ActionScript 3.0 :: Slow Down Effect On A Thumbnail Scroll Panel?
Dec 10, 2010
Following some tutorials, I coded for a thumbnail scroll panel that works just fine. The thumbnails are scrolling when the mouse if hovering the panel and stops scrolling when the mouse leaves the panel.
However, I'd like to create a slow down effect on the thumbnail scroll panel when the mouse cursor leaves the scroll panel (instead of immediately stop scrolling).
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Jan 29, 2009
I am going to create a scrolling panel with quite large image. The height will be 400px and the width will be different from image to image.
If I do this in only flash the swf will be too large for use on the Internet. So I want to load the images from a xml-document. And this is my problem:
How do I load my images into the panel from an xml-document? And the width of my panel should be as long as the total width of the images are.
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Jul 10, 2007
I am making a gallery, which you can view here:[URL]ok, firstly, when you click a thumbnail, you cannot scroll them until you roll off the click thumbnail, and I'm not sure why. is it just a movieclip thing? or can I put some code in to re-get focus of something? ok, now for the two general questions:
1. When you roll over the thumbs, they go up, sometimes they flick back down though, even though you are rolled over them still. is this just because they are moving?
2. Does anyone know why when I add this:
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I know something about this was posted on the forums but I don't find the specific post.I need to have the scroll panel to auto-scroll until you roll over and I need to have this panel to scroll continuously to right or left.[code]
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Apr 28, 2011
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Oct 28, 2006
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May 7, 2009
I'm trying to create a scrolling thumbnail panel using an xml file. It works fine when i run it initially. But when I resize the stage the scroll feature gets all screwed up. I've attached my code below.
Code: Select allimport gs.TweenLite;
stage.scaleMode = StageScaleMode.NO_SCALE;
stage.align = StageAlign.TOP_LEFT
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Jun 1, 2010
How would you guys go about creating an horizontally scrolling panel of thumbnail images? I want a panel that scrolls for ever in both directions and it also needs to be controlled via two arrow buttons not a mouse over type scroller. I would also like to animate with Tweens in action script to get a nice smooth scroll.I know some as3 but I can't work out how to make the scroller repeatedly scroll in both directions.
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Mar 21, 2011
I've recently followed a tutorial to make a scrolling thumbnail panel that goes up when you down and down when you go up. est. This has worked perfectly will the script below...However Im looking to make an alteration to this so that when you are not on "stoke" the "panel" stops moving. Its currently set to not move until you role over on to it originally, however after that when you are not on the panel it continues to move when you stroll across the rest of the page miles away from the panel.
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Aug 4, 2010
What I am trying to do is the old thumbnail scroller that scrolles up and down or side ways using the mouse over. And Unlike AS2 where I used the tween and "gotoNext" to play the animation. Wanted to try full actionscript.
So what I have is a movieclip with all the thumnails loaded and I can animate it using the ENTER_FRAME, but what I wanted to do was run the animation only when you mouse over it.
The ENTER_FRAME method:
addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, loop);
function loop(e:Event):void
But this will only move the thumbnails and once doesn't loop.
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Feb 12, 2010
And i have a requirement like, if i change the resolution of the computer, all the panel's in my applcition are auto setted to particular resolution by defaultly. but it should not happened like this.If resolution changed, the scrollBar comes into the picture for panelFor example, I have set the resolution in 1280*1024, so now the panel scrollBar not visible And as per my requirement, i need to check the resolution in 800*600 .But now the panel is automatically reset to this resolution.But i need a scroll bar for the panel when we change the resolution to 800*600.
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Jul 1, 2009
I make my first steps as an actionscript programmer (i am designer) and I want your help: i read tutorials to learn actionscript! however, i found one [URL] but i want to change it a little importing a scroll panel: my question is what if our buttons are in a scroll panel (from window>components)? because i don't have 3 buttons but 25 in my swf! what's the change I have to make in actionscript code?
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Oct 7, 2009
I've created a scrolling thumb panel in As3. Everything works fine except that when you Roll out of the get bounds section it removes the enter frame function and stops immediately.
I would like that when you Roll out of the get bounds section it has a deceleration instead of a sudden stop.
ActionScript Code:
var midPoint:Number = 400/2 + 90
var b = panel.getBounds(stage)
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Aug 20, 2009
I have a bunch of thumbnails that i have a left and right scroll button for. It works great but when you get to the last image i want it to loop to the first one not just stop at the end.Here's some of my code let me know if you need more.Quote:
function addScrollListeners():void {
right.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN,start Scroll);
right.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, stopScroll);
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Jun 16, 2005
i am trying to emulate the thumbnail scroll feature of this site[URL]. it is at the bottom of the screen of every gallery...i want to smoothen the movement of the thumbnails animation... meaning if the first thumbnail moves a little or half way of its tween but have not reached its destined position, the next thumbnail on the left or right will begin to tween... same goes to the rest of the thumbs... something like overlapping animationi gone thru the fading grid tutorial and understand the logic behind the smoothing code and thought it might work for my case but it doesn't seems to work.... using the additional "continue" function which i tried....i just need to tweak this part and i'm on my way to the next part of my project...
