ActionScript 2.0 :: Creating A Simple Mc Rollover Function?

Aug 28, 2006

basically i have a mc that i want to use as a button.

frame 1 is the initial state with a stop() action on it. frame 10 is the full rolled over state, also with a stop() action on it, and frame 20 matches frame 1.

so basically i want the button to animate frame 1-10 if they rollover, and animate frame 11-20 when they roll off. i would also like it to detect the current frame, so like if the user rolls off and rolls back on at frame 15, it will play backwards to the mouseover state (frame 10).

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Topic1 (Index = 1)
|-subtopic1 (Index = 2)


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Create A Simple Pie Chart That Has Rollover States?

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My question is do I need to continually write new functions for text to appear, then a second to disappear and trigger the next filed OR is this what Variables are for?

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May 13, 2010

I am new to actionscripts and I'm having some difficulty. I am creating a website that teaches kids about the about the brain and I am creating a website very familiar to this one, http:[url].......

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I feel that my code is redundant because I�m having to create a button for each animated movie clip and in each on of the movie clips I have text that will display. It seems to me that I can somehow create text for all of the movie clips in one centralized location and call each one of those text by using labels. Is there a way that I can centralize all of the text then call it? My aim is to have the user roll over the brain part, have it animate, and have it display the text to explain what that brain part does.I have one invisable

button and one animated movie that includes text.
cerebellum_button.onRollOver = function(){

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A.transform.colorTransform = highlighted;
B.transform.colorTransform = notHighlighted;


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Creating A Simple Button?

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MX04 Creating Simple Flash Game

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Creating A Simple Back Button?

Aug 26, 2004

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The code for loading the pages looks like this:

on (release) {
_root.section = "nameofthepage.swf";

Now I want this to happen: When the visitor clicks on the contact button a variable is saved named "contact" and then inserts "contact" in the code of the back button. Something like this:

on (release) {
_root.section = "insert the name of the current variable name.swf";

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Actionscript 2.0 :: Creating A Rollover In An MC Kill It's Usability?

Feb 11, 2009

I'm trying to fade in a video player controls_mc. I can do that fine using:

controls_mc.onRollOver = function() {, 1, {_alpha:100, ease:Strong.easeOut});
delete onRollOver;


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Creating Actions Within A Rollover State?

Jun 18, 2006

So I have a window that slides in when its rolled over. It goes back to its origin when the user rolls off the window. Now within that window I have a scroll feature taht creates a conflict with the window actions when the user tries to use the scrollbar elements. I want the window to stay open, while the user is scrolling and i want the window to close when the user rolls off the window.

It could be easier to have the user click the window open/closed...but I was wondering if there is a way I could keep my original is what i wrote for the window code:

window.trigger.onRollOver = function() {
window.slideTo(-360, "_y", .4, "easeoutbounce");


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Creating A Simple Rising Number Flash Animation?

Feb 25, 2011

I'm doing a simple commercial animation for school and it is about raising gas prices.I wanted to animate numbers rising but can't find ANYTHING close to what i need

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Button - Creating A Simple Navigate To URL In Flash CS3

Oct 31, 2008

I am having serious problems with creating a simple navigate to URL in Flash CS3. The code I have is:


I have put this in the first timeline in my movie. When I "check syntax" everything seems great. But when I publish as AS3 I recieve the following error:


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Media Server :: Creating A Simple Videodisplay Of Fms Stream

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The documentation for FMIS is in my mind poor. All I want is to display a videostream from my server in an swf. I've manage to display the file using http or local but rtmp seems to be another ballgame. The file play using rtmp using jwplayer. So far I have this code:


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Oct 24, 2011

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The final result should be a gallery with videos playing while the cursor is on top of them.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Creating A Simple Extra Menu With Content?

Dec 13, 2010

The website has 5 main-menu items called : Home / Speellijst / Van toen tot nu / media / contact / . a preview of the project can be visited here : [URL]

So when someone clicks "Van toen tot nu" (= an item about her past theatre plays), it displays a new menu that holds chronological buttons. Once someone cliks one of those, an extra element should show that displays info.

So in the element holding all the buttons on frame one AS says:

robbieknop.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK,robtx t);
function robtxt(event:MouseEvent):void

* the 1st button has the instance name : 'robbieknop'

* a clip that holds the info on each frame seperatly has the name : 'toenclip'

* 'toenclip' has an empty 1st frame, the 2nd holds the info that should display while pushing the instance 'robbieknop'

* 'toenclip' is present on stage when 'van Toen tot nu' has been loaded, it is invisible (empty frame)

So far I can't get it to work, I don't get any error messages and everything else displays 'according to plan'

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Simple RSS Reader - Creating Text Slideshow

May 3, 2011

I'm trying to create a simple fading RSS reader. I'm using PHP to create an XML document. Then I'm calling the XML into Flash using the following code.

ActionScript Code:
function postXML (loaded){
if (loaded){
postNode = this.firstChild;
newsID = [];
newsHeadline = [];
[Code] .....

I display this information in a movieclip that has several dynamic textfields. My problem is this. PHP calls the information in descending order. I want the most recent post to display first, that's why I do it that way. How can I reverse cycle through the nodes. There will be five. I'd like to use the id attribute as the reference to cycle through the nodes. I'd also like there to be a 15 second delay for each slide. I guess I'm basically creating a text slideshow. 15 seconds with an option to pause.

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