Actionscript 3.0 :: URLFactory To Create The Array And Store It In The Variable "dataArray"
Aug 17, 2011
I have two classes (Main, URLFactory)
What I want to do is pretty simple but I must not know how to do it. I want the URLFactory to create the Array and store it in the variable "dataArray" and use the Array in the Main class by calling the GetList() of the URLFactory class. What I have returns nothing.
I want to create an array of object so that I can store the _level I want to load image at specified level and and to keep track of levels in an array so that when any new image will be loaded I can get location of previously loaded image and place the new image before the last image
I've had the nagging thought of eventListeners vs container looping. For example, you could create a bunch of objects and store them in an array; make a loop that traverses the array and tells each object to execute a method. In contrast I could tie an eventListener to the object in it's constructor function that tells it to perform a task every frame.
What is the best way to create functions dynamically and store them inside an Array? Obviously the bellow is wrong since the array will always trace the last value of the variable "v" (5)
ActionScript Code: var funcContainer:Array=new Array(); for(var v:uint=0;v<5;v++){
My project is creating a questionnaire in Flash and then storing the user answers in an array or a database for later analysis. although i was excellent in coding when i was in college, recently i forgot many parts
i want to be able to create multiple shapes and store them perhaps in an array to be able to dynamically move them and change there a way to have a shape object and store it an array?so that i can do something like shapeArray[0].x =100 current code
for(var i=0; i<10; i++){ var sprite:Sprite=new Sprite();
I would like to store a hex colorPicker value in a variable and then cast the value of the var backout to a textInput. The textInput is just to see witch hexcolor i have choosen.
thus meaning seeing 0x000000 in the textInput.
what i've done now is pretty simple i have bound the flex colorPicker directly to my textInput. but i want to store the value from the colorPicker in a var first and than spit it backout to the textInput to see the value that i have picked.
When i pick a color value that begins with the number 0 it drops the 0's at the beginning of the number and only spits out the numbers greater than 0. (000033 becomes 33, FF0000 stays FF0000). I want to catch the whole value or write some kind a function to figure out how many 0's got dropped and concatenate it together with 0x. Store that all into a var and bind it to the flex TextInput.
I'm getting back into AS after a few years, and it's taking a bit to get used to the syntax of AS 3.0.
Anyway, I don't know the answer to the following in AS 2.0, so I wonder if it's even possible.
Basically, I want to know if there is a way to call a variable, the name of which is stored in another variable.
How would I write something like "NextToDisappear.alpha = 0;" and have it interpreted as "MC4.alpha = 0" instead of giving an error message complaining that variables don't have alpha properties?
In other words, is there a way to make it interpret a variable as its contents and not as itself when on the left side of an equals sign? Similar to the difference between quotes and no quotes when working with the contents of text variables.
I want to store the name of an xml node in a static var like so:[code]but when then i go and wrtie for example:myxmlList:XMLList = myXml.NODENAME;it is non working.what kind of variable do I need to use??
Is it possible to store multiple variables of different types inside 1 object. It would be ideal to have a separate property for each variable, but not required. Is there a way to do this?
Code: for (var i:Number = 0; i<numOfItems; i++) { var t:MovieClip = "item"+i; t.onRelease = activator; }
This returns an error saying that there is a type mismatch because "item"+i is a string. It is a string, but it's also the instance name of an MC on the stage.
Let's say I have 30 MC's on the stage named item1, item2, item3, etc. Instead of assigning an onRelease statement to each of these manually I thought I could just run them through a for loop. They are not dynamic clips though, not at this point anyway.
i also has another problem here is the senario .first i select the square (there are too many object one of is square )then click the button now my event target is button previous one is square so i need to change the square(object) using that button.
I have a AS2 netstream instance, in which I am loading various flv's into. The 'main' video has links to other visble when its playing. I want to be able to store the position of the flv (in seconds) so that when the user comes back to the 'main' video it remembers where it was and contiues to play. This is the code I have written so far regarding this (its probably massively wrong).
I am new to ActionScript 3.0, I am facing a problem in storing the data from one frame to another whenever the button is clicked to switch between the frames. The original frame content is set to default.
The fill function that I made works as long as you only need one color. How do I make a variable that will store the color? flash keeps giving me an error for trying to do it the way I am doing it.
