ActionScript 3.0 :: [CS4] Compiler Doesn't See Functions And Vars From Class?

Jun 27, 2011

Lately I changed Flash CS3 for CS4. In older version classes written by me worked fine.However, in CS4 I have serious problem with them. Compiler states that part of my functions and vars are undefined, which is not true. I tried everything - changing name of class, functions, moving class file to different directory, removing package. I even counted { to check if they have pairs. I'm really out of options what can cause those errors.Here are error given by compiler:

1120: Access of undefined property mnChangeMan.
1120: Access of undefined property ChangeManSliders.


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IDE :: Compiler Doesn't See Functions And Vars From Class?

Jan 7, 2010

Lately I changed Flash CS3 for CS4. In older version classes written by me worked fine. However, in CS4 I have serious problem with them. Compiler states that part of my functions and vars are undefined, which is not true. I tried everything - changing name of class, functions, moving class file to different directory, removing package. I even counted { to check if they have pairs. I'm really out of options what can cause those errors.

Here are error given by compiler:

1120: Access of undefined property mnChangeMan.
1120: Access of undefined property ChangeManSliders.
1120: Access of undefined property ChangeManInput.


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ActionScript 3.0 :: [CS4] Compiler Doesn't See Functions And Vars From My Class

Jan 7, 2010

Lately I changed Flash CS3 for CS4. In older version classes written by me worked fine. However, in CS4 I have serious problem with them. Compiler states that part of my functions and vars are undefined, which is not true. I tried everything - changing name of class, functions, moving class file to different directory, removing package. I even counted { to check if they have pairs. I'm really out of options what can cause those errors.

Here are error given by compiler:


1120: Access of undefined property mnChangeMan.
1120: Access of undefined property ChangeManSliders.
1120: Access of undefined property ChangeManInput.


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Actionscript 3 :: Accessing Functions/Vars From Outside Of Class?

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Flash - Add Functions To Playerglobal.swc Or Allow Compiler To Pass Own Functions

Oct 25, 2011

Im adding lot of simple functions to prototypes of top level objects ( Object , Array , String ...) and have 2 questions :

Is possible to add functions to top level's classes in compile-time ?

If not , is there a way to allow this functions to compile ? I dont like to turn off strict mode


string.sliceStr("." , "end");

this return compile-time error , cause there is no such function , i have to write it in braces :

string["sliceStr"]("." , "end");

and i like to aviod it )

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Disable / Enable Functions Via Compiler Argument?

Nov 28, 2010

You know, in C++, C# and other educated languages, we got the chance to enable/disable the availability of some code in a certain class via compiler arguments. Take #if and #endif for example. You give an argument to the compiler, for example PROJECT_TDD_MODE, when a certain bunch of function would exist in the final code, but without defining that, or defining it as FALSE, the code would not exist in the compiled result.

Why don't we have something like this in AS3?

Later Edit: what I want to achieve is this:

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item.onRelease = function() {
myButton.onRelease = function() {
getURL("", "_blank");
talk = this.txt;
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ActionScript 2.0 :: Calling Functions From Vars?

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PHP Code:

function finale(){    finalFunc = "section" + _root.selectedSection    finalFunc();}_root.selectedSection = 1finale();function section1(){trace("moo")}function section2(){}

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import flash.display.MovieClip;


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protected function button1_clickHandler(event:MouseEvent):void
// TODO Auto-generated method stub

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i am builiding a photogallery where at each stage i load six thumbnails. Each "placeholder" is initially set to 20% xscale and yscale and when each thumb has fully loaded, i want to have the thumb tween from 20% to 80%. The jpg thumbs are loaded inside the placeholder.when the thumb has fully loaded, goodToGo = 110 and so i want to trigger the AS tween.[code]to get some idea of how it would look, check out URL...and click inside any of the collections.

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Jun 21, 2010

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May 11, 2010

I narrowed the causes of an AS3 compiler error 1119 down to code that looks similar to this:

var test_inst:Number = 2.953;

I get the error "1119: Access of possibly undefined property constructor through a reference with static type Number." Now if I omit the variable's type, I don't get that error:


So what's the deal? I like explicitly typing variables, so is there any way to solve this error other than not providing the variable's type?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Sharing Vars Between Document Class And An Imported Class?

Jan 27, 2009

I've been sorting through the XML docs and i've bumped my head into a bit of a question. So, to preface, I have been able to load the XML successfully, but I want to be able to use my own XML loader class to load the XML and then be able to reference it from the document class. Also, I'd like to be able to send a file path to the loader class when I call it.

The document class:

ActionScript Code:
package rg.sites{
// flash classes


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Passing Variables - When Send The Vars I Get Back That User Doesn't Exists ?

Nov 17, 2010

I try to make a simple login. I use the code

function sendVars_login(event:MouseEvent):void
var scriptRequest_login:URLRequest = new URLRequest("http://******.aspx");[code]...

