Actionscript 3 :: Error With Simple Rollover Colour Transition?
Aug 18, 2011
trying to do a simple rollover colour transition in Actionscript 3, and I'm getting ReferenceError: Error #1069: Property transform not found on
fl.transitions.Tween and there is no default value.
at dell_fla::MainTimeline/tweenToFinal()
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I think this sounds very confusing so I have attached the file. Please help as I have a crazy deadline on this and simply can't work it out, unless I continue on my road of endless functions.
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May 13, 2010
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So far I know how to draw and call a simple movie clip such as what you see below. What I am trying to do is create the features that you see on the above website.I'll try to explain as best as possible what I have done so far:I created one flash file and drew the background for where the text will display. Next I created several movie clips for each of the brain parts and I placed an invisible button over each of these movies.For example I told the button,"cerebellum_button" to play the movie "cerebellum_mc" and told it to go to the"turnon" label."Once it stopped at the label "turnoff" it displayed the text to explain what the cerebellum does.
I feel that my code is redundant because I�m having to create a button for each animated movie clip and in each on of the movie clips I have text that will display. It seems to me that I can somehow create text for all of the movie clips in one centralized location and call each one of those text by using labels. Is there a way that I can centralize all of the text then call it? My aim is to have the user roll over the brain part, have it animate, and have it display the text to explain what that brain part does.I have one invisable
button and one animated movie that includes text.
cerebellum_button.onRollOver = function(){
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A.transform.colorTransform = highlighted;
B.transform.colorTransform = notHighlighted;
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PS: Should I convert the colours to RGB or something else?
This is an example of the colour code values I getting from the flash application:
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Oct 13, 2010
I am getting the following error on button's rollOver & rollOut property using actionscript 3.
The code:
Thumb1.onRollOver = function () { this._alpha = 100;}Thumb1.onRollOut = function () { this._alpha = 50;}
The error is :1119: Access of possibly undefined property onRollOver through a reference with static type flash.display:SimpleButton.
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Nov 18, 2011
Well I'm so close to understanding why this doesn't work. First here is the code:
import flash.display.MovieClip;
var gameZoneContainer:MovieClip = new MovieClip();
If I place "fish_mc" in place of "Items[createItemCounter]", the fish animates but the cookie doesn't. If I put "cookie_mc" instead of "Items[createItemCounter]", the cookie animates but the fish doesn't.
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May 10, 2010
My xml file contains a tag<bla:red>.I would like to go through all the content of an xml file. Something like:
ActionScript Code:
for(var i:int=0;i<5;i++){
But i get error that label has to be a simple identifier. In my case i can NOT change the tag name. How can i do this?
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Mar 6, 2011
Code: Select allstop();
door.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, go_door):void;
function go_door (e:MouseEvent);
Flash is giving me this error message.Scene 1, Layer 'code', Frame 1, Line 21078: Label must be a simple identifier.
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Nov 2, 2009
evrytime inad a error message "label must be a simple identifier" i gave button instance the name "btAnimate"
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Feb 28, 2010
I keep getting this error in my output window.Code:TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object fractionFishCS4_fla::MainTimeline/frame4()I started working on this project in cs3 and switched to cs4 if it makes a differenceeres my code...
var diffArray:Array = new Array();
var dificultyFish:difFish;
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Nov 2, 2009
I'm working on a simple presentation website in flash that imports swf-banners onto the main page. This works, but I need a backgroundcolor and a border so the banners aren't seethrough. So I create another graphic element that puts itself underneath. All this works, but when I try to write a button to remove the "child" it only removes the imported swf (loader) but it can't remove the box underneath - even if I remove the loader-child completely. I get a "1120: Access of undefined property Kant." error
CODE for buttons & loading the swf:
var Xpos:Number=10;
var Ypos:Number=230;
Code for "resetting" page:
I can't get it to work.
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Jun 18, 2011
Actionscript Code:
import;import;import;var homee : Homee = new Homee;var pagsegurooo : Pagsegurooo = new Pagsegurooo;var duvidass : Duvidass = new Duvidass;var carregador : Loader = new Loader;var arquivo : URLRequest;btn_duvidas.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, cClick);btn_home.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK,
View 2 Replies
Jan 30, 2012
Actionscript Code:
import;import;import;var homee : Homee = new Homee;var pagsegurooo : Pagsegurooo = new Pagsegurooo;var duvidass : Duvidass = new Duvidass;var carregador : Loader = new Loader;var arquivo : URLRequest;btn_duvidas.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK,
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Sep 17, 2009
I'm trying to set up a simple drag and drop but I get a 1120 error on the line of code with the addEventListener.
function dragVinyl(e:MouseEvent):void {;
the instance name 'vinyl_mc' is the same as the one on stage, i've already checked that.
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