Code: fillit = function (d, e, f, g, color) { color2 = "0x"+color _root.lineStyle(1, 0x666666)
I have a variable (array) in my ActionScript 2 file, called webshop.Is this possible to store in a cookie (or PHP session) so if a user visit my shop and add items to the basket (the variable webshop) and leaves the page, but then returns later on it will create the variable with the users already stored items?I think it would be most intuitive if it only stores the variable for the browser session, so if you close the browser and open it again it will reset the variable. But if you just leave the page it should save it.
I have a datagrid column with a button that opens a modal dialog box allowing the user to upload multiple files. In the code below, the browseAndUpload() method does that. When the user finished uploading files and closes the upload box the closeUpload() method is called. I know for a fact that the uploaded files are being copied into arrFiles.
The problem I am having is that the repeater will not show the files in arrFiles. Here is the code:
I'd like to know if it's possible to store namespaces in an array?Imagine i had infinite namespaces and i'd use "for" to store them automatically, what would i need? i don't think an array would save namespaces as they are.
I have an array called mclipArray with the names of movie clips stored in it as follows: mclip0, mclip1, mclip2, mclip3....and so on until mclip99. Later in my code I want to run a loop using "i" as a counter variable from 0 to 99 and then depending on the value of "i" add various movie clips to be inside the movie clip that corresponds to "i". For example if I want to add a movie clip called "someMovieClip" as a child of my movie clip called "mclip6" and my loop has been running and "i" is now equal to 6, how can I use "i" to reference the correct index stored in the array. mclipArray[i].addChild(someMovieClip); The above code doesn't work.
I've been working on this code for a while now, and it's starting to come together..First, let me explain what my program does:
Simply said, I want to load a .FLV into memory (stored to array for smooth/fast scrolling though frames).
I've got 1x .FLV which is a 360 degree animation of a scene.
I've also got 360 still images of the same animation, but in high resolution.
When I start the application, I want to load the .FLV to an array as fast as possible (I just need to "buffer" it in a quicker way than playing through it at normal speed and saving each frame).The problem here is that I seeme to be dropping a lot of frames when trying to save it quicker than 25fps.. Even with application frameRate set high, and rendering the .FLV with higher playback framerate...This is the code I've got for capturing the frames so far, but I'm open to any solution:
ActionScript Code: public function startCapturing():void{ sprite.addEventListener(Event.FRAME_CONSTRUCTED, frameConstructed);[code].......
Even with this code, which plays back at 25fps I get a random -2 to 2 frames offset in the buffered images. And I've tried everything I can think of, but nothing works.I've loaded the .FLV with netstream/netconnect, but same problem. Tried pretty much everything I can think of..So, my goal is to buffer the frames to memory (this is a 2mb file, and takes about 1gb when buffered, so no problem there) as fast as possible (the faster, the better.. Less loading time), but it has to be consistent. No skipping frames, or rendering same frame twice..The end result is that these images are shown in my viewer. When I click and drag, I can "rotate" (scroll through frames) around the scene smoothly, and when I release the mouse button it will show the high-red still image instead. This part of the process works great,
Is there a way to store functions in an array so that I can then call the _array[num] to call the function? The _array will be sorted that is why I am wanting to call the functions through the array.I am using the Tween class's onMotionFinished to create a series of events like pan, zoom, fade, etc.Because the order of the sequence of events will likely change based on user interaction I am not able to hard-code the onMotionFinshed to perform a specific function. So I figure I would store the functions in a function_array and use a counter var to store the current location in the sequence of events. Or maybe a "pause" & "resume" command inside of a for loop?
I'am working with Adobe AIR application and i have a registration form which contains a combobox which consist of 2 values...i want to store the selected value to a variable..
I ve a bit of missunderstood about functions: as i read the functions works:
basically 2 types: named (can be lonely) unamed (need and object)
- can i define a function wherever i want? ( _root, MC...) and call it from everywhere?, before or after i created it?
- if the variables of a function are local variables of that function. How can i store the result of a calculation of the function, in a variable outside it?
im creating 100 movie clips through duplicate movie and assigning each MC an instance name of eh_1, eh_2, eh_3 etc... on rollover i would like to have have them store in a variable which button number they detect rollovers and presses, im just using
Code: for (i=1; i<101; i++) { _root["eh_"+i].onRollOver = function () { }; }
is there anyway i can detect which button was pressed and store into a variable the number?
I have been asked to create a store locator where you can type in your U.S.A. zip/post code and it will then find results for the nearest store to that post code.
Is there a database of U.S.A postcodes I can link too.