ActionScript 2.0 :: Dynamically Create Xml Doc From An Array?
Aug 26, 2004
I have a delimited string variable that I split into an array.......
What I would like to do is create an xml playlist from that array....
an example xml doc I would like to have as an end result is this:
<name>Some Song.mp3</name>
variable "myFolder" and "savetofile" are defined earlier within another function, and this function is called back to the first function which establishes the myFolder variable.....oh yea, and fileList is the delimited string variable
the second set of code produces an xml doc, but only populates with <playlist />
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var textArray:Array = new Array('First TextField','TextField Two','Anything, really');
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Feb 15, 2012
I am working on an interactive quiz type game using arrays and multidimensional arrays.
I am trying to make a dynamic textfield say "the current question" + "Sorry, the correct answer is..." + "the second answer in the first string of answers in the array".
I think I am pretty close, but there is an error in the syntax.
Here is the line of code where I try to do this:
questionHolder.question.text=(String (cat4Questions[0]) + "Sorry, the correct answer is "+ String (cat4Answers[0,2]));
I am getting this error:
VerifyError: Error #1030: Stack depth is unbalanced. 1 != 0.
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Jan 6, 2008
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news_mc.newsNext_mc.onRelease = function() {
this._parent.news_txt.htmlText = "<.news_txt_h1>"+ 'news'+newsShowing+'Ar'.title "</.news_txt_h1>"+ newline + "<.news_txt>"+ news2Ar +"</.news_txt>";
The bold part I'm having trouble with. I need to dynamically name the array to the next array name. Like news1Ar to news2Ar.
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Apr 21, 2005
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Array 1 = [1,3,5,7,9,10];
Array 2 = [5,7,10];
Now, I wanted to create a new Array the is the same as the length of Array 1. The output should look like this:
New Array = [0,0,5,7,0,10];
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"" +
"" + personName + "" +
"" + personTitle + "" +
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Sort = function (numOfVars,Name,toSort){
This works
_global[Name] = New Array(New Array (),New Array());
This does not work
_global[Name][i][c]= 3
This does not work
_global[Name + "[i][c]"]= 3
This does not work
_global[[Name][i][c]]= 3
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var rowno:int=1
this['row'+rowno].push(value)<<< showing error [code].....
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Jun 6, 2011
or some reasons i need to create var dynamicaly.
I have first an Array wich i want to use to "compose" my vars names
myArray:Array = new Array("aa","bb","cc");
In my final project this Array is created from a xml.
I want to do something like this, but doesn't work...
var ["myvar" + myArray[0]]:Sound = new Sound();
var ["myvar" + myArray[1]]:Sound = new Sound();
var ["myvar" + myArray[2]]:Sound = new Sound();
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Sep 20, 2010
What I am trying to do is create an array of 12 out of an unknown number of thumbnails (there are 23 at the moment though this will change).So basically first 12 in array1, second 12 in array2 an so on until all thumbnails are in an array. So I need to create each array using a dynamic name, in this case 'pagearray' I.E pagearray1, pagearray2, pagearray3.
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