ActionScript 3.0 :: Create A Bunch Of Objects And Store Them In An Array
Jun 1, 2010
I've had the nagging thought of eventListeners vs container looping. For example, you could create a bunch of objects and store them in an array; make a loop that traverses the array and tells each object to execute a method. In contrast I could tie an eventListener to the object in it's constructor function that tells it to perform a task every frame.
I want to create an array of object so that I can store the _level I want to load image at specified level and and to keep track of levels in an array so that when any new image will be loaded I can get location of previously loaded image and place the new image before the last image
What is the best way to create functions dynamically and store them inside an Array? Obviously the bellow is wrong since the array will always trace the last value of the variable "v" (5)
ActionScript Code: var funcContainer:Array=new Array(); for(var v:uint=0;v<5;v++){
My project is creating a questionnaire in Flash and then storing the user answers in an array or a database for later analysis. although i was excellent in coding when i was in college, recently i forgot many parts
i want to be able to create multiple shapes and store them perhaps in an array to be able to dynamically move them and change there a way to have a shape object and store it an array?so that i can do something like shapeArray[0].x =100 current code
for(var i=0; i<10; i++){ var sprite:Sprite=new Sprite();
I have a bunch of objects that are dragable. You click and hold the mouse button to drag them around, then release the mouse button to put them back down. The problem is that when an object is dragged so that another object is between it and the mouse cursor, and the mouse button is released, the object gets stuck to the cursor. Clicking and releasing the mouse button is the only way to drop the object. Is there any way to fix this? Or, better yet, is there a way to make it so an object is immediatelly moved in front of every other object when it's clicked on?
What I want to do is pretty simple but I must not know how to do it. I want the URLFactory to create the Array and store it in the variable "dataArray" and use the Array in the Main class by calling the GetList() of the URLFactory class. What I have returns nothing.
After adding an image to the stage, turning it into a Movie clip, and setting linkage in library to Export for Actionscript, I'm now using a timer to add a bunch of roses to the stage as a video plays.How can I get rid of all these clips once the video is over?Do I need to add all of them into an extra container and then just removeChild that container at the end? Or do I need to use something like getNumberOfChildren and then create a loop that removes them one by one?The clips (myRose) are fairly small and do not have any event listeners added to them. I just use TweenMax to move them from top to bottom of the screen.
public function roseTimer():void { MonsterDebugger.trace(this, "in roseTimer");[code]......
I am making a thing where a bunch of square shaped movie clips will be placed on the desktop, and will be draggable. I was wondering if there was a way to get them to stick together... similar to the snap to objects tool. Like say I am dragging one and I want to make a large square out of the smaller squares. I want them to snap together...
All though I can scale down the size of my objects and can shift them to their correct positions when scaling. I cannot shift them to the correct relative positions, relative to the screen centre.
Code: level=1; //starting scale level public function scaleOut(level:int) // scale to a level 1-4{ for (var r = 0; r < Main.ballArray.length; ++r){ // scale radius Main.ballArray[r].bRadius *= (oldLevel / level); [Code] .....
I am planning to create Dynamic Boxes, in which may contain buttons, pictures and textboxes in the box. but I'd really want to know are
When a duplicated Movieclip was clicked, I want it to return a value so which I can know what Movieclip was clicked.
How do I manage them in one duplicated movieclip? for example, A duplicated box, and then in that box is an image, textbox and a button MOVIECLIPS, so when dragged, they can be dragged also.
I am trying to create an array of purchases or objects. I have several products that I want to store the users selection to contain the item they selected, price, & quantity. I'm at a loss on how to set this up. Currently the user can select their product and their total price will be displayed in the Cart Total text field but I have no way of storing the data.[code]...
I was wondering if I can create an array of created Classes. I have a feeling that I cannot, and that you can only create an array of values, not objects.
I've been trying to create an Array of Objects in a Class structure, for easy access of the objects from other classes and my .fla file. Unfortunately I keep running into this error:
"TypeError: Error #1034: Type Coercion failed: cannot convert Seed@31161a1 to SeedCollection. at flowerGame06_fla::MainTimeline/flowerGame06_fla::frame1()"
I got a tiny problem here. I want to get a bunch of words from a database and then put them in an array in Flash. The array and database works, but the getting-the-words-in-it does not. Here's what I got[code]...
As you can see I got a counter, and a bunch of words. Now I would like to put those words in that array, by means of push(, in a for loop ran by the counter. Pretty easy, but I can't come up with a good idea to format word[i]. Then I can just use it as an index.
I'm working on a for-fun project where I have a bunch of letters, in a row, that are jumbled. What is supposed to happen is that if you press one of the letters, then press another, and it is supposed to tween the two of them to the others position. For some reason though, the tween doesn't seem to be working (Since there are about 12 or 13 letters, I was planning on temporarily placing the two to be tweened into an array, and then tween them via the array)
Here is my ActionScript Code: import import flash.geom.Point import com.greensock.TweenLite; import com.greensock.easing.*; var tempPoint:Point = new Point(0,0); [Code] .....