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May 21, 2007
i'm using the XML photo gallery (with vertical thumbnails, instead of horizontal)..and i have an issue that i'm trying to resolve.whenever i scroll up or down and move off of the thumbnails, the thumbnails continue to scroll. i would like the thumbnails to quit scrolling once my mouse is off of the thumbnail area.
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Jun 6, 2008
The problem is the scroll isn't working properly.You will see what I mean if you click hereWhen I export for flash player 9 instead of 6 I also have a couple of problems.
1) the first image doesn't load.
2) the image loads before the border changes size. (Look at the last image and any of the other images and you will see what I mean)
Here's the code
PHP Code:
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Jan 6, 2010
Ive used the excellent tutorial to create a scrolling thumb panel ([URL]) It works brilliantly and I have movie thumbs linking to a flash player. It all works fine, what change the scrolling. At current it scrolls up and down according to where I have set the 'line', I would like it to scroll up and down near the top and the bottom, rather than all the time (effectively creating a dead zone in the middle). I cant figure out how to change the code to get this to behave as required.
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May 2, 2011
Ok, i bought a scroller that works well scrolling content. With elasticity and stuff.
My problem is trying to access buttons inside the scroller.
I have an instance of the scroller component on stage and named it Scroller. I set the content in its component inspector. It loads a movieclip from the Library called Panel. Inside the Panel i have 2 buttons. button1 and button2. If i publish everything works fine.
Now i am not very good at AS3. How do i access the buttons. i've tried this among other bits and pieces i found on the web.
Scroller.Panel.button1.addEventListener(MouseEvent .CLICK, somefunction);
Can't get it to work. I know the Panel movie out of the library that the Scroller component loads needs to be somehow listened for but i don't have a clue.
how to access the buttons without getting an error
1119: Access of possibly undefined property button1 through a reference with static type Class.
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Oct 27, 2003
I have a problem with scroll panel. If the flashmovie is visualize in a browser, there are no problem, but if we viuzalize it in a *.exe format the text is out of borders.
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May 2, 2011
I'd like to make an options bar in my project that shrinks when clicked to hide away but when clicked again, opens again to reveal itself. The problem I'm having is that the panel squishes everything inside of it when it shrinks and I dont want that, instead I want everything to stay the same and just hide away.[code]...
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Jun 30, 2010
I've started doing an XML gallery. I've been going through the AS3 XML Grid Image Gallery tutorial on Republic of Code
Except I want the thumbnails to do a horizontal continuous scroll, instead of being set out on a grid.
Now that in AS3 I can't use duplicateMovieClip. Is there anyway to make it loop without repeating the nodes in my XML?
public var allCollectionsXML:XML;
public var allImages:Array;
public var containerHeight:uint;
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Sep 5, 2005
The issue i'm having is that I want to use the Preloaded Thumbnail gallery as described in this thread [URL]
The catch is that I have 600 photos to do this with, so I'd like to create the scrollPane which will be capable of scrolling through them.
What I've gotten so far. I created the scrollPane, and then I've followed the tutorial's on how to get that working, I've also gotten the mc working for the photo gallery. I can't seem to get the two to work together. I've stripped this down to just the working thumbnail gallery with the settings I need. intergration of the scroll pane and mc thumb?
View 4 Replies
Dec 30, 2010
I have a long screen shot that I have put in a scroll panel. I want the user to be able to point to a specific field and then have a tool tip fade in, hold for as long as it takes to read, and then fade out onRollout. To implement this I covered all the fields in the scroll panel with a transparent button symbol. Then for each field, I create two moviclips. The first fades in on rollover and stops. The second one starts visible then fades out on rollout.
However it seems that the more of these I do, the more unstable the code gets. In some instances it works just as designed. In other instances somtimes the tool tip doesn't appear, somtimes the fade tween dosn't play. And another issue is that the longer I play the .swf the more unstable it becomes. A snippet of my code for one field/button combination is shown below. I'm very new to AS. How can I Improve the performance?
selectionTxtOut._visible = false;selectionTxtIn.visible = false;
sp.content.Sel.onRollOver = function() {;
[Code] .....
I have the same code for each field in the scroll panel. I put stop(); as the last statement in the Action layer. All the code and the movie clips reside in the first frame.
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Jan 11, 2010
Let's say I have a canvas with a fixed height and a vertical scroll bar. And the canvas has 10 children in a vertical line (like a VBox) whose combined height exceeds the height of the canvas. Based on the scroll bar position, only some of the children will be visible at a time.Is it possible to determine which children are actually visible? Or whether or not a specific child is visible on screen?
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