ActionScript 3.0 :: Store Variable Name In Same?

May 12, 2011

I'm getting back into AS after a few years, and it's taking a bit to get used to the syntax of AS 3.0.

Anyway, I don't know the answer to the following in AS 2.0, so I wonder if it's even possible.

Basically, I want to know if there is a way to call a variable, the name of which is stored in another variable.

How would I write something like "NextToDisappear.alpha = 0;" and have it interpreted as "MC4.alpha = 0" instead of giving an error message complaining that variables don't have alpha properties?

In other words, is there a way to make it interpret a variable as its contents and not as itself when on the left side of an equals sign? Similar to the difference between quotes and no quotes when working with the contents of text variables.

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var t:MovieClip = "item"+i;
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_root.lineStyle(1, 0x666666)


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[Code] .....

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I get this error with the following code 1067: Implicit coercion of a value of type String to an unrelated type uint.

ActionScript Code:
main.ana.colorPickerS.addEventListener(ColorPickerEvent.CHANGE, colorChangeHandler2);
function colorChangeHandler2(event:ColorPickerEvent):void {


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Jan 6, 2011

Right now I have need of several 56x5 grids of very simple information (0-9) in each slot-- I am just wondering what the most space-saving/easiest way of doing this is?

I could very easily make arrays for each grid, but it would take a lot of space. In the past when I had a similar problem and a lot of time on my hands I created (by hand) png files where each pixel had a separate color based on the information in that spot. I think this is a very good space saver but is very time consuming to create..

Is there a better option? Or is there an easy way to create the png files without wasting so much time painting them by hand?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Store A Value To Use At A Later Time?

Mar 1, 2007

What I would like to know is, if someone has scored points on a game i'm creating - could that be stored as a "value" that could be displayed at the end of the game in another frame ?

Here's what I have at the moment

A dynamic box with the description and var of "score"

An action on a frame with the script:

score = 0;

A button that once clicked runs this action script (which adds to the score):

on (release) {
_root.score += 100;

Is there a way afterwards to get the total amount from "score" to be used elsewhere ?

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Jan 22, 2010

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We could do this easily using AS2 where we could provide an instance name for movieclips using AttachMovieClip. In AS3 I don't know how to store the value of i(for loops i). It is always tracing 3 (the last number) for i because the length of Array is 4.


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