Professional :: CPU Usage When Scaling The Flash Player

Nov 12, 2010

Do anybody know about how flash player render the content when we do the scaling? Let's say i have 2 flash swf file. swf1 : the stage size is 2000 px x 2000 px. + 1 movieclip with 100% transform swf2 : the stage size is 1000 px x 1000 px. + 1 movieclip with 50% transform Let's say there is a movie clip on swf1. So i copy the same movie clip to 1000 px x 1000 px file and transform the movieclip to 50%. So it will look the same if i scale the swf2 x 2. If there is any different on swf1 and swf2 in team of CPU usage or etc?

Like is it true when playing swf2 need more CPU usage than swf1 because swf2 need to do the scaling but swf1 not. Just not sure which way i should develop the content. Because i have to make some content and the width/height are about 3000 px. So i am thinking if i should set the stage close to limit 2880 or just make the content like swf2. And my concern is if it will use more CPU when do the scaling.

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Jun 30, 2011

I created an animation with various symbols and motion tweens, mostly on outer level timeline.  At the end, I realized the resolution was too low for a quality quicktime export.  After scaling the canvas from 550x400 to 1650x1200, I tried scaling the rest of the objects using the "edit multiple frames" brackets, but every scene I try to do this to, only a few of the frames are scaled.  They start scaling and moving around all over the place fluctuating between the original and new positions.  So i have to go back and manually scale/reposition the tween spans.  Am I doing something wrong with the edit multiple frames thing or something?  Or is there an easier way to do this I haven't seen? 

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May 25, 2010

Currently when I load my presentation that I have just recently created and testing I'm getting a HUGE spike in my cpu usage. 
I'm running an i5 2.4, and it's nearly taking up 100%, a friend of mine is running a core 2 duo and it's taking up 100% of the cores.
What is a proper way to optimize for these occurances? I don't have any preloaders up and running yet.
Here is the link to the site.

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Feb 25, 2011

Is there some way to get the cpu usage in flash or adobe AIR?

I'm using ActionScript 3.0 and flash CS5.

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