ActionScript 3.0 :: Create Functions Dynamically And Store Them Inside An Array?
Aug 18, 2009
What is the best way to create functions dynamically and store them inside an Array? Obviously the bellow is wrong since the array will always trace the last value of the variable "v" (5)
ActionScript Code:
var funcContainer:Array=new Array();
for(var v:uint=0;v<5;v++){
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<name>Some Song.mp3</name>
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private function valid(value:*, acceptedValues:Array):Boolean {
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if (value == acceptedValues[i]) {
return true;
return false;
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nodeObj = nodeContainer[n];
var name:String = nodeObj.nodeID;
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May 4, 2011
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var textArray:Array = new Array('First TextField','TextField Two','Anything, really');
//Array to .push "save" created textfields
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Oct 22, 2004
i'm loading some data from an xml-file and dynamically create movieclips with textfields inside of them, but I'm kinda stuck. I'm not up to the point where I completely understand how you can refer to a nested object using this syntax: _root[movieClipName]. If you want to nest something inside of that movieclip, you have to work like this:
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Apr 19, 2010
This is what i'm trying to do :
I have 1 class that extends movieclip, let's call it Class0. I have 1 class that extends movieclip, let's call it Class1.
I create an instance of Class0 on stage like : var myClip0:Class0 = new Class0(this, "Class1");
The class Class0 when initializing, will create a new movieclip (myClip1) and add it as child, as an instance of Class1, like myClip0.myClip1. But it's when i create that clip, i want to tell it, it's an instance of Class1, like :
private var myClip1:Class1 = new Class1(this);
Where Class1 could be any class.
How do i pass Class1 to Class0 so it can create it dynamically?? Do i have to use the apply function??
inside Class0, i have a function that does :
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