ActionScript 3.0 :: Functions Embedded Inside Other Functions?
Jan 14, 2011
Functions embedded inside other functions? In all my years of ActionScript programming, I've never seen this (this is part of legacy code written by someone else which I am adapting):
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item.onRelease = function() {
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getURL("", "_blank");
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string.sliceStr("." , "end");
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} private function btnOver(event:MouseEvent):void {
} private function bgGlow():void {
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Jul 29, 2007
var q4:Boolean = false; //Will have thirty-eight of these, q4-q41
function noRepeat() {
if (q(_root._currentframe) == true) {
gotoAndStop(randRange(4, 41));
} else if ((q(_root._currentframe)) == false) {
q(_root._currentframe) = true;
Now, my problem is the bits in red (yes, I know they don't work, that was just the best way I could think to describe what I wanted).
If I create a string that says "q4" then I find it won't compare that to the boolean variable, but I'm positive there must be a better way than putting one of these on every frame.
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Dec 17, 2009
So, performance wise, is it necessary to null references to classes, etc inside a function? Something like:
function myFunction():void{
var myVar:myClass = new myClass();
//do stuff with myVar...
//don't need myVar anymore
myVar = null; //is this necessary?
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Mar 19, 2011
clarification. let's say i have a function
function myFuction():void
var myArr:Array = new Array();
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May 26, 2010
How do I move / create a button that functions inside a movie clip?I have been creating a quasi-simple website following the tutorial provided by Using I have created a functional site in which the buttons work so long as they are part of the main timeline. However if I take this functional button and drop it into a movie clip I've created, it ceases to function. Drag it back out of the movie clip and it starts working again. I am sure it's an action script coding problem on my end.[code]
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Dec 8, 2011
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for (var i = 0; i < loc.length; i++)
var boxNo = loc[i].location_ID;;
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Mar 22, 2012
I'm trying to create multiple Functions inside a Loop.[code]I essentially want to make 4 Functions called closeButOut1, closeButOut2, closeButOut3 and closeButOut4.This is the error message I get:
-1084: Synax error: expecting identifier before this.
-1084: Syntax error: expecting leftparen before rightbracket.
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Aug 17, 2007
what I want to do is let a lister triggered function create a new timer, but somehow it doesn�t work.
class classesUI.GamePage extends MovieClip
private var timeKeeper:TimerExtended;//Special class
private var roundTimes:Number;
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