Professional :: Interactive 3D Flip - CPU Usage ~50%

Feb 13, 2010

in the "Interactive 3D Video Flip" tutorial i take the cod and applied to my stuff I noticed that when the page was rotated the Flash player consume 40-50% from my CPU , how it's possible? the animation it's finish but the CPU it's 40-50% used . tested in mozilla and IE and from Flash ( when i test the movie) Pentium 4 and athlon 64 X2 tested!!!.. windows 7 last version of flash player 10.045.


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package{ import flash.display.MovieClip;
public class Card extends MovieClip { private var _type:*;
public function Card() { this.buttonMode = true;
this.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onClick);
} private function onClick(event:MouseEvent):void {;
} public function setType(type:*):void { _type = type;
loader_mc.addChild(_type); }}}
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Is there a simple(ha!) way to do this with either the Flash file or with the SWF file.

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Jun 30, 2011

I am developing an ios app, and it is a simple platformer game. I have a 2dimensional sprite that sits in the center of the stage, and never moves.. When the accelorometer is tilted, the stage moves around the main Character, but only horizontally.. How can I get the accelorometer to simply flip the main characters image, so that he faces where he appears to be heading? Again, this game is for the iPhone/iPod platform, so anybody with knolege of coding is greatly needed to explain this to me. This is a simple code I used for moving the stage around the Character


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Aug 26, 2011

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2.) The dials were built and animated in flash. (Though I am unsure if this can be done without some 3D Flash plugin, which I don't have)
Any thought or tutorials that relate to this would be greatly appreciated. I looked for slot machine tutorials, since it has similar dials but had no luck.
Also, I have Flash Professional CS5

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Sep 14, 2010

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