I'm trying to make a basic card game where I can flip the cards and also drag them around. Here's the code for card.as, the file that's controlling my cards.
package{ import flash.display.MovieClip;
import flash.events.MouseEvent;
public class Card extends MovieClip { private var _type:*;
public function Card() { this.buttonMode = true;
this.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onClick);
} private function onClick(event:MouseEvent):void { this.play();
} public function setType(type:*):void { _type = type;
loader_mc.addChild(_type); }}}
I've been trying to add draggability to the card, but I'm not sure how to do it. Do I need a separate ".as" file to control it? Or, do I build it right into this file? If so, how would I do that? I tried making a separate ".as" file but then my basic card flipping code doesn't work.
I want to perform a card flip animation, but don't know how to get pictures on BOTH sides of the card - I can flip it, but how do I group the two images to one card?
I'm trying to adapt the memory game in chapter 3 of the book "ActionScript 3.0 Game Programming University" for my own uses. I want to get all of the cards to flip and drag. I am able to flip the first card and drag it, but when I flip the second card over, I can't drag it. I have two files, MatchingGameMe.fla and MatchingGameMe.as. All of the actionscript is in MatchingGameMe.as. Here is the code. Does anyone see how I can modify it so that all the cards drag?[code]
not sure if this is the right place to post this question but here goes! I want to create a simple card flip animation whereby a card slides onto the screen from the right, flips over to reveal a different picture on the other side, flips back and then slides off screen. In fact, the full animation will involve two cards, sliding onto the screen one after the other, then flipping one at a time, flipping back one at a time and then only ONE of them sliding off screen, to the left or right depending on which side of the screen they are on. Can anyone tell me whether this is possible using Flash CS5? I am a total novice at this, and having spent hours and hours on it, I have so far only managed to get a card to slide onto the screen and flip but I don't know how to get it to show a different picture on the other side.
I'm making a card game with two shuffling decks. The cards from both decks are also supposed to flip and drag. My first deck is working fine, but in my second deck, the card won't flip. Every time I try to flip the card in the second deck, I get this output message: TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference. at Wicky/clickCard() I don't get any compiler errors at the moment, but I get that message every time I click on deck two. The card does drag, but it won't flip, and that error message pops up.
I am new to Flash. I am trying to make a card flip, I have a photo on one side and info on the next. It is controlled by a button. I an getting this error: 1084: Syntax error: expecting rightparen before flip on lines 5 and 6.
Here is my code: import fl.transitions.Tween;import fl.transitions.easing.Strong;import fl.transitions.TweenEvent; con.sidea.flip. addEventListener (MouseEvent.CLICK, on flip);con.sideb.flip. addEventListener (MouseEvent.CLICK, on flip);addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME,loop); var isStill: Boolean=true;var arraytween:Array = new Array (); [Code] .....
Is it easy to adapt the Actionscript so that you can get multiple flips? i.e., so that you can flip the card several times and get a different image each time? Here is the code for two times flip and implement this. now i plan to move little bit forward to implement to flip the card several times.
I want to create a card flip effect where I have a card front image, and a card back image. Is there a way to do it so that I have two images in 3d space, one in front of the other, and just rotate their container? If not, how can I achieve this? Also, while i'm using Five3D, i can probably figure out how to convert it if anyone has an example in another library such as papervision3D.
I can't sort out what's wrong with my code (see below). Basically, I have two mc and two buttons in the library. One movieclip linked to "Card" class and has multiple frames with images in it. The other mc is empty and linked to "CardObject" class. The goal through button clicks, user can keep flipping the card and getting new image each time (or prevBtn to go back to prev frame).OOP is new to me, I've done mostly timeline animations and simple coding right on the timeline, so excuse the mess LOL
public class CardObject extends MovieClip { //add variables for card and buttons public var thisCard:Card = new Card();
I'm trying to adapt the memory game in chapter 3 of the book "ActionScript 3.0 Game Programming University" for my own uses. I want to get all of the cards to flip and drag.I am able to flip the first card and drag it, but when I flip the second card over, I can't drag it. I have two files, MatchingGameMe.fla and MatchingGameMe.as. All of the actionscript is in MatchingGameMe.as. Here is the code. Does anyone see how I can modify it so that all the cards drag?
how I can flip a movie clip during a drag and drop when it hits a certain axis on my stage? So If I have the letter L and am dragging it from right to left. When I hit the mid way point of my stage I wand that L to flip and look like a backwards L, but allow me to keep dragging.
printing directly to a Photo ID Card printer in a web browser?I have a web application that manages user data, photo, and so forth. I'd like to add a Print ID Card feature to it. The web application is a single page javascript application that talks to a RESTful web service via JSON. I'd like to display what the printed card will look like on both the front and back for approval before the user clicks the print button.