I always thought this (mixed arrays) was possible, but now as I want to use it it won't work. I'm trying to create an array consisiting of 4 Vector3D objects and a Number. Yet Flash won't let me create such an array like:
var myArray = new Array(new Vector3D(1,2,3),new Vector3D(2,3,4),new Vector3D(3,4,5),new Vector3D(4,5,6),new Number(0));
Am I missing something here with the creation of the Array or is it just not possible and will I have to use an "Object" instead. Of course I could also just store my Number in the .x a fifth Vector3D-Object but this doesn't seem very practical to me.
I'm developing a game and the objective is to drag some objects to a container. Some objects add points, and some other subtract points. So, all the objects are in the library and have a linkage name to be called by attachMovie. I want to create an Array with all the objects that belong to container, like for example filename1 = ["obj1", "obj2", "obj3"]; etc... I have a var called count1 that defines the number of objects to appear on the Scene
Suppose I have a list of 100 enemies on the stage like this (pseudocode):
Code: // init: enemies = new Array(); for (i=0; i<100; i++) { temp = new Enemy(a, b, c); stage.addChild(temp); enemies.push(temp); }
Now enemies is an array of all the enemies, so I can update all of their positions, and other properties, each frame. Is this a good way to do things? Because I just realized that I'm storing each enemy twice: One time in enemies Array and one time in stage.children. Maybe I should get rid of the enemies Array altogether, and just use stage.getChildAt() to update the enemies?
How can I make a bunch of variables from a for loop. for example for (var i=0; i<total; i++) {var bunch(i);}. that i make a bunch of variables named bunch1, bunch2, bunch3. I keep getting errors. I program and use so many different languages that I dont know if that can be done with AS3. my only other alternative i can think of is to create some sort of event dispatcher object array. but I dont know how to get them all to send events to one listener with there index number.
I have a datagrid column with a button that opens a modal dialog box allowing the user to upload multiple files. In the code below, the browseAndUpload() method does that. When the user finished uploading files and closes the upload box the closeUpload() method is called. I know for a fact that the uploaded files are being copied into arrFiles.
The problem I am having is that the repeater will not show the files in arrFiles. Here is the code:
I'd like to know if it's possible to store namespaces in an array?Imagine i had infinite namespaces and i'd use "for" to store them automatically, what would i need? i don't think an array would save namespaces as they are.
I have an array called mclipArray with the names of movie clips stored in it as follows: mclip0, mclip1, mclip2, mclip3....and so on until mclip99. Later in my code I want to run a loop using "i" as a counter variable from 0 to 99 and then depending on the value of "i" add various movie clips to be inside the movie clip that corresponds to "i". For example if I want to add a movie clip called "someMovieClip" as a child of my movie clip called "mclip6" and my loop has been running and "i" is now equal to 6, how can I use "i" to reference the correct index stored in the array. mclipArray[i].addChild(someMovieClip); The above code doesn't work.
I've been working on this code for a while now, and it's starting to come together..First, let me explain what my program does:
Simply said, I want to load a .FLV into memory (stored to array for smooth/fast scrolling though frames).
I've got 1x .FLV which is a 360 degree animation of a scene.
I've also got 360 still images of the same animation, but in high resolution.
When I start the application, I want to load the .FLV to an array as fast as possible (I just need to "buffer" it in a quicker way than playing through it at normal speed and saving each frame).The problem here is that I seeme to be dropping a lot of frames when trying to save it quicker than 25fps.. Even with application frameRate set high, and rendering the .FLV with higher playback framerate...This is the code I've got for capturing the frames so far, but I'm open to any solution:
ActionScript Code: public function startCapturing():void{ sprite.addEventListener(Event.FRAME_CONSTRUCTED, frameConstructed);[code].......
Even with this code, which plays back at 25fps I get a random -2 to 2 frames offset in the buffered images. And I've tried everything I can think of, but nothing works.I've loaded the .FLV with netstream/netconnect, but same problem. Tried pretty much everything I can think of..So, my goal is to buffer the frames to memory (this is a 2mb file, and takes about 1gb when buffered, so no problem there) as fast as possible (the faster, the better.. Less loading time), but it has to be consistent. No skipping frames, or rendering same frame twice..The end result is that these images are shown in my viewer. When I click and drag, I can "rotate" (scroll through frames) around the scene smoothly, and when I release the mouse button it will show the high-red still image instead. This part of the process works great,
Is there a way to store functions in an array so that I can then call the _array[num] to call the function? The _array will be sorted that is why I am wanting to call the functions through the array.I am using the Tween class's onMotionFinished to create a series of events like pan, zoom, fade, etc.Because the order of the sequence of events will likely change based on user interaction I am not able to hard-code the onMotionFinshed to perform a specific function. So I figure I would store the functions in a function_array and use a counter var to store the current location in the sequence of events. Or maybe a "pause" & "resume" command inside of a for loop?