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scriptVars_login.u_pass = "somePass"
scriptVars_login.u_email ="someEmail"

I get correct results. So the .aspx script works and the way i'm sending the variable works. when i trace

i get a url encoded string, so i tried to unescape the value

var unescapedString = unescape(String(scriptVars_login)); = unescapedString;

now when i trace( i get an unescaped value but it still doesn't work

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Compiler Errors When Using Dynamic Text In A Class

Oct 17, 2009

I have created a MovieClip with a custom class that has a dynamic text field (called "textArea"), which I want to modify by the Component Inspector, as well as via a custom method using: textArea.text = newText;
It works fine in all cases and there are no problems, but the compiler still wants to give me the error: 1120: Access of undefined property textArea.

The error doesn't appear when I remove the component parameters (so that it's just a normal MovieClip). It still works, even with the error, so I'm not sure why it wants to complain. Am I doing something wrong or is it just being bitchy?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Transformation Tool Class - Compiler Warning

Mar 5, 2009

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Warning: 3553: Function value used where type Boolean was expected. Possibly the parentheses () are missing after this function reference.
Line 1309: if (interactionMethod && _transformTool.currentControl == this) {

I just commented out the line and put:
if (_transformTool.currentControl == this) {
And the swf runs fine.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash VM Set Attribute To Built In Class But Compiler Prohibits

Nov 25, 2009

// ActionScript...
String.a = 3;
Compiler reports an error.

// ActionScript...
as = String;
as.a = 3;
// Output: 3

It can be seen from this that Flash VM can set attribute to built-in Class, but compiler prohibits that. Is this a bug or a characteristic in Flash VM?

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ActionScript 1/2 :: The Class Or Interface 'BitmapData' Could Not Be Loaded:  Compiler Error?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Access Child Vars/functions Without Adding Code To Child?

Mar 11, 2010

I've seen some discussion on how to load a child swf using swfLoader and accessing it's variables but I am wondering if it is possible to do this without adding any code to the child swf.Either accessing public vars or listening for funciton calls would work fine

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Aug 18, 2011

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Player Mc Not Registering Vars Or Functions

May 9, 2011

i think i might be missing some information here about how to manage classes and display objects. In the main .fla i have a mc called player; so I made a class and put a linkage on player mc considering it would work as the mcs class. Well, its not working, the mclip is not noticing any of the vars and functions i added in the class. Anyone figures whats going on? How to make it work?

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Flex :: Compiler 4.0 25% More Rapid Than Compiler?

Aug 5, 2011

Its stated in adobe site that the Flash Builder 4 compiler is indeed 25% more performing than the previous Flex Builder 3 compiler.

How can I confirm that?

For example if I make a simple application on Fx3 and the same on Fx4, then how would I compare the compiler performance using my project?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Access Some Vars From A Document Class?

Sep 30, 2009

if i want from a document class to access some variables in other classes (which are imported into that document class) does these variables need to be public to access them or they can be something else?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Not Repeating Around 100 Vars With Custom Class?

Feb 9, 2010

I need something like 100 movieClip with custom class...How can I avoid repeating them like that:[code]And I check the array in the class.... am I wrong or is there a better way to do it ?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Do All Vars In Super Class Need To Be Public

Apr 8, 2009

Do all variables and functions in super class, that I want to access from a sub class need to be set as public?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Pass Vars From XML To A Document Class?

Aug 2, 2009

I'm creating a flash project and would like to pilot the most variables (eg: colors, texts, sizes, ...) from a single XML file and then spread them in my document class.

public var yourName:String;
public var myXMLLoader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
public function intro():void {


Right now I got no errors but I got nothing when tracing the "yourName" var.

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Mar 22, 2012

I'm wondering if anyone has experience with if there is a big difference in performance in ActionScript 3 between keeping a class with only public static functions, and utilizing those functions often (as in a frame event at 30fps), and in turning the class into a "normal" class of which I instead make an instance and call the functions via the instance instead.

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Feb 19, 2010

I realize this is kind of an odd issue, but I am wondering if there's any way to get Flash to allow me to access a class's static functions using a class variable that points to the class. Example:I create a class called FooClass that has a static function named fooI then create a variable of type Class that points to it

var class:Class = Class(getDefinitionByName("FooClass"));
However, when I try to call foo() using the variable, it errors saying the function


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Access Vars Between Document Class And Other Classes?

Apr 19, 2009

For the example, there's a single FLA with a document class "" In the public class package, there is a public variable: "var example:String='example';." Inside of the FLA, there is one movie clip in the library and it is assigned a custom base class "" The movie clip is then placed on the first frame of the stage so its constructor is run at runtime and reads the value of example.

What is the proper way to get the value of "example" in the root document class? Using "root.example" in the class to target the document class returns an error and when I trace "root", I get "null." Main.example naturally throws an error because that's looking at the actual class and not the movie / stage its attached to.The round-about way I've done it before is to dynamically add the object in the library and pass in the root path when I create a new instance of it (example: submc:sub = new sub(this); ).Is there anyway to get back to the document class with a built-in method like root, etc?

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