Generate front and back JPG or PNG images to print on the server, send them to the client for display and approval, and then somehow send the images to the printer.Use javascript with SVG or Canvas to display the card to print in the UI for approval, then somehow send the SVG/canvas data to the printer.Generate a PDF and print the PDF to the printer.Use Flash to display and print Use a Java applet to display and print Something else?
I'm trying to create Hearts, the card game, as a personal project to learn more AS3.Game requirement:Players should be able to sign in to a server and look for other players to play against.1 player can play against 3. There can be several games at a time.There should be some way to store the history of scores onto databases anyone give me information on the technologies involved? I can go read up more on my own.
I know a bit of Actionscript, PHP, MySQL, no Javascript.
I'm not creating a application to create a business card. I'm creating a static design which I'll probably export as an image and take to a printer. I just feel most comfortable using Flash for this at this point.The design looks good in Flash CS5 but when I export it, it's too small.I measured a physical card as 87mm x 49mm so I made the stage that size, using millimeters.
I exported the design as a PNG, printed it, and it comes out as 66mm x 37mm - the correct proportions but it's about 75% of the size I want! I tried publishing the design and opened the HTML in a browser but it still comes out looking small.
This is for a freelance design i am working on. I would do it expect coding and flash is very confusing to me and hurts my head. I have a link that says how you make it but im not quiet sure. [URL]if someone can please make me something that would be great i will give you all the details you want in a email but i dont want to share it in the forums if its illeagle or not (its not illeagle by law but maybe by forums idk) my email to contact me is [URL]
Does anyone know of a light flip class to flip a movieclip that is animated? Away3D is overkill for this project since this simple flip is the only 3D effect needed.
creating a flip-book in flash (using AS3) . I've looked at the other flip-book programs and editors out there, and none really give the customization that my company wants.I have something working, but the page scoping seems to be off. The pages will turn back and forward with a button click but they flip out of order. However, it all runs fine with no error when the user clicks on the pages themselves. This is the code from the main timeline (where I'm getting an error).
I want to have 8 cards on the stage, each card represents an animal and if you click on that card, it will flip over and zoom to fill the screen. When it flips over it will give a fun fact about that animal and in the lower right corner it wil have a 'close' button to bring you back to the stage where the other cards are.
in the "Interactive 3D Video Flip" tutorial i take the cod and applied to my stuff I noticed that when the page was rotated the Flash player consume 40-50% from my CPU , how it's possible? the animation it's finish but the CPU it's 40-50% used . tested in mozilla and IE and from Flash ( when i test the movie) Pentium 4 and athlon 64 X2 tested!!!.. windows 7 last version of flash player 10.045.
i have a movie that has a next button on it that if clicked its going to flip/rotate and play the other movie,, here another problem if i click the next button it flip but the second movie clip is keep on pausing and playing how can i fix this?
I'm building a retro airport scene and would like a marquee that reacts like a flip clock: [img] [URL] In theory, when the user clicks on the "Arrivals/Departures" screen, the entire screen turns into this flip clock-looknig screen and all the letters and numbers form when the machine gets to their letter. The entire animation will only last a couple of seconds, so the user is not waiting on the computer to deliver all the information, but the different letters take different amounts of time to load depending on where they are in the alphabet.
In my flash file, I embedded a .swf (different page flip from my previous posts) that loads when "Clothes" button is clicked in the flash file.
When I navigate away from this page, it unloads. However, when i click on "Clothes" again with the .swf, the page flip won't load. [URL] To load the pageflip (under "Clothes"), I'm using:
var myLoader:Loader = new Loader(); addChild(myLoader); var url:URLRequest = new URLRequest("magazine_flip.swf"); myLoader.x = -300; myLoader.y = -165; myLoader.load(url); myLoader.unload(); To unload (for all other buttons), I have: myLoader.unload();
Can anyone direct me to somewhere where I may get an easy to use flash page flip component? I'd like to use the page flip effect to create a sort of magazine but I can't find a free one/one that I can figure out how to use.
I would like to create a flip book which deploys flv video similar to the example below.
I have purchased the HTML version of Flippingbook from the site below but have encountered various problems, in that it only supports Flash 9 +actionscript 2.0. Also the facility is problematic with zooming swf files. Great for flat brochures but not able to deploy flv video within swf files which is a shame.
I created a very simple animation of a speaker with vibrating screens in flash. I have saved the animation as an SWF file and it works just fine. I need to duplicate the animation and flip it so that the speaker faces the opposite direction in a Dreamweaver layout.
Is there a simple(ha!) way to do this with either the Flash file or with the SWF file.