledge of AS3?
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Jun 27, 2011
How can we create an animation, similar to the one in this page - tinyurl dot com/3zkffqw
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Feb 15, 2010
Is there any way to create an .swf animation without using flash CSX?
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Oct 26, 2009
I've just created a draft animation demonstration of a unique analogue clock [URL]. What I would like to achieve is to also have a digital clock just below it. So when you roll over the analogue clock, the animation starts for both clocks. When you roll off the animation stops leaving the time displayed exactly the same on both clocks. So basically both the clocks run simultaneously (speeded up). How I might achieve this?
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Jan 22, 2011
I need to create flash interactive animation for one one of my regular clients, which should look and work similar to example in Nike store Customize:LinkThis is how my clients product (shirt) should look like and what sections should be editable: [URL]Basically it should work this way:1. End user chooses some element of shirt which he would like to edit (for example collar)2. When he clicks on that element, popup windows shows offering two main options: to change color and graphic (texture or pattern), same as on nike store customize example3. After user changes one section (collar) he goes to other section (lets say sleeve) and so on4.
User should be able to zoom in or zoom out that shirt and also if it is possible to rotate it in 4-5 positions5. At the end it should be able to save that work (and load it if he wants to later ) and be able to print it.I have made many animations, games, banners and similar using Macromedia Flash MX and Adobe Flash so I am not a flash newbie but this is a first time I am dealing with this type of work. I know that there is no step by step tutorial for this kind of custom interactive animation but I need some help and and advice how to create these three first steps (1. 2. 3). Regarding steps (4.) and (5.) I think I could realize it (zoom in, zoom out, rotate movieclip, save in database and print screen), because I ahd some previous experince regarding this part.
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May 31, 2010
I'm ultimately trying to create a flash page for an html website that has a brief five-second animation during which 3 buttons fade in (buttons then become clickable after the animation is over).
The animation part is done. Right now, I am trying to get my movie to stop and hold on the last frame, where I want to add the 3 buttons that the user can click on to take them to one 3 different html pages of my website.
All instructions that I've found online have said to create a new layer for actions, insert a keyframe on the last frame of the movie, and add stop(); in the actionscript window. However, when I have the keyframe selected, my actionscript window says "current selection cannot have actions applied to it".
I definitely don't have any objects selected, just the keyframe.
You can see that I have the frame (a keyframe) that I want to insert a "stop" action selected in the Actions layer. This is the first frame in which the buttons exist, and from what I can tell, I need the clip to stop on the first frame of my buttons, after my animation is over. (Still figuring out how to get the buttons to work, but will address that later...)
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Apr 13, 2011
We are building a project in Flash Builder 4(flex) and to optimize on screen space, looking to move some display content to a separate window, while the animation runs
We cannot use a pop-up as it takes control and will not allow anything else to be viewed till it is closed. Any way we can create a"read only" window that can be moved around but does not prevent the base animation from running.
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Mar 21, 2012
How I should scale shadow mask to create an animation change of the phase of the moon? As in the example in the upper right corner: [URL]
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Mar 5, 2009
I've been trying to create a simple text animation using XML and AS3 that I would like to run similar to the swf I've attached with this post. I've tried to look for tutorials similar to this that I can follow but I haven't found anything yet.I can get the xml to load up but I haven't been able to get the name to animate separately. The xml is structured like so.[code]
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Apr 13, 2009
I want to create animation of the text where at frame 1, letter spacing is 0 and at frame 200, letter spacing is 60 for specified text. This process is unsuccessful via motion tween in cs4 flash, and i guess neither in earlier versions, nor that I have done that before. But I was certain that it would be very straight forward to achieve via motion tween, so far it feels that I was wrong and for such simple animation and straight forward concept, why it doesn't work, again, via motion tween. I presume I can write AS3 code spinet that would run every frame and increase or decrease property value for letterSpacing, to achieve the effect. Why such basic manipulation of text can not be done via motion tween?
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May 4, 2009
I want to make the following gallery of images: [URL]. I refer to the section of the medium, which include pictures and a menu that is sliding to click. That is the menu that I create and can not do it.
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