Flash - Add Functions To Playerglobal.swc Or Allow Compiler To Pass Own Functions
Oct 25, 2011
Im adding lot of simple functions to prototypes of top level objects ( Object , Array , String ...) and have 2 questions :
Is possible to add functions to top level's classes in compile-time ?
If not , is there a way to allow this functions to compile ? I dont like to turn off strict mode
string.sliceStr("." , "end");
this return compile-time error , cause there is no such function , i have to write it in braces :
string["sliceStr"]("." , "end");
and i like to aviod it )
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Jan 7, 2010
Lately I changed Flash CS3 for CS4. In older version classes written by me worked fine. However, in CS4 I have serious problem with them. Compiler states that part of my functions and vars are undefined, which is not true. I tried everything - changing name of class, functions, moving class file to different directory, removing package. I even counted { to check if they have pairs. I'm really out of options what can cause those errors.
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1120: Access of undefined property mnChangeMan.
1120: Access of undefined property ChangeManSliders.
1120: Access of undefined property ChangeManInput.
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Jun 27, 2011
Lately I changed Flash CS3 for CS4. In older version classes written by me worked fine.However, in CS4 I have serious problem with them. Compiler states that part of my functions and vars are undefined, which is not true. I tried everything - changing name of class, functions, moving class file to different directory, removing package. I even counted { to check if they have pairs. I'm really out of options what can cause those errors.Here are error given by compiler:
1120: Access of undefined property mnChangeMan.
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Jan 7, 2010
Lately I changed Flash CS3 for CS4. In older version classes written by me worked fine. However, in CS4 I have serious problem with them. Compiler states that part of my functions and vars are undefined, which is not true. I tried everything - changing name of class, functions, moving class file to different directory, removing package. I even counted { to check if they have pairs. I'm really out of options what can cause those errors.
Here are error given by compiler:
1120: Access of undefined property mnChangeMan.
1120: Access of undefined property ChangeManSliders.
1120: Access of undefined property ChangeManInput.
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Nov 28, 2010
You know, in C++, C# and other educated languages, we got the chance to enable/disable the availability of some code in a certain class via compiler arguments. Take #if and #endif for example. You give an argument to the compiler, for example PROJECT_TDD_MODE, when a certain bunch of function would exist in the final code, but without defining that, or defining it as FALSE, the code would not exist in the compiled result.
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item.onRelease = function() {
myButton.onRelease = function() {
getURL("http://google.com", "_blank");
talk = this.txt;
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_root.myButton.onPress = function(){
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package {
import flash.display.Sprite;
import flash.display.Stage;[code].....
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Jun 17, 2004
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item.onRelease = function() {
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Nov 5, 2